Chapter 8: Only Fools Rush In

Jevan's POV

The next morning, before I left for school, I joined my family for breakfast.

Jada was being her usual talkative self while everyone else listened while stuffing their faces.

"Good morning," I greeted and sat down next to my father.

"Good morning," everyone responded.

"And it came out of nowhere. I was so scared at first, but then I wasn't anymore when I saw that it was the cutest bunny ever. His eyes were red but his fur was white," Jada went on.

"Hey, mom, dad, is it okay if I invite someone over this weekend?" I asked my parents as an idea sparked in my head.

"Who?" Jada asked me.

"None of your business," I responded, "I was speaking to mom and dad."

"You're so mean!"

"And you're always prying into someone's business!"

"Okay! That's enough. Jada, Jevan, mind your table manners," my father cut in and put a stop to it.

"Sorry," Jada and I apologised together.

"You can have someone over, but please make sure that he or she gets permission from their parents as well, okay?" mom said.

"Okay. Sure thing. Thanks mom," I replied and rose then kissed her cheek, hugged my dad, ruffled my brother's hair and playfully tugged Jada's ponytail before leaving the breakfast table and getting into my car.

I drove myself to school like I usually do. My father would always be on my case about having my own personal driver but I didn't need one when I could drive myself and have my own space when doing so.

I pulled into the parking lot, got out and noticed Brooke was standing right outside the door.

"Good morning," she started.

I sighed heavily. Not the face I wanted to see. "Good morning, Brooke."

"Jevan, look, I'm sorry. I'm sorry for being extremely disrespectful to you about your mom. And, I'm sorry about my rude behaviour overall.

The truth is, I miss you. I miss us. I miss what we had, especially when we made sweet love," she said and advanced herself on me.

"Brooke, stop. That's enough."

"Why are you shutting me out? We've been through this before and you'd always forgive me and we'll make up. Why are you different now?"

"See, that's your problem, Brooke. You keep doing the same shit over and over because you think I'm obligated to forgive you every time and pretend like I haven't had enough of you and your drama." I threw my bag onto my shoulder and locked my car and started walking towards the entrance to the school. Brooke on my tail.

"Does it have anything to do with that.. that.. that African girl!?"

My blood boiled. I stopped dead in my path and turned back towards her.

"Let me make myself very clear to you. Leave her out of it!"

"But I wouldn't! She's the cause of all of this! You hate me because of her!" she screamed and she looked like she was going to have a meltdown. I shook my head in pity for her but continued towards the school.

I greeted my friends when I met them in the halls and cast my eyes out for her. I eventually spotted her with her friends at their lockers.

"I'll be right back, guys," I told my friends and made my way through the hall to Blossom.

There would always be a sparkle when her eyes fell on me.

"Hi. Good morning."

"Good morning. So there's something I have ask you." I took her a few feet away from her friends. "I'll like to invite you over to my house. Would that be okay."


"For our project together."

"Oh. Okay. I'll have to ask my mom though and I'm not sure what she'll say. She doesn't want me interacting with boys."

"Well, don't let her know that."

"Are you telling me to lie to my mother?"

"No. I'm telling you to not disclose every single detail about me to her."

She smiled sweetly. Her perfect white teeth showing between her beautiful lips that I was itching to kiss.

"Okay," she said.

"See you at lunch?"

"Sure." The bell rang and we went our separate ways for our classes.

Blossom's POV

My head was spinning more and more as the weekend approached. All I kept thinking about, was being invited by the most popular boy in school to his house.

Saturday's morning sun shone through the windows to my small bedroom. I sprung up from the sheets, made the bed and tidied up everything that seem out of order. Then, I went downstairs and found my mother reading a newspaper in the kitchen.

"Good morning ma," I said.

"Good morning. How are you?"

"I'm fine. Ma, there's something I have to ask you. Is it okay to go to a friend's house to study for a project we're doing?"

Jason was with me now. I held onto him and hoped she wouldn't ask too much questions. I wasn't a very good liar, especially to my mom.

"What friend?" she asked.

"Just a friend at school."

"Does that friend have a name? If something is to happen to you, I would like to know who you were with and where you're going exactly."

I wanted to use Nina's or Sophia's name instead of Jevan's but I decided to tell my mother the truth.

"His name is Jevan."

"His!?" She closed the newspaper and her eyes darted on me like a soaring missile on its target. "What have I told you about boys?"

"That I should stay away from them, but mom, he's my friend, and he's the most popular boy in school."

"I don't care about his popularity! You're not allowed to hang around any boys! Period! And that's that!"

Her 'out-dated' cellphone rang. She picked it up. "Of course. It's not an issue. I can be there in two hours," I caught on.

"Now listen. That was my boss. He needs me to come in today but you're to stay here. You're not going to some boy's house."

"Okay ma," I answered with a tiny attitude. She disappeared upstairs and I pouted my mouth and folded my arms.

In an hour, she was ready and out the door. I looked up at the clock. 10:00 a.m.

I had breakfast and went to the shower, got dressed and waited on the steps outside for Jevan to pull up.

"Right on time," I said when I noticed he had arrive. He got out and opened the door for me and Jason and I got in.


"Hi." He had the cutest smile ever.

