Chapter 4 - Work and play

Hopes pov

“What the fuck!!!” My hands flew up to my neck and shoulder, feeling around for a flesh wound or blood flowing down my body, but there was none. I stumbled out of my bed, almost fall flat on my face before steadying my self. My head is spinning and I am standing in the middle of my room, confused. I am turning around, searching my environment for the gigantic wolf. “The river, where is the river?” I’m breathing rapidly, still clutching my neck in fear of bleeding out right here in my bedroom. My eyes are flickering around. I see my dresser by the wall, my desk in front of the window, the clothes I wore yesterday, tossed on the floor. There are no sounds of crickets or flowing water, no sand under my feet and no blood on my neck. My breathing starts to calm down and I concentrate on trying to take deep breaths.

“Inhale, exhale, inhale, exhale,” I repeat to myself as I draw the air in my nose and let it out through my mouth.

“You know this one, it’s not real, just a dream, so get it together and snap out of it.” I whisper out in the room. I slowly walk to my window, in need of a change of scenery. I pull my curtains aside. It’s still dark outside. The night is clear, and the moon is full.

“ So its you messing with my dreams huh?” I say to the moon, remembering something I read about people and animals getting affected by the full moon.

“Well, I would appreciate some quality sleep so if you can annoy someone ells it would be great.” I drop the curtains and drag my feet to the kitchen. The clock on my kitchen wall says 02,53. So if I’m lucky, I will get about 4 more hours before I need to get up for work. I sigh and pour myself a glass of water. I gulped it down realizing how thirsty I am. After 2 more glasses I return to my bed, changing the sheets damped from my sweat before diving down on my three big pillows and pulling the quilt up to my cheeks. Rivers, wolves and crickets long since forgotten.

As luck would have it, my apartment is not too far from my job at one of the city’s seven daycare centers. While I curse to myself for oversleeping, I half-jog two blocks before I reach the park. Usually I stop and enjoy the beautiful surroundings, but not today. I take a shortcut over a lawn, jump over a hedge, two fences and run on a couple of picnic tables to save a few seconds, jump of, land on my feet and with a small smile on my face I silently thank my mom for introducing me to parkour training as a kid. Even Jesse might be impressed by my moves this morning.

After a few more blocks, I reach the northern side of the city. The apartment buildings are being replaced by single-family houses of various sizes. Forest groves and small playgrounds adorn the area. I arrive at the school building that houses the daycare center. I’m surprised I feel so strong despite the night’s lack of quality sleep.

Maya is waiting on the stairs by the entrance with my reflective vest in her hand and chuckles when I reach her.

“Cutting it close I see” she says and wiggles her eyebrows.

“Still got a few minutes to spare” I answer while taking my vest from her and trying to catch my breath.

The first car drives up, a stressed dad kissing his two children goodbye before releasing them into our care and head back to his car.

“You have a good day now, Mr Evans!” Maya calls, and put a seductive smile on her pouting lips. Mr Evans turns half around to give a small wave, trips and almost fall before stumble the remaining feet to his car. I see a new shade of pink on his face as he jumps in and drive away.

“A genuine piece of candy that one, makes my mouth water.” She says while excessively licking her lips. I laugh and roll my eyes at her. “What?” she asked, putting an innocent look on her face.

“You are just mean! Poor guy.” I answer, still laughing.

Maya is the kind of girl guys do a 180 for. A real head turner. Blond long hair, big blue eyes, slim body and breast that seem to be immune to gravity. She is beautiful, and she knows it. She winks and gives me a devilish grin.

“On to the next, my dear, on to the next,” she says in a low voice and giggles before turning to meet yet another stressed parent.

Working with Maya is never boring. Yes, she is this hot model goddess walking among the rest of us, but it never goes to her head. She is very down to earth, calm and kind, when she is not goofing around at the entrance in the mornings giving the dads blueballs, that is.

