Chapter 8

Zenia's POV

The following morning, as I was about to leave for the boutique, I spotted my mother in the doorway talking with a guy.

Must be someone else in the building, I assumed.

I walked up to them.

"Morning, Ma." She turned to me and gave me a sad look. "What's wrong?"

"Good morning, Zenia," her melancholy voice spoke.

"What's wrong?" I asked, studying the man's face.

"Zenia, this is your father."

My brain did a 360-degree turn in my head and my blood came to a boil very quickly.

"My what?" I asked, still struck at what she just said to me.

It can't be.

"Hello, Zenia," he finally spoke up.

"Dude, don't you dare open your mouth and mention my fucking name again! Why are you even here?" I was not about to control my anger.

"Zenia," my mom had a pleading voice and look on her face.

"Mom! Why is he here?"

"He came to make up for lost times, Zenia. He's still your father."

"My father? I wish I had one! This deadbeat fool isn't my father! And I can't understand why he's here! He's dead to us!"

"Zenia, I'm so sorry for what I've done in the past. And, you're right. I am a fool. I'm a fool for leaving my family and not coming back. Please, I'm here to make it right now," he said and opened his arms for a hug.

Right. Like I was about to go into his arms and say, 'Welcome back Daddy. I'm so happy you're back. Lets go get some ice cream and you can buy me a toy.'

"You can't make up for lost times! If you hadn't realized, I'm grown, and so is Jasmine. We don't need you, so you can go back to the pit you crawled out from!"

"Zenia!" Mom scolded, but I wouldn't calm down and listen.

"Where were you when I made my first steps? Where were you when Mom had her hands filled with Jasmine and I? Where were you when Mom had sleepless nights, worrying how she was going to put food on the table the next day? Where were you when she needed lung transplants and we couldn't afford the money?

"Huh? Where the hell where you through all of that? Now you're back because you must've found out that Jasmine is getting married to a billionaire and I'm doing great as well! You think you could just wobble back and make up for lost times?! Dude, fuck you!"

I pushed him out of my way, tightened my backpack, and went to the elevator.

I took a cab to my boutique and texted Jasmine on the way there.

Me: Good morn, you'll never guess who showed up at the PH.

Big Sis: Donald Trump?

Me: Close. Our sperm donor

Big Sis: Yeah right....

Me: I'm dead serious. Mom said he was dad and he did look Mexican.

Big Sis: He's still there?

Me: I guess. I cursed him out and I left. Omw to my boutique now.

Big Sis: I'm about to head over there. He has to get a piece of my mind as well.

Me: I think he heard you're getting married.

Big Sis: I'll definitely tell him where I want to shove my bouquet.

Me: Laughing Emoji

Jasmine's POV

I looked over the messages I just received from my little sister.

Our father showed up? At the penthouse?

I took a shower, fed Jevan and left him in care of the maid. Evan had already left for the office or else I would have had him take me there instead of me having to call Fisher.

Fisher dropped me off half an hour later. I looked at my wrist watch, it was exactly 10:30 a.m. I took an elevator up and used the security hand scan to get into the penthouse.

Mom was sitting on the couch with a man opposite from her. She looked at me pleadingly when I walked up to them.

"Jasmine, this is your f--"

"I already know who he is!" I cut her off and semi shouted. I turned to the man who was supposed to be my father.

"You've grown up so beautifully," he started.

"Only my mother gets the credit for that! Now, why are you here?"

"He's here to apologize," Mom butted in.

"I'm not speaking to you, Mom. He can speak. He was so brave to walk out on us, but now he can't answer a simple question? WHY ARE YOU HERE?" I finished with a shout.

Tears welled up in his eyes and he stood up slowly, like he was aching with pain all over his body.

"Jasmine, I'm so sorry. I'm really and truly sorry. Your sister already cursed me out, and I deserve it, I do. Words can't express how sorry I am for walking away. Please, give me another chance."

"Another chance to do what? Zenia and I are not kids! You can't waltz back after twenty plus years like nothing happened and expect us to welcome you with an open arms. We don't want you here! I don't want you here! We made it without you, and we're continuing to do just that! So get your ass out of my fiance's penthouse before I have security all over your gold digger ass!"

