Cursed or something else?
I woke up in my bed and my head is all cloudy with confusion and throbbing. I don't remember anything and how I am in my bed and what time it is.
" Aiza! Sweetheart! Are you alright?" My Mumma's voice came from the doorway. I slowly pushed my body to sit and successfully sat balancing my back on the headboard of my bed.
" Yes, Mumma." I croaked out, my throat feels like I haven't drank water in a long time.
" Mumma, can you get me a glass of water? Please!" Mumma nodded before leaving the room. Slowly bits and pieces before I passed out started coming. I grimaced when my head slowly recognized the last thing I heard before passing out.
Why is my heart aching? Does the man from my visions mean something to me? Is he my mate? But it's impossible as Witches and Warlocks don't have destined mates.
" Here you go! Sweetheart." My thoughts got broken when Mumma entered my room and handed me the glass of water. I took the glass from her hands thanking her and gulped down the entire glass like a starved camel who lives in a desert.
" Are you alright? Sweetie!" Mumma asked, sitting beside me on the bed. She didn't know that I was having visions. It is very rare to have visions of our kind and I don't even know if I can share them with anyone and not get judged or weirded out.
" Yes, Mumma! I am fine. Maybe I was so excited about the class and meeting the kids took a toll on me." I didn't meet her eyes because what I am saying is a lie and I can't see in her eyes and lie to her.
" Take some rest Aiza and I will call you when the dinner is ready." She caressed my head and left the room.
I can't take any more rest now as I am restless for a reason and I don't know why. I am trapped in my thoughts and they are all clashing with each other. I have every power in me but I don't have the power to shut down my thoughts.
My body started heating up and I started panting like a dog in heat and in no time I was rubbing my body and clutching my stomach like someone is stabbing it with knives.
" Mumma!"
I started screaming for anyone who can pull me out of this agony. I don't know what is happening to me and why my body is burning like it is on fire and my stomach feels like it is being stabbed constantly. I am scratching my body and trying to stop the burning.
My door burst open and my two brothers Eliot and Elijah rushed in with worry written all over their faces with them Mumma and papa rushed in.
They both were beside me trying to hold me but whenever their hands touched my body the burning intensified. I swatted their hands away and curled my body into a fetal position and prayed for whoever to stop this torture.
Tears streaming down my face and I am withering on my bed pleading with them to stop this hell.
" Please, stop this! Please, I can't do this anymore." Black dots appeared in my vision and I'm in between passing out and consciousness. I just want this to end even if it means dying. I have never experienced this before and I don't even know what is happening with my body.
My eyes are shut and I don't even know what is happening around me. I can hear voices around me but I can't point out which belongs to whom. Arms circled me and I tried to push them away but the person who was holding me didn't budge but rather started saying soothing things in my ear making my body relax somewhat.
I don't know when I slipped into unconsciousness but I opened my eyes again for the second time this day. My body feels like it's been wrecked by a tornado.
" Aiza? Are you alright?" papa asked me, sitting beside me and stroking my hair. My brothers are sitting at the foot of the bed and Mumma is sitting on my right side. They have concern written all over their face and I feel guilty for making them worried.
" I am feeling better now papa." I gave him a weak smile that I could muster.
" What was happening to you Aiza? We couldn't figure it out." Elijah asked, his brows dipped in confusion. I don't have an answer to it as I didn't know too.
" I don't know Jay! It was from nowhere and after that, I couldn't even find words to utter because of the burning." I choked out feeling so emotional and worn out. It's a short name for Elijah and I call Eliot Eli.
" It's okay baby, don't think much about it and just take some rest. I will go and get you some soup." Mumma left the room kissing my head.
" Is it you papa? Who held me in arms?" I asked him turning towards him.
" Yes, it was so hard to see you suffering from something we don't know and I cast a spell to soothe you and knock you into unconsciousness." It was papa who used his spell otherwise I would have still been in pain. My body jerked inwardly thinking about the pain and the burning.
Eliot was so silent just observing everything, he was always like that. Elijah and Eliot were twins and Elijah is so outgoing and extroverted whereas Eliot is silent and more mature. They have a difference of 3 minutes between them when they were born.
Elijah and Papa both excused themselves and left the room but Eliot stepped back. He knows about my visions because he caught me when I was having one more like when I was with him and in between our talking I stilled and the vision took over. I had to tell him about the secret I was hiding from everyone. Only my grandma knew about it but she passed away some years ago.
" Is it related to your visions?" He came towards me and sat down beside me.
" I seriously don't know Eli, the first time I passed out today it was related to my vision but in the incident before this, I don't know what was happening to me. It was like I was burning in fire and someone is stabbing in my stomach." I placed my head on his shoulder and his scent and warmth surrounded me making me feel safe.
" We should tell Ma and Papa about it Aiza, we can't hide it anymore." I can't do that, it was the first thought which came to my mind. I can't tell Mumma and Papa and pull them into any danger. I have to figure it out on my own first.
" We can't do that Eliot." I gritted out.
" Why can't we? Aiza! They have the right to know about what's going on in their daughter's life and seeing the incident today we must tell everything to them so they can find out what is happening with you." Eliot barked out, anger seeping through him and I know what he is saying is right but what if they pulled into unnecessary danger because of me! I can't do that to them.
" I know Eliot, what you are saying is right but I am not a child anymore and it's my responsibility to find it out and I don't want you guys to be in any kind of danger," I told him stubbornly.
" You are being ignorant and stubborn Aiza. We can protect you and we must protect you from the harm's way." He is stubborn like me and I know if I don't answer him with something which he wants to listen then he will not listen to me and will tell everything to our parents.
" I need sometimes Eli to think about it and I hope you respect my decision." I can't see him in the eye because I will try to protect my secret at any cost and I will never want to drag my family through something I don't know.
" Okay, Aiza, and I hope you come clean in front of our parents because I know they will try to help you as much as they can." I know this too and I know the fact too that they will go to any extent to try to help me if it means it costs their lives. I can't live with the fact that I put my family in danger.
He stood up from the bed and kissed my forehead and left the room. I was left alone with my thoughts and confusion about the event which happened today. I hope I find the answer for everything.