These past days have been nothing but torture for me as my boss's words kept replaying in my mind. It was perplexing to think about how rough this week has been for me. I had tried a number of times to shrug off what Luther had said to me in his office but it proved unfruitful.
It was Saturday and I had all of today to myself. I would usually go clubbing with Regina on Saturday nights but I told her not to bother. I wanted to go alone. I didn't wish for any sort of company when I hit the club tonight.
Tropicana galore was where I went to forget about the stress of the week before. I'd drink heavily and recklessly each time and end up in bed with a stranger most times. Regina would be there to pick me up whenever I wasn't in the mood to fuck a random stranger.
Fucking different men didn't phase me, it was something I couldn't say no to. It was addictive and if it'd leave me sexually sated then I wouldn't mind who I ended up in bed with. I'd even gotten together with a few co-workers at C&O.
Tropicana galore was only a twenty-minute drive from my apartment and I drove there with one goal in mind — to drink myself into a stupor.
After finding a parking space for my car, I walked towards the entrance. It was no surprise there was a long queue, with people presenting their IDs to get in but I didn't bother, it was a piece of cake to charm my way past the bouncers. The click-clack of my heels followed behind me as I strutted to where they stood, aiming for Tyrone, a fuck buddy and of course bouncer.
“Tyrone,” I called, watching his eyes light up as he caught sight of me.
“Reese Quinn, you look ravishing tonight.” He compliments, taking a hold of my hand gently and making me do a little twirl for him.
“Thank you, you don't look too bad yourself.”
“You want in?” Tyrone questioned.
I stepped closer to him, my arm going around his torso as my heels helped me stand to his height, sensually licking his earlobe before whispering a 'yes'. He chuckled at that, before moving aside and letting me in.
A corner of my lips tweaked up as soon as I walked in. I was welcomed by the loud tune of the afrobeat song blasting from the speaker. It was a song I recognized had been causing quite an uproar on the internet lately. The name of the song was in My Bed by Rotimi along with Wale, it was a good one to start the night with. I moved my hips to the tune of the song, making my way toward the bar. “Two shots of Martini,” I ordered, still bobbing my head to the music.
“Right away!” The bartender chimes, getting to work Immediately. I waited patiently as he did.
Minutes later, the bartender arrived with my order, and I muttered a small thank you to him before downing the contents of the small glass. I shook my head, cringing a bit at the taste.
I was ordering more shots in less than seconds. The night was still young and there was a lot to drink. The amount of alcohol I got into my system had never been a bother to me and I wasn't about to start now.
As I sat on a stool in the bar, I let my eyes trail to the dance floor that was slowly filling up with people that definitely reeked of alcohol, grinding shamelessly against each other, some of them already making out right there. I found myself on the dancefloor seconds later, wanting to let loose a bit as I let the music control the movements of my hips and waist.
I ran my hands through my hair, yelling out some of the lyrics I could recognize, mixed with some jumbled incoherent words. I was drunk already and needed to shake off the energy now bubbling in me.
Suddenly, I felt hands snake around my waist. Not bothering to check who it was, I started to grind against the body.
“It looks like you need Papa!” I sang along loudly to the lyrics of the song blasting out of the speakers.
My hands now twisted at an angle that allowed me to wrap them around the stranger's –impressively thick neck.
“What are you doing here?” I felt a shiver run down my spine as the familiar deep voice queried. His hot breath fanning against my neck.
I hastily turned around, freeing myself from the hold of my boss. “Why does it look like I'm here?” I immediately shot back, wondering why out of the billions of people in the world I had to run into him.
“You have such a sharp mouth.”
“I-don't-give-a shit- what you think!” I slurred out, face pulling into a frown.
“I would give a lot of shits if I were you, Miss Quinn.”
“How did you find me here?”
A crooked smile made its way to his unearthly handsome face. “A friend of mine owns this club.” He simply stated.
“Were you following me?" I finally voiced out a bit of my bottled-up thoughts, not even realizing when they slipped out, but since they were already out, there was no taking them back. “I don't like you.” I declared, pushing him aside and walking to another spot so I could continue my unabashed dancing.
“It's not expected for you to like me, not everyone has good taste.” He leered at me, arching an eyebrow. His features pulled into a lascivious grin as he followed after me.
I masked the small ting of hurt his remark sent through me with a look of indifference. I tugged at his shirt, “Dance with someone else, Samuel, this is childish.”
“You are drunk and we have to make sure you are safe.”
“And since when did you care?” I looked up at him now. Eyes challenging but he kept his cool, cold demeanor.
“Don't flatter yourself. Heaven knows what might have happened to you if I wasn't here.” He said, disconcerted.
I frowned at his words, our work dynamics the last thing on my mind. “What are you insinuating? That I can't take care of myself!?”
