Chapter 5: Delusional

Anna woke early. She had a satisfied fantasy from last night. And it was obviously about Antonio Kissle.

To start of her day, she took a warm shower and gently rubbed her chocolate complexion skin with an expired bottle of lotion she had been using for ages.

She hadn't received her weekly salary as yet. She would purchase herself useful things when she does.

But, She was attractive. Had a body that could stop a truck and a booty like Nicki minaj. But hers were real.

Her curvy, full, hourglass shape could have captured all those she intended to. In a wink of an eye, she could have a man sinning.

All except, one.

And she was destined to climb his walls and break them down. She wouldn't give up until she had him in bed with her, inside of her, making her scream his name with passion and pleasure, over and over again.

Nothing and no one was about to stand in her way. She wanted him, and even if she had to push down mountains and trample on water, she was going to have him. One way or another.

After getting dressed, she went about her duties as the maid she was hired as ___ actually, she went about skylarking.

Elizabeth came by early too.

Antonio was hosting a party at his house so he had instructed them to put up decorations, blow up balloons, cover the dinning room's table and chairs with purple and white duvets and place dinning utensils on each table.

All that needed to be done before 6:00 p.m.

Knowing the strict boss he was, it was only wise for Elizabeth to come by early and begin. She knew how important his image was to those around him and she was not about to let him down.

She spotted Anna in the kitchen, having a peanut butter and jelly sandwich with a tall glass of orange juice.

"Good morning," she greeted her, minding her manners.

No matter how rude and lazy Anna appeared to be, Elizabeth still wanted them to be a team and perhaps, become friends.

Elizabeth wasn't popular, she wasn't one who had tons of friends. She was a walking shell. Afraid of opening up and facing the world but she couldn't be broken without a fight.

Anna acknowledged her by a shake of her head. Her mouth made annoying noises like a pig while she ate her breakfast.

The maids were allowed to use the kitchen to their benefits. Antonio always made certain his large double doors refrigerator was properly stocked.

Elizabeth went around the kitchen island and busied herself at the electric stove. She made sunny side up eggs, toast and sliced apples at the side. She liked a balance breakfast.

Antonio appeared in the kitchen next. Dressed in a black Armani suit and black leather shoes, his appearance screamed authority.

Elizabeth was secretly attracted to him as well.

Well, who wouldn't be? He was a special gift from God.

But unlike Anna, she knew it could never escalate to anything and she respected his engagement with Melissa Harwood.

"Good morning ladies," he greeted them.

"Good morning sir," Elizabeth answered.

"Good morning Mr. Antonio Kissle," Anna answered.

Of course, she had to be extra and used his full name to seek the attention she was desperately looking for.

She earned a quick smile from him which disappeared quickly when he snapped one of Elizabeth's toast off her plate and bit into it.

"Where's the syrup?" he asked her, mouth stuffed with pieces of threw up bread. "Who eats toast without syrup?"

"I do sir," she answered with a smile as she looked at him, stunned by his behavior.

He was always strict, hardly spoke and made jokes. But today must be a good day. Maybe because of the party.

Anna glared at her from the corners of her eyes.

"Peanut butter and jelly sandwich," she said to him, holding out a sandwich to his direction.

He shook his head no.

He went to the fridge, found the syrup and help himself to the extra toast Elizabeth had made and some sunny side up egg.

He sat down across from them, sipping from his coffee as he ate his breakfast.

Elizabeth was flattered in a sense. He had never done that before. He always took a cup of coffee before walking out the door.

Her smile never flattened until he left.

"Do you have it hot for the boss?" Anna asked her as they were in the dinning room area, blowing up purple and white balloons.

"Why'd you ask that?" Elizabeth asked her, blushing slightly.

Anna noticed.

A murderous feeling rolled around in the walls of her chest.

"I couldn't help but notice the way you were looking at him. You were flirting with your eyes and you were making love with your smiles."

"What? You're delusional," Elizabeth almost snapped as she fade away those reactions.

She knew about her small tiny crush, but it was innocent and completely controlled. She wasn't about to cross any lines and it was perfectly fine to have a crush on him as long as you can control your emotions and state of mind.

"You really wouldn't want to cross any lines. He's already taken," Anna plastered back as she huge up a balloon to an arch.

"I know that. You don't have to tell me that. I know about his relationship with Melissa."

She didn't catch what Anna meant in her statement. She wasn't referring to Melissa, she was referring to herself.

"Good," she said, defusing the conversation and focusing on the task at hand for once.

The party was in a full swing at 6:30 p.m. Seemed like half of Florida attended.




Highly favored.



As the live in maid, Anna was invited to attend the event. Elizabeth had already left, and Melissa was still visiting her parents in another state.

Anna sat quietly, sipping from a flute of champagne. She wore a white dress which hugged her curves and showcased her body.

She earned noticed from a few wealthy older men, looking a young meat just to see if they still got it.

She was used to men like those so it took no hesitation to decline them.

She had her eyes set on one man and one man only.

As she sat there, looking so pure and so innocent, Antonio walked up to her.

"Hello Miss. Wells, enjoying the party?"

Your party sucks was what she would of said to anyone else, but because it was him, she threw on a fake smile and nodded her head yes.

Anna was mirroring his attitude. She noticed that he was someone difficult to read, and if she wanted to get his attention, she would have to be difficult too. Not easy.

Standing on her feet, she walked away from him and went underneath a tree, strolling through her cellphone.

"I'm sorry, did I say something wrong?"

Antonio followed her.

She looked up slowly and directly into his beautiful blue eyes.

"No," she answered short, before turning her attention back to her cellphone.

"Are you alright then?" he asked again.

"I am."

"Do you want another glass of wine?"

"No thank you."

She moved passed him again and went into the house this time.

Feelings of triumph swept through her as he finally gave her a bit of genuine attention.

She remained in her bedroom until the party came to an end and everyone had left.

It was 12:05 am when she stumbled out of bed, in a short, sheer, night wear and went towards the kitchen.

She walked into something hard. She adjusted her eyes to the darkness before the lights were switched on.

She was standing at a very close range to Antonio.

His eyes couldn't resist but to scan the body before him.

Senses slapped him. He stepped back.

"Sorry. I didn't know you were still up," he spoke, his voice croaked from the drinking.

"It's okay. I became thirsty."

She went into the fridge and poured herself a glass of water.

Willfully tripping herself at the edge of the kitchen island, she fell down harder than expected. The glass shattered in front of her, splinters stabbed at her fingers.

"Damn it!" she yelled out.

"Are you okay? Here, let me help you up." Antonio was already at her side, pulling her up on her feet.

Blood dripped from her fingers.

"You're bleeding. Let's get you cleaned up."

He led her upstairs in his bedroom, where he kept his first aid kit. He dressed the tiny wounds and stopped the bleeding.

"Thank you," Anna said softly.

"You're welcome."

There was an awkward silence and Antonio was looking at her body again. He saw right through her sheer clothing.

She gave a small smile, got on her feet again and walked out the big double door.

She knew exactly what she was doing.

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