6 - You
It was as if heaven was slipping away between them, and if they were lucky enough to live after that, he promised to tell his wife Amara that he loved her deeply.
Even though he could see nothing but darkness, he swam slowly and glanced about for Jacky. He was on the lookout for Jacky. He made a promise to her, and he isn't the only one who can make it through. He knew Jacky couldn't swim, and despite the fact that it was wearing a life jacket, it was still at risk of drowning owing to the intensity of the waves.
He tried again to call the woman's name, but no one answered. What happened to her? It's not going to die. He needs to see her,, but all he sees is darkness.
Jacky resembled a stray kitten. When he first saw the woman on the yacht sleeping while hugging her bag, he couldn't deny that her face was so innocent. Yes, he initially mistook her for a thief, but when he saw her face, which was pale and frail, he felt sorry for her. The girl was shy, and he sensed it. He also notices that it is always staring into his eyes, and he is frightened by it. Many people are enamored with his happy-go-lucky nature, but he is reluctant to say how he feels about his wife he adores. Stupid if stupid, but perhaps that's how he truly is when it comes to Amara, his wife.
The rain and waves were strong, and he was used to being in this scenario, but what about Jackylyn? Damn! He lost her! He should have kept his grip on her hand tighter. He became careless once more. The wave ate him several times, and if his lungs hadn't been powerful enough, he might have drowned and run out of air, but the following enormous wave caught him off guard and totally swallowed him...
THEON opened his eyes due to a headache. The sun was shining brightly, exacerbating his headache. When he remembered what had happened the night before, he quickly awoke.
He entered a another world, one filled with woodlands and sand. When it finally dawned on him that he was on an island, he was taken aback. He promptly removed his body jacket and proceeded to stroll on the sand. His eyes were searching for something, and when he found it, he dashed over to the woman he was looking for.
"Hey, Jackylyn. Wake up!" he tapped her on the face and shook her, but she didn't respond.
He put his hand on her neck right away. He felt relieved when he learned that Jacky was still alive. He shook her and again called Jacky's name until she opened her eyes and screamed in terror.
"It's me, Theon! You're no longer in danger. Both of us are safe."
It blinked a couple of times and tried to catch her breath. "A-are we dead? Where are we?"
He assisted her up with a smile and a helping hand in response to her question. He replied by shaking the sand that was covering her body. "No, we're stranded on this island. Are you able to stand?"
She gave a nod before assisting the girl to her feet. He feels relieved that Jacky is still alive. The only question now is how they will get out of this situation and who will save them.
They stopped when the woman halted and lay down before starting to walk again. He only realized the girl had a bruise on her arm and a wound on the side of her waist after that. Maybe it got that last night while they were fighting Satan for their lives.
"You're hurt," he's worried.
Jackylyn didn't seem astonished by what he said, as if she expected it. The blood around the wound dried up after she simply touched it with the size of her fist.
"Don't worry about me. I'm fine."
Theon let out a gasp. "There is no such thing as a painless wound. Are you able to walk?"
She smiled and nodded, but her face was frowning as she clutched her wound. She winced in discomfort but tried to tolerate it. She wasn't in agony since she was used to it. She had no idea how she obtained such a large wound. She thought it was her last life that happened last night.
They stopped beneath the tree and sat on the tree's projecting huge roots. She couldn't stop Theon from looking her wound and offering to treat it because it was so deep.
"Stay a while; I'll just look find a herbal medicine to put on it to keep it from getting infected."
She couldn't nod any longer since it stood up and walked away for a moment. As she leaned against the tree's huge trunk, her eyes was drawn to him. She would think it was romantic if her situation were different, but it wasn't. She examined the bruise on her arm, which had turned black and caused her to scowl. It's alright in certain ways, as long as she's alive and important.
The man reappeared a few moments later, carrying leaves and roots she didn't recognize. He crushed the herbal with a stone and applied it to her wound.
"I-I can do it..." she said hastily, and she was the one who applied the medicine to her wound.
He just nodded and let her do it, but she was caught off guard as Theon ripped off his t-shirt. As he carefully wrapped her wound, her cheek reddened slowly. They were close enough that she almost breathed his breath, but she maintained her gaze on herself, hoping that by doing so, she would lose herself once more.
"We'll be rescued soon. I'm simply not sure how long we'll remain here. Meanwhile, let's make sure you're all right and locate a place to stay tonight." They started walking again when Theon helped her stand up, but they stopped at the island's woodland entrance. "Would you like us to stay in the woods or—"
"It's only here, closer to the shore," she said, interrupting him.
They returned to the large tree after he agreed with what she stated. He sat her down and said his goodbyes before going to the shore. She hadn't nodded this time. Her eyes was drawn to Theon. His bare back flushed her cheeks. She was like a high school girl who swooned over her ultimate crush despite never having had such an encounter in real life. She had no idea what the crush-crush thing was, but now she does.
She opted to look across the sea to the other side, and it was only then that she realized they were on a lovely island. Even though she was far away, she could see the lake was crystal clear due to the thin white sand. She couldn't help but notice how cool and fresh the air was, and she couldn't help but smile.
When was the last time she went to the beach and saw something like this? What was it like 8 years ago? No, it was ten years ago. She groaned and smiled wryly. She clutched the sand in one hand and watched it slowly slip away from her grasp as the memories of not wanting to return came...