I looked out the window as he drove onwards. The dull area where I lived disappeared altogether as the prestigious ones came into view.

Futher and futher we went until we stopped at a very tall golden gate. Two security guards pulled both sides apart and Jevan drove through it.

"No way," I said to myself when he drove up to the mansion. "Who lives here?" I asked in awe.

"Me, my mom and dad and two other siblings of mine."

He opened the door for me again, took my hand and we walked up to the double doors at the entrance.

He pushed them open and nervousness wrecked my body. I've never seen anything so marvellous before nor been in it.

A golden lit chandelier hung high in the very middle of the ceiling. Luxury furnitures were all around me and I was certain they were worth more than my life.

Two staircases, on the opposite sides of each other, looked like they led to Jesus.

I looked up, down and all around me, all the while, Jevan never let go of my hand.

"Welcome to my home," he said.

"Your home is beautiful."

"I think it just got more beautiful, now that you're here."

"Mom!" he called.

Within a few seconds, a beautiful mom emerged from one of the rooms. She had a darling smile on her face.

"Good morning," I quickly greeted her, remembering my manners.

"Good morning. You must be the friend Jevan was talking about. I'm his mom."

"It's a pleasure to meet you Mrs. Hollen. I'm Blossom." I held my hand out to her but she pulled me in for a hug instead. I had to admit I was surprised but it made me feel more welcome than ever.

She then left Jevan and me to ourselves and he led me through the house and gave me a tour of everything.

My legs ached by the time we were through and he claimed he still haven't showed me everything.

"There's a cocktail at the indoor pool. Why don't you change and come join me. My sister can help with that," he told me and we made one more stop to a bedroom.

He knocked. The door opened and a girl, who resembles his qualities, stood tall with a tiara on her head.

I bowed.

She laughed loudly and so did Jevan.

"No. Don't do that. I'm not a real princess," she said when she catch her breath.

"Oh. I'm sorry.. I've heard that royalty is in your family and when I saw your tiara... I... I..," I stuttered.

"That would be my aunt and my cousins but they're in another country. Jada here just likes to pretend she's a princess," Jevan explained.

She poked out her tongue at him.

"We're going to the pool so can you..."

"Say no more." She didn't wait for him to finish. She pulled me into her bedroom and closed the door in Jevan's face.

How can she just shut the door in his handsome face like that?

"I'm Blossom," I started.

"I know. He wouldn't shut up about you."

"Really?" I smiled to myself.

"Yep. He likes you, you know. But I must admit that you've made an impact on him. He never talks about anyone like that. Not even Brooke."

I shook a bit at the mere mention of Brooke's name. If she sees me here, I'm good as dead.

"They were serious?" I asked.

"Jevan was. Brooke was nothing but a joke. Bossy, possessive. She acted as if my brother was something to toy with."

"I've head nothing but awful things about her."

"Well she is an awful person. I'm just glad my brother is over her. He wasn't happy with her at all. But seeing him smile now, it's nice. Thanks for that."


"Good. Enough about that. Here's a bikini. Put it on and join your guy at the pool."

"Oh. We haven't made it official as yet."

"Girl, I know. But I also know that you two will. You like him too, ain't it?"

I nodded yes.

"He's a great guy and I'm not saying that because he's my brother. Once you get to know Jevan Hollen, you wouldn't want to stop getting to know about him."

She handed me a bikini afterwards.

She handed me a bikini afterwards


"You're welcome." She showed me to her chaning room. I got into the bikini and followed her to the pool where Jevan and another boy were.

Jevan's eyes expanded when he saw me.

"Oh damn," the other guy said.

"Jase! Mom wants you!" Jada shouted at him.

"No, she doesn't!" he said back.

She folded her arms and Jase git off the chair when she mouthed something to him.

They disappeared and I was left with Jevan now at the pool. I got into the water and joined him.

"Can I saw how hot you look right now."

"I feel so naked. I've never wore something like this to reveal to someone before."

"So... You've never worn a bikini?"

"No. Not like this."

"Well, you're rocking the hell out of it right now." He came over to me. His wet hair falling to his forehead. He brushed it back with his fingers.

I wrapped my arms around his neck.

Blossom! When did you get this brave?

Our bodies drew closer to each other. His head lowered to mine as I looked up at him. What felt like hours, was actually happening in seconds.

My eyes closed in and I waited for him to kiss me but his lips never arrived.

I opened my eyes and he was away from me now.

I felt my heart tugged against my chest.

"What.." I started.

"I can't kiss you. You're not my girl," he said.

"Then.. I don't understand.. Why would you invite me here then?"


"I shouldn't have come here. Your sister did say that you were serious about Brooke."

"Wait. What?"

"Can I leave?"


"I want to go home."

"Blossom, hold on. I think you misunder..."

"I want to go home!" I shouted.

"Okay. I'll take you home." He got out of the pool and grabbed a towel. I did the same.

After changing back into my clothes, he took me home. The drive was silent and awkward.

I blamed myself for falling in love with him already when he only liked me as a friend.

When I pushed the door in and walked into the living room to my house, my mother was standing there. Arms folded and right foot tapping on the floor.

I knew what that meant. I was in trouble.

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