Chapter 2: The Test

Zenobia's POV

I couldn't believe it. Why would he even consider to apply for this job position?

I handed the resumes to my father and we went into the office where we awaited the arrival. Kenneth joined us after an hour when the first arrived.

"Dad, there are two candidates. Sure you're not going to have them battle for the position. How are you going to determine who gets it and who doesn't?"

"A simple test," he answered. "Kenneth, take a book off the shelf and put it right at the threshold."

Kenneth did exactly that. Riley arrived almost five minutes earlier than expected. He was called in immediately and Kenneth questioned him.

When it was over, Riley skipped over the book on his way out the door.


Then Kyle arrived.

"Kyle. E. Livingston," Kenneth called.

"Present," Kyle answered. He was still outside the door and my heart was racing.


I watch as a man walked to the threshold. My eyes expanded and silly butterflies formed in my stomach. I wasn't expecting him to transform into such a dream.

His honey complexion was perfect and his light brown eyes appeared as if they were stars.

"Have a seat."

"Thanks. One moment." We watched as he picked the book up, read the title and placed it neatly on the book shelf before coming over to sit.

"On the second note, I think he should remain standing," I suggested.

"I do too," Kenneth agreed.

Kyle looked at me and I had the satisfaction of smiling at him.

Kyle's POV

I anticipated seeing Zenobia Hollen again and when I saw her sitting with her father, I wanted to be with her.

She was extremely beautiful. Her grey eyes were two worlds to get lost in and her curly jet black hair was always neatly kept and never hid her facial features.

"Have a seat," the head of security commanded. He was a tall dark guy with a bald head and a powerful built-up body. The sharp, black suit looked like it was clinging to his body for dear life.

"On the second note, I think he should remain standing," Zenobia spoke. Her voice carried hate but it's been years still I heard it and I wanted to hear her some more.

I turned in her direction and she smiled at me. A smile that read, 'You're about to regret coming here.'

"I do too," the tough guy agreed.

"Kyle. E. Livingston. As the bodyguard to Miss. Zenobia Hollen, if chosen to do so, you will be required to drive Miss. Hollen to and from her job, accompany her to her shopping and sprees, business trips and family vacations. Are they any obstacle that forbids you from doing such?"

"No, sir," I answered.

"Would you take a bullet for Miss. Hollen?"

"Yes, sir," I answered.

"Do you understand that such a job requires you to revolve around Miss. Hollen? Meaning, you'll have to be available when she calls, when she enters and exits a location and at her house?"

" Yes, sir."

She has her own house?

"Be here at seven sharp tomorrow morning. You may leave."


I exhaled a breath of relief when I exited the mansion's huge premises.


At seven the very next morning, I was standing at Mr. Hollen's front door.

"Good morning, Livingston," the tough guy greeted.

"Good morning, sir."

"Name's Kenneth. I'm head security and personal bodyguard to Mr. EJ Hollen. On my right, this is Sacorra. She's the bodyguard to Mrs. Zenia Hollen and she's also second in command to the security unit."

A woman stood next to him and extended her hand. We shook hands firmly.

A moment later, Zenobia walked out. She was dressed for the office and she looked beyond devine.

"Keys," Kenneth said and tossed them to me, "The Bentley Flying Spur."

I quickly unlocked the doors to the Bentley and held open the back door to Zenobia.

She got in and I got into the driver's seat. I started up the car and drove out the gate.

Silence hung in the air. The only thing I was listening to was the sound the blowing air from the air conditioning vents.

"We need to make a stop," Zenobia spoke.

"Of course," I answered.

"You don't need to respond. You just do what I tell you to do and that's it," she basically snapped.


I brought the car to a halt and a woman got in.

"Hey Zen," she greeted, "And good morning to your driver. Oh my. Another one?" she said.

"Good morning to you too Tiffany," Zenobia greeted. Tiffany closed the door and I started the car up again, listening to the chatter while I paid attention to road ahead of me.

Half an hour later, we arrived at Hollen Tower. I parked in Zenobia's assigned parking, got out the door and held the door open so she and her friend can exit.

"Thank you so much. Your driving is excellent," Tiffany complimented.

I smiled at her, noting that it wasn't professional to interact. I liked her personality. She seemed full of life and carefree.

I walked exactly six feet behind the ladies, observing the surroundings but keeping an eye on Zenobia. I followed her into the building, into her private elevator and finally, into her office.

I waited until she was all settled before I turned to leave.

"Where are you going?" she asked.

"Oh. I'm sorry. I assumed dropping you off was the..."

"The last thing you do on mornings?" she asked but she didn't wait for a response, "No. As Kenneth explained, you revolve around me. You're going to sit there with me today. Across from me."

I sat down.

"You know, I am being nice. I could have you stand for the entire day."

What is it with her and making me stand.

A knock came to the door and Evan poked his head in. Then he laughed when he saw me.

"Nah. My brother has officially lost his mind. Aren't you the scumbag we saw in Greece?" he asked me.

I was shock. Scumbag?

"Uncle Evan. Please," Zenobia said.

"Okay. I'm sorry. By the way, these need your signature. Have them sent back to my office by midday."

He handed an envelope to Zen, looked at me one time time with dark eyes, then left.


Zen went on to signing the documents and had it sent to her uncle within two hours.

"You can leave. Be back at four," she instructed whilst typing in her computer. At work, she was very focused and confident. The way she walked, spoke and carried out her task spoke power about her.

"Do enjoy your day," I said.

She paused her typing and looked at me, then resumed.

I left and went and sat in the car until four. There wasn't anything else to do.


I met Zenobia in her office and followed her out the building. Her friend wasn't present and I didn't ask any questions.

I held the door for her and she slide into the back seat. I gently closed the door, got back into the driver's seat, started the car and drove her home.

"We're heading to my own house. Take the next exit," she said.

I took the next exit and drove on. On reaching the gate to her house, three black vans blocked the entrance.

Armed men got out and pointed their weapons.


"Oh my God! What the hell is going on?" Zenobia asked with a panic.

"Zen! Get down and don't get out!"

Men rushed towards the car but I had already locked the doors.

"Open the doors before we decide to shoot."

"What the hell you want?" I asked.

"The girl."

"You can't have her!"

"Sure we can. You can hand her over to us, without you getting hurt. Or we can hurt you and just take her ourselves. Your call!"

I looked back at Zenobia. She looked terrified.

" Stay calm. Get your phone and call the police. If they see me doing it, they're going to shoot," I whispered to her.


She ducked even lower and spoke into the phone.

Then the doors to the Bentley flew open and I yanked from the driver's seat and pinned against the car.

Then Zenobia was pulled out as well. When I saw someone holding her by the hair, I lost it. I elbowed the one pinning me and tackled the one holding Zenobia to the ground.

I placed Zenobia behind me and shield her with my body.

"You're not having her," I spoke.

The men laughed, knowing I was outnumbered. One drew his gun and aimed it at me.

"We have no beef with you. Our issue is with her and the rest of her family. You're to move out of the way or I'll drop you where you stand."

Zenobia broke into a cry ,clinging to me.

"I'm not moving, you're going to have to kill me to get to her."

"So be it."

And he fired.

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