Getting caught 1
x x x x Quinn and Henry << << << << << <<..
"What you and I are doing is terribly wrong, you have a fiancee," Quinn said, as she watched Henry strip off his dress.
He was still taking off all his cloth but he stopped when he heard what she said. He sat beside her, then he placed one hand on her laps.
"You don't have to feel guilty about what we are doing. Kathleen was betrothed to me even before I was born. I have no feelings whatsoever for her."
"You do not have feelings for her but she is the woman that you will have to marry in the end," she said.
Henry smiled as he caressed her laps. "Why do I get this feeling that you are only saying this to me because you are jealous."
"How can you take what I am saying as a joke? What you and I are doing is abominable," she said with a frown on her face.
"Do not let Kathleen bother you, I will find a way to get rid of....
She covered his mouth with her palm all of a sudden.
Henry's eyes widened in surprise and confusion.
He used his hand as a demonstration, to ask her why she did that, since his mouth was still covered.
Quinn placed her middle finger on her lips, as a signal to tell him to remain quiet. Even though he didn't understand why she was being overly dramatic, he nodded and remained still.
When she noticed that he was not trying to be noisy, she removed her hand from his mouth, then she pointed at the door. His eyes looked at what age pointed at but he still wasn't able to understand what she was trying to convey to him.
She seemed to notice that he still didn't understand, so she moved closer to him and whispered into his ear. "I think there is someone outside the door."
Henry gave her a questioning look. "I sent everyone out today. Apart from you and I, Kathleen is the only one inside and you are aware of what I did to her. Trust me, no one is out...
Before he could complete his sentence, they both heard a door get slammed.
He looked at Quinn with a horrified expression, she looked back at him and mouthed, "I told you so."
x x x x x x x x x x x x x x
She slowly opened her eyes. She felt so uncomfortable, even though she was on a luxurious king sized bed. A small patch of her pale skin was exposed to the sunlight, making her feel so sweaty.
The sun rays that shined down her eyes made her feel more dizzy.
How did she get into the bed again? Well the last thing she could remember doing was taking a sip from the coffee that her fiance had given to her.
According to Henry, the drug he mixed into her drink was supposed to put her to sleep for the whole day, so how on earth did she manage to wake up this early?
Fortunately for Henry, he chose not to make out with Quinn in his room, if he hadn't, they would have had her witness it all.
Kathleen POV << << << << << <<
I forced my weak body to get off the bed, I found out that I was in Henry's room and not mine. Discovering that I slept off in his room was something that I was really happy about. I dashed my eyes around the room, hoping to see him.
Henry wasn't in here, so I strode out of the room to ask the workers where he was.
Everywhere seemed really quiet, it seemed as though everyone was gone. There was no glimpse of Henry, neither was there any worker.
I decided to check each room one after the other. There was certainly no one in the rooms that I checked in.
While I was still checking the rooms, I heard a noise from one of the rooms. I wasn't sure about the particular room where the noise came from but only four of the workers rooms were left to check.
I walked into one of the rooms to check if there was anyone in it, I searched properly but I did not see anyone inside.
I stepped out of it and walked into the next unchecked room, still I didn't see anyone. I walked into the third room, yet no one.
It was remaining only one room to be checked. "This is definitely the room where that noise came out from," I muttered.
For some reason I was a bit nervous. Everything seemed really creepy since I woke up.
First of all I ended up sleeping again in the morning, which doesn't seem right. Secondly, I found the house empty and all the workers gone. Thirdly, I heard a sound from one of these rooms.
I could not help but think that some burglars must have gotten into the house. But if there were actually burglars in here, why would they be hiding from me? It didn't make any sense to me, so I shoved that thought out of my head.
With just three steps, I got to the door of the last room, I held on the door knob and after a count of five, I opened it slowly.
This particular room smelt different from the others. Even though it looked totally empty, it still felt as though someone was inside.
My instinct could never be wrong, I decided to check the room properly.
Just as I was about to search the room thoroughly, a rat ran across my leg, making me scream and jump up in fright.
One thing that I really hated was rats. How could a rat be in here? I couldn't waste any more time in here, I stepped out at once, then I took out my phone and dialed Henry's number.
As soon as I dialed his number, I heard a phone ring right from the room where I got frightened by a rat.
What could this mean?
Was Henry in there with a maid?