Chapter 6
Max dragged him by his hair and made him sit right before me before forcibly pulling his hands up for me to chop his finger.
"No! No!" he screamed thrashing around and tried to pull his hand back but was completely at a loss as he was held firmly by Max.
"Don't worry. It won't hurt.." a smirk appeared on my face watching him suffer and his wailing gave me more joy for torturing him.
"You called it upon yourself..." I said as I grabbed his hand as I glared at him I pressed the pruner on his thumb. The room filled up with his wailings and yellings as I pressed it tighter enough to the point where the blades went past his skin but the pressure was not enough to cut his finger but was enough for him to yelp in pain.
"Stop! Stop! I'll tell you every-thing. Please stop!" he cried out and as he said that I stopped putting pressure on the pruner and watched as blood oozed out of his thumb.
"Hu.." Max huffed at him and left him and stood right behind him.
"I'll tell you everything. But you have to promise me that you would set me free afterward...deal?" the driver huffed out air and exhaled in the air as he talked.
"You scum...you're not in any position to make a deal with us-"
"Deal!" I said cutting Max in the middle.
"What? But Bos-"
"We just want the information. Give it us and we will set you free. I will even forget that you backstabbed me." I said as calmly as I could to the driver and he nodded looking relieved a bit. he withdrew his hand back and inspected the cut before looking back at me.
"I was paid. I was paid to vacate all of your arms before the police station. They couldn't find me because I had contacts with one of the cops who helped me in vacating the weapons and he even helped me flee. It was a plan to destroy you and I was just a pawn in that game.
"Interesting. Now, who was the one who gave you the money?" I asked as I kept the pruner on my left thigh and leaned back against the chair and looked at him sitting on the ground.
"I don't know. A man visited me the same day when the arms were loaded on the truck and asked me to surrender it in return for money. I was selfish and I took the money and did as he told me to do.
"The face of the man?" Max asked him.
"He was just in a yellow jacket with his hoodie on his head and he had his face cover up to his nose... like this," he gestured towards his face and used his trembling bloodied hands to show me how the man covered his face.
"You mean that man came to our warehouse where the truck was being loaded and paid you the money and went away?" Max asked looking astonished.
"The man knew where our works are done. He must be completely aware of it from the beginning. This only indicates one thing...and its that the man is from our group else he couldn't have entered in our land so easily." I muttered to myself.
"Max....go and get me the CCTV photage of the day where our arms were being loaded," I said and he nodded in response as he turned around ready to live.
"But before that..." I got up from the chair all the while both of their eyes trained on me and passed the pruner to him.
"Cut all of his fingers before anything else," as soon as I said that the driver yelled curses on my directions and tried to get up wanting to run away.
"You lied about the deal. You said you'll set me free..." he yelled at me while I smirked at him and shook my head.
"I lied. And I never really told you that I would not punish you for backstabbing me for money. This all happened because of you...You will have to pay for it,"
"Take care of him," I said and Max nodded before walking towards the man as I walked the other way all the while hearing the driver's pleas and wailings.
Skimming the video properly I watched the CCTV photage countless times wanting to get a clue on the identity of the yellow hoodie man. The driver was truthful when he said he was unable to see his face. He was indeed wearing a mask under his eyes covering half of his face.
And the way he walked and looked here and there..it was proved that he knew the place.
"Who are you?" I thought as I watched it again and again.
"Whoever you are...Just make sure I don't catch you..else you would die a painful death..." I smirked when I got a hint looking at a ring that he was wearing.
"Ahh...I see," a sinister smile broke on to my face as I finally recognized the man.
"You have called it upon yourself. This time I will kill you for sure," I muttered as I pulled the drawer in my study table and pulled the revolver gun out.
"Enough of me in forgiving you," I muttered as I inserted the bullets into the chamber.
"Gale..." I spoked his name out with venom and stood up from the chair as I looked at the loaded gun and made up my mind to finish him off this time my eyes fell on Juliette's photo on my table.
"You see this? He called it upon himself. I don't really want to give pain to my mother but this time it is beyond tolerance. I hate him so much, Juliette. What should I do?" I picked up the photo frame in which she was sitting next to her friend Kiara. This was the picture which I took sneakily when we went out for a family picnic.
"This was what I scared the most out of everything. I never really had any intention of breaking my own family but it looks..." I trailed a finger on her face "This is what destiny have for me." my eyes watered up at the corners and before I knew it I slammed the photo frame back on the table and walked out of the room taking long strides wanting to end all this for all.