“You have thirty minutes and after that, I'm taking you home.” He finalized.
I didn't like his tone, nor the implications that he had any sort of control over my decisions.
“No! I'm not going anywhere with you! I'm staying here to find me a man to fuck. So you better be away from me Mr. Hasstrup.”
“Twenty-nine minutes.”
I decided not to pay any mind to him after that. If he thought being my boss at the workplace gives him the right to decide where I can and can't be then he's definitely mistaken. I resumed swaying my hips, the alcohol still running in my system as I silently dared him.
Luther stood in front of me like a bodyguard, watching as I disregarded his existence and continued to do what I'd come here for. His presence meant nothing to me.
A smirk played on my lips when another guy who seemed to want to dance with me made his way to where I was. I decided to tease Luther this way.
“Hi, I'm Jeff.” He said whilst he danced along with me.
“Hey, I'm Reese. Em' for short.”
“I see you here a lot, you like to dance.”
Blame the alcohol, but I could feel the warmth of a blush creeping up my neck at his words. “You've been watching me?”
“Just for a while.”
“Do you wanna dance?”
“Twenty minutes!” Luther chided.
“And who are you?” Jeff was the first to speak.
My frown deepened into a scowl as I tried to get Jeff's attention. “Look, pay him no mind. I don't know him.” I assured
“Sure.” Jeff nodded unsure, starting to sway with me again. His arms went up to my waist.
“That's it! We are leaving!” Luther suddenly growled, yanking me away from Jeff's hold.
I gasped at his hold on my wrist, sensing his anger. “Samuel!” I yelled out, a bit thankful for the noise surrounding us as it went unnoticed by the sweaty club goers.
Luther glared at me in response then turned to a confused looking Jeff, pointing a finger at his face, “You will not touch her, she's here with me! We are leaving and you will never see her again.” He accentuated each of his words with a clench of his jaw before swiftly turning around and pulling me out of the club with himself.
“Get your hands off me! Let go of me, you jerk!” I wailed, struggling to pry my hands out of his hold as I was unwillingly dragged along with his marching form.
“Get in the car, Miss Quinn.” He ordered
“Shut up and get in!”
“I have my own car.” I countered
“You can't drive, Reese you are drunk.” He tried to explain, gaze still hardened.
It felt as though my insides were squeezed as I felt them twist uncomfortably. “Why do you always have to make things so hard for me!” I lamented, “What do you think of yourself? That you are the richest? That you can do whatever you want because you're my boss? You think that gives you the right to dictate to me how I live my life!?” I yelled out in rage. I could already feel the angry tears welling up.
Luther looked at me wordlessly for a while before a frustrated sigh escaped his mouth. “Okay, but can you kindly just get in the car? We wouldn't want to lose you to a drunk driving accident now, would we?”
That was a rhetorical question.
I cursed him under my breath before getting into his car, I didn't miss the small 'thank you' he mouthed afterward. “Do you even know the way to my house?”
“You're here aren't you? You could just tell me where it is.” He simply replied, easing into his own seat as I strapped my seat belt In and sat silently.
My gaze fixed on nothing in particular as I heard him start the ignition. “It's a twenty-minute drive from here, Brookes block B1.” I told him my address.
He nodded to himself. “Brookes block B1.”
“You heard me right!”
“I will get you there.”
I didn't like how calm his reply sounded. It infuriated me more than I already was. I had kissed my teeth in, audible enough for him to hear. My gaze fixated on the street lights and penthouses he drove by. “Yes Sir, get me there!”
“Don't talk to me that way, you have no idea of what you are getting yourself into.”
I scoffed. “Why? What would you do? Fire me?” I sassed
“I could, but let's get you home and sober first.”
“Have your way today, cause there won't be a next time!” I snapped, exasperation obvious in my tone.
“You are so difficult.”
“You aren't any better, Mr. Haastrup.” He did not utter a reply after that.
An awkward silence filled the car, wafting around both of us along with the cold stuffy air from the air conditioning. My sigh pierced through the silence with a deadly import, it felt like a graveyard in the car, I didn't mind, I couldn't be bothered to speak to him anyway so I didn't expect him to speak to me either.
“You remind me of a nagging housewife.” He finally broke the long drawn out silence after a while.
I gave no reply to his words. All I wanted was to go home and run myself a cold shower — a hot one wasn't a choice in summer.
Soon after, Luther pulled over in front of my house. Hastily rounding the car to get the door to the passenger's side, where I sat. I staggered out of the car, muttering another cuss word at him as I hissed loudly. “Leave me!” I shot at him, prying my hands away from him and stepping further away as he tried to grab at me again.
“We are going in, stop acting so childish.”
“Fine!” He snapped back.