The knife was one perfect piece of steel.
It was dull, rusty and old but precisely ideal for the job. The hardwood handle was gripped tightly by my hand.
The tip of my tongue slowly ran across the jagged blade, falling off the end and slowly going back into my mouth as I moved the metal back to his throat, beading with sweat.
A small chuckle left my mouth as my eyes drilled into his, intimating him. "Not so tough now, macho, are we?" Deeply, my voice dauntingly chuckled, my eyebrows narrowing down at him.
"So," I began, a sadistic grin of amusement on my face. "Where's my 5K, Bobby?"
Dripping with sweat, his eyes frantically looked into mine as his bottom lip quivered. "I-I don't kn-know what you're talking about, Cris. I s-swear, I had n-nothing to do with it."
A snort was heard from behind me and I twisted my head a little to the side, my eyes landing upon the culprit. He met my eyes and we both shared a small, insincere chortle between us.
Once more, my head turned to face him once more, my smile quickly turning into a cold sneer. "So you wanna lie to me now, Bobs? You wanna try and fucking lie to me?" I dared, another terrorising laugh leaving my mouth.
"N-No - No, sir - I swear-"
"Oh, Bobby," I gently sighed, a small, delicate exhale of air leaving my mouth. I shook my head at him, licking my icy lips. "Didn't your mother ever tell you not to swear on irrelevant things?" I fake sweetly asked, blinking innocently at him as the frosty air blew over us.
I pinned him harder against the brick will with my bulky arm. My face leaned in as a bitter scowl plastered across my face. "Didn't anyone tell you that karma's a cold ass bitch?"
Fear drained the colour from his pathetic little face. He blinked rapidly, bodily waters dripping from him as he struggled to maintain calm as the knife continued to press against his precious neck.
"P-Please! I'm innocent! I didn't do anything wrong! I-I swear!" He pleaded, his charcoal eyes filled with panic, as was his voice. "Don't do this, Cris! You're making a mistake!"
"Please!" He blubbered, tears beginning to stream down his inadequate cheeks. "I'm begging you-"
"I know you're bloody begging me, you stupid idiot. You're wasting my time; where's my money?"
"I don't have it! I swear I-"
"Oh, for fuck's sake," I groaned, my hand harshly moving as the blade sliced mercilessly. I moved and immediately, the worthless body dropped the ground, no longer in use.
I exhaled, my cold breath visible in the chilling weather. I purposely slipped the knife out of hand, allowing it to fall onto the body as blood began to surround it.
"Well," Dax began, scratching the back of his neck as he yawned, stretching a little. "That was fun."
I rolled my eyes, glancing over at one of my guys. "Clean this up," I commanded casually, picking up my hoodie and slipping it on swiftly, making the hood cover my hair.
"Jacob called," informed Gage as he ran his hand through his tousled hair whilst he used his other hand to hold his phone. "We're late again."
"Shit," I sighed in realisation, glancing over at the guys cleaning the mess up. "We're screwed."
"Yeah, we are and I'm not missing out on kebabs again so can we please go?" Jordan desperately asked, groaning as he spoke. "I'm so hungry."
My eyes spun round again in playful annoyance. "This guy. You manage to keep