He looked over at Mom. "Susan."

"Oh, I dare you to say something Mom!" I shouted and looked over at her too.

She was just sitting there quietly and had a look of pity in her eyes.

"Fine. I tried," he said underneath his breath and walked towards the door. "I know I messed up, but at least I've tried to apologize and make it right. What about forgiveness?"

He went out the door and I stayed behind with Mom.

"Why was that asshole here?"

"Jasmine, he's still your father. No matter how much you and Zenia have already disowned him, at the end of the day, he's still your father. And, quite frankly, I think the response you and Zenia gave him was very rude and harsh."

"Rude and harsh? Are you kidding me right now Mommy? Are you siding with the fool who walked out on us and left us with absolutely nothing?"

"But what about forgiveness, Jasmine? How would you feel if you messed up and Evan wouldn't forgive you?"

"Don't you dare! Don't you sit there and try that scenario bullshit with my fiance and me. Nothing we did in the past could amount to the heartless act that man did to his own family. I hate him and I don't want him back here! Do I make myself clear?"

Without even waiting to hear a response from her, I walked out the door and headed back to Fisher.

The nerve of that man! Showing up after twenty plus years!

The anger never flattened until I walked through the door and saw my son take ten steps towards me. He fell over on his butt and threw me a smile.

"Aww, you walked for Mommy?" I said in a baby voice and picked him up. "Lets go see daddy."

I really needed to tell Evan about my father suddenly showing up. It just wasn't sitting right with me at all.

Already having access to the building, I walked to Evan's office, pushing Jevan in his stroller, only to get stopped by the secretary he had hired in my place while I was his personal assistant.

"Good morning, Miss Blackman, and this must be little Evan Hollen," she greeted and peered down at my son.

"Good morning. This is Jevan," I responded with a smile.

Jevan smiled at her, too.

"Is he in?" I asked. I hadn't called him and told him I was coming by. I only sent a text, but he didn't respond.

"Yes, he's in, but he's currently with... someone right now." She wasn't looking at me, and by her change of tone, I felt uncomfortable.

Without another question, I headed for his office, walking pass a male assistant in the desk I had occupied.

"Ma'am, ma'am! You can't go in there. Mr. Hollen is currently with someone," he said as he placed a firm hand on my shoulder and held onto the stroller.

"Get your hand off me! I'm his fiancee and this is his son, so we can go into his office whenever we like!" I flashed my engagement ring in his face and pointed to Jevan. I slapped his hand away from the hold on his stroller.

He stepped back, releasing us. "I'm sorry, ma'am."

I pushed open the door and saw Evan behind his desk in his chair, and a blonde hair woman sitting opposite from him. My blood came another boil, but when she turned towards me and Jevan, I calmed myself.

I thought your ass was Jessica Hills!

"Sweetie," Evan greeted me and stood up. He walked over to Jevan, removed him from the stroller and kissed his forehead. "Hey, little man."

"Da da," Jevan said back and buried his face in Evan's neck.

The blonde woman smiled at us. "I'm Harriette Wells, partner in the industry. You must be Mrs. Hollen," she introduced and extended her hand; I shook it.

"Nice to meet you."

"Likewise. Mr. Hollen, I'll excuse myself. We can pick up tomorrow."


"Hi baby," she said and smiled at Jevan.

He remained silent.

She walked towards the door and Jevan began waving to her.

"Bye, bye," she said back and waved too.

"Baby, what's up?" he asked me.

"Sorry I didn't call, but I left you a message."

"You know you're welcome here anytime, right? I don't care if I'm in a meeting or anything." He pulled me into his chest.

"You really have some nice employees. Your assistant out there put his hands on me."


"He grabbed me by the shoulder to stop me from coming in. I don't blame him, I didn't tell him who I was."

Evan walked out the door. "You're fired," I heard him tell his assistant.

He came back into his office and pulled a chair behind his desk closer to his. He sat down with Jevan in his lap and I sat next to them.

"You look worried."

"Evan, My father showed up at the penthouse."

Evan's eyes went slightly dark and his eyebrows creased together. I had told him about my father bailing on us when Zenia and I were kids.

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