I Am Not Alone
The days were going slow.. I have been wanting to go back to Bavaria and spend time with my son, but the work in California was becoming more demanding by the minute, the work more demanding, and there was something else. There were things happening in my realm I could not explain and that put both me and the Beast on edge. My patience was growing thin and I was not a man to be played with. A lot was going wrong and after all this time, a lot going wrong was not something I could tolerate or afford. The meeting of the Council was in two weeks and there was a lot to prepare for… Things have been changing faster than we thought. The unexplained attacks in our European strongholds were increasing and we could not find its source… I have reached out to the vampire covens to find the source of this or to benefit from their seers, but so far, we got very little back as a result, which in itself was unheard of. Short of my brother’s Oracle and the crones I employed for centuries, Vampire magic and their seers were known to be the best and ones with strongest abilities. The fact that they could not see or foretell was unchartered territory. I wanted this resolved and I meant NOW!
In fact, Celia assured me that it will be done, yet it was not.. This was highly irregular; her fighters were from oldest vampire families and strongest, same again with her seers... Yet, disturbingly enough few of them turned up dead, including the old vampire seer Sania. Sania was centuries old and her prophecies were always true. And now she was dead. What did she see, and what warranted her death, I did not know..
What worried me more in fact was death of the vampire warriors. Last team she sent to Italy did not come back yet… We have heard from her team in Siberia, but they found nothing... The search continues. There is something very strange and unsettling about all this.. My mind was going all over the place trying to find the source of this upheaval, to identify it somehow. Only my mother could summon a power such as this to go against me... But, we have had a truce for a very long time now.. There is no power stronger than her in this world, I thought to myself, my chest heavy with worry. I knew my mother was somehow connected to this, I felt it in every being of me, however, I knew she was not the one attacking us - which made all this even more precarious… I needed to see Gabriel and I needed to go home. The mountains were calling to me..
And now, this human was late .. I would not have wanted a human assistant at all .. In the past it never worked out.. They have become weak, too self-absorbed, and too unreliable. Long gone are kings of old.. The human race has always failed us, always tainted this world.. And over the centuries, it has simply gotten worse. Their greed, their wars, their guns, their hate, their ignorance.. Why did they even exist? I longed for days of old… They were like vermin... Taking everything and giving nothing... Ravaging the nature, each other, and endangering everyone else in the process, their selfishness and ego on display every turn you looked! They would not exist if it was up to me, but mother always had a soft spot for them… And now, we are here..
I needed a competent assistant, somebody who knew what they were doing. Seer however insisted that this time, it has to be a human, in fact this particular human.. So here I am, me, Kal, First Dragon KIng, waiting for a puny human to grace me with her presence...
My patience was wearing thin..
I sense Valor before I see him..
“Mr. Locke”, he said emotionlessly, in cold voice I have grown accustomed to over centuries. “Your 11:00 interview is here”
“Thank you, Valor”, I said. ”Leave”
“Yes Mr. Locke”..
The sound of his footsteps was reseeding as I stood there watching the skyline of the city on the water.. I remember when there was nothing here .. Nothing but cliffs and peace. My sister has ruled the seas since dawn of time, and now because of them, her kind was dying.. They have taken it, made it into their beehive, populated it, polluted it, dirtied it, ruined it.. My anger bubbles inside and feel the flames bursting on my palms… Easy Kal, easy, we cannot shift and level the building to the ground I tell myself. and I remember I am not alone.. I slowly turn to see this person…