The hot porn star




'' Oh ! F**k '' , l let out a quiet breath. My eyes were feeling heavy and my lips kept repeating yawn after yawn. Of course I had to get the result of staying up at night. I was used to this and dozing was one of my hobbies but at this time l was pissed off. I had spent the whole night watching pornos but nothing was even good. I watched some compilations of some porn stars enjoying the threesome but l found none interesting. They were not the videos l had planned to watch but then l had nothing to do.

From beneath my heavy eye lids , l stared at Mr Peggy Darius our boss has he explained the changes that have been made in the company . They were so damn boring but l had to stay since we were all in the meeting listening to the billionaire. ''Rinna focus and write down every thing that is being said '', l mumbled to myself but then just as I was beginning to write down the new benefits , a much more higher yawn soon enough escaped out of my mouth.

'' Oh ! God help me am gonna be soon enough fired up '' , Reprimading myself l pressed my hand lightly on my mouth. It was really embarrassing because just imagine being in the whole meeting and you dozing. '' Yes Rinna be a strong secretary and note down every thing '', After adjusting myself properly and rubbing my eyes , l looked at the note book on the table before shifting my gaze to the billionaire but then as l looked at him , l shockingly saw the same thing .

'' Mr Peggy , huh ! '' , lol did his mother like being pegged down on the bed before giving birth to him '', l laughed inwardly in my head as l stared at the egg bald shaped Mr Peggy. '' Oh ! God pay attention '' , l shook my head , rubbed my eyes again but still l not only wondered why he was called Peggy but even the shape of his head was making me laugh .

'' Rinna , oh ! F**k no '', After finding the situation unbearable , l excused myself before l walked quickly to the bathroom. '' Uhmmmm......'', After reaching there , l splashed some water on my face. My make up was now ruined but l didn't care, l just only focused on making sure that sleep leaves my eyes. Just as l was still running my fingers through my pony tied up hair , Cecilia my work mate walked in the bathroom

'' What's up with that f*****g smirk ? '' , l questioned as soon as l saw her smirk at me through the mirror. '' First check your Instagram '',She whispered with a smile on her face. '' Check it , seriously ? '', A jolt of electricity i'mmediately ran up in my spine at that. I knew it she was also naughty like me and we were all fine with it .

Praying inwardly that l see what l wanted the whole night, l slipped my phone out of my pocket. With eagerness all over my face , l quickly logged in to my Instagram account and as soon as I logged in to , a notification i'mmediately popped up which was enough to make my heart beat in my chest at a pretty good speed.

It was not even what l wanted most but l currently felt my juices forming in my panties after reading the notification for a pretty good time. ''. Raxan Miles has uploaded a new photo '' , l felt like moaning in excitement as l waited for it to download. '' the secretary come on and we go Mr Peggy will fire you up '' , Just as l was still waiting for it to download , Cecilia murmured in a panicked voice.

' Darn it '' , Cursing out , l walked back to the meeting room. This time l was sober but my mind was a bit far away. '' God l can't f*****g wait '' , With my clit throbbing hard in my tiny lace thong , l only thought about the pic that was still downloading.

'' Oh ! God again the financial management '' , l clenched my eyebrows as l gave all the attention to Mr Peggy. I was really tired of writing down the changes that had been made in the company. I was seriously trying to be patient because with my phone in my pocket , l felt pulling it out with no body aware and see the photo of Raxan Miles.

'' God ! Rinna be patient '' , l mumbled to myself as I now stared at the watch on the wall instead of Mr Peggy. '' One ......two.....three ......'', lnstead of paying attention to Mr Peggy , l heard my attention all on the clock. Mille seconds passed , seconds passed , minutes passed but still l had my eyes on it. I was even afraid that it would even turn in to hours .

'' Why ? Why Mr Peggy ? , Why don't you stop talking and let the poor me to go.... Why ? '' , Groaning out inwardly , l lastly placed the pen down on the note book. God l knew it that l was damn lazy but for heaven's sake this was too much. I was really fade up that l even felt my butt burning because of sitting down for so long .


'' So those are the changes that have been made in the company , go back to your usual jobs '', I felt like screaming out in excitement when l heard Mr Peggy say that , in fact since this meeting started those were the sweetest words l have so far heard him say , they were so sweet that l felt like going over to him and give him a quick kiss.

As soon as he walked out with the body guards following him ,l was the first to jump off the chair before anyone could do it . '' oh ! S**t '' , After collecting my note books quickly , l instantly sprinted out of the room so unprofessionally that l knocked some business men. '' Rinna.........'' , Just as l thought that l had ran away from the hellish meeting room , l heard some calling me .

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