The day went by fast. It’s Wednesday so the theme on the schedule today was nature. We went out into the woods with our group. It was fifteen children in the age of four to six and me and Maya. We looked at insects, worms, beetles, leaves and everything the kids found intresting. If we found imprints from hooves or paws, we gather in a circle and the children would guess which animal it came from. At lunchtime, we stopped at a campfire site surrounded by big logs.

After we lit a fire, filled the children’s belly with hotdogs, fruit and cookies for dessert, there was free play under supervision for a while before it’s time to return to the center.

At 3 pm, the afternoon shift takes over and me and Maya heads out the entrance.

“Do you have training today?” Maya asked.

“Yeah, wanna join?” I say, already knowing her answer.

“Hmm, Wednesday, that means self defend class right?” she says

“Thats correct” I nod.

“Nope, Ill pass. I got all the defence I need right here” Maya pats her purse and refers to her pepper spray that she carries with her were ever she goes.

“But I can give you a lift, its on the way anyway,” she says with a smile, walking to the parking lot and her bright yellow Beetle.

The class is led by Mr and Mrs Morton. They are a couple in their 40s with a solid background in both the military as well as in private security, boxing and martial arts.

Every class starts with the Mortons showing us the moves we are going to learn today. After that, we pair up and start stretching. My partner for today is Kyle.

Kyle is my age, and we have known each other for a few years. We used to date, but when things developed, I ended it. Partly because I did not feel ready for the real deal, and partly because Kyle was not the type I wanted to have a relationship with.

We parted as friends, kind of. We don’t hang out but we can dance or have a drink or coffee if we run in to eachother at a club or at the mall. He is a good-looking guy. About 5,9, the body of a swimmer, a cute smile and messy blond hair. He turns a few heads and I know he has moved on atleast five times since we were dating.

“Ready kitten?” Kyle asks and giving me a smile.

“You know I hate that nickname,” I answer sounded grumpier than I actually was.

Kyle laughs out loud, seeing getting me annoyed as a win.

“Ready when you are” I say and shake the bad mood away.

We took turns between attack and defense while the Mortons circulated to correct or give advice. In the last exercise, Kyle will lock my arms from behind and I will free myself by stomping on his foot and twisting my body out of his grip.

It took a few turns before I got it right, but on the last attempt I stomped, twisted, turned around and swept my leg, so Kyle lost his balance and fell.

Completely exhausted, I sat down on the mat next to him. He had his forearm over his eyes and his chest was raised and lowered to oxygenate his muscles after the workout. I let my eyes wander over him. From his tousled hair, his straight nose, pink lips to the stubble on his chin. I can see the contours of his muscles under his t-shirt and a part of me wants to stretch out my hand and let my fingers follow the lines. I let my eyes wander back and I see his adam’s apple bobbing as he swallows hard.

“Like what you see?” Kyle asked with a silly grin on his face. I feel my cheeks get warm and thank my lucky star for the tough workout that has already left my face red from exertion.

“In your dreams! I’m just making sure you keep breathing and don’t die on me. You had me worried for a while,” I answer him and smack his stomach before getting up on my feet.

“Ouch, easy!” he whines before he follows me up.

We thank the Mortons and walk out together. When we get outside, Kyle turns to me. “Thank you for today, I had fun,” he says locking his eyes with mine. He is standing a bit to close and its making me tense. I can feel the warmth from his body, I can smell his breath and what is that? Is that his heartbeat? Or is it mine? I feel a knot in my lower belly, my hands are sweating and my mouth feels dry. I watch as his tongue comes out licking his lips and I feel my lower walls twitching at the sight. What the fuck??? First Jesse and now Kyle? I need to get out of here!

“Well, you know me, I aim to please, take care, see ya!” I answer him in a shaky voice before turning around and walking away. I can hear him chuckle behind me as I leave. What was wrong with me? It was Kyle, for crying out loud. I don’t have the hots for him, I don’t even like or think of him that way and I haven’t in a long time. I hurried my steps, needed to get home as fast as possible. I need a freezing shower to get my head straight again.

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