Chapter 9: Never Before. Never Again?

Kyle's POV

I couldn't believe it. What the hell was Zenobia thinking by accepting Jake's proposal? He was a slime and he doesn't deserve her.

He ruined her trip to Dubai. I knew the moment time Zenobia didn't mention his name again while we were there.

"Don't bother," I said and went to my guest house. I felt heartbroken but I blamed myself. Hadn't I do what I did, maybe none of this would be happening.

I got into the steaming shower and stayed underneath it for twenty minutes. Getting out, I walked right into the bedroom where I immediately saw Zenobia sitting on my bed.

"What you wanted to talk about?" she asked.

I gulped. "Zen, I wasn't expecting you to be in here."

"I'm aware of that. But I'm curious."

"I wanted to talk to you about being friends but I see you might not have room for a guy like me."

"Why say that?"

I looked at her finger. The ring was off.

"Let me guess. The two of you had another fight and you called it off. Again."

"I don't know what you're talking about, Kyle."

"Marriage is a huge step and you should take it serious if you're really going to marry him."

"Marry who?"

"Jake," I almost shouted.

"Hold up. Why would I get married to him when we're not even together?"

"Come on, Zen. You don't have to lie about him. He told me you two are getting engaged and getting married."

"Jake told you that?"

I nodded yes.

"Well he's lying. Look, when Jake came by, he was intoxicated. I thought it would be best to have him sleep it off in one of my guest bedrooms instead of sending him back to the road in that condition. He made me breakfast as a 'thank you' and that was it. I haven't seen him or heard from him."

"And the ring?"

"I picked it up while I was shopping. I like it. A girl can't buy herself a ring and wear it on her finger?"

"Of course but," I paused before continuing, "You had me there. I thought you and Jake were getting married."

"Definitely not. Jake is too full of excuses and he is just too dismissive and defensive. Marrying someone like him would lead to a divorce eventually. When I'm married, I want to stay married. Like my parents and grandparents."

"What guy do you want to get to? Someone who can match your lifestyle?"

"Yes. He would have to intelligent, caring, respectful, charismatic, romantic and loves adventure like going to new places and learning new things. Someone I can grow old with."

I was that guy but I knew I couldn't match her lifestyle. She was filthy rich. Billions of dollars were handed to her.

I was certain there were hundreds of guys lined up to have her to themselves and being as she was now single, that line was about to get even longer.

"What about you?" she asked, shaking me from my thoughts.

"Me what?"

"What girl are you looking to marry?"

"Someone who loves me. I believe once she's in love with me, everything will be smoothly because love contains a wide range. Trust, respect, faithfulness, et cetera."

"Good. So now that we've got this in the clear," she said and walked towards me. Her perfume immediately confused my senses and I felt heated in the best way. She stood right in front of me with her glittering her grey eyes which was doing things to my body I couldn't control.

It was crazy how being close to her had such an effect on me.

"I'll leave and you should get dress," she continued in almost a whisper. I wanted her to stay. She turned around but I caught her arm, turning her towards me again.

"Zen, I missed you so much," I said.

Her eyes trailed my body and she bit her bottom lip. "Kyle, I think.. I think that I'm.. Oh God," she uttered right before she threw herself to me and kissed me.

She pulled me forward to the bed and I hovered over her, taking control.

"Are we really going to do this? You're not going to have any regrets about this?" I asked.

"Just shut up and kiss me," she said and I complied. Her hands removed my towel and she placed a firm hold on my manhood, stoking me. I shivered by her touch. Every sense awakening for me to have her.

I removed her silk skimpy dress and threw it across the floor. My tongue met her bare pair of breasts and her moaning was the sweetest sound I ever heard. I rained kisses down her stomach until I got lower and closer to her lace thong underwear.

Slowly, I removed it and her hands covered her face shyly.

"Hey, look at me," I said. She looked at me as I spread her legs apart and took her into my mouth.

"Kyleee," she moaned my name as her back arched and she twirled from side to side by the sweet pleasure.

"Don't stop! Please don't!" she begged when I turned her from behind. She had to perfect ass and I couldn't resist kissing her cheeks.

"I want you," she told me, "Right damn now."

This was going to change everything. Here I was, seeing all of Zenobia before me. And I was about to have sex with her. She was asking for me inside of her.

Without another moment of hesitation, I slipped inside of her wet opening.

"Oh shit," she let out and I began thrusting into her, pleasuring her even more. I slowed my pace when I felt her washing over me again before I picked up speed and sent her body into override.


After a satisfying twelve minutes, we collapsed next to each other, panting.

I couldn't believe it. This was the best thing that ever happened to me in a long time. She drifted off to a sound sleep looking so peaceful with a head of messy curls. I held her in my arm and sleep consumed me too.

At around midnight, I woke to use the toilet and that was when I noticed I was in bed alone but her sweet perfume scent lingered in the bedroom.

"So it wasn't a dream," I said with a smile. I couldn't wait to see her in the morning. I was hoping she'll be happy to see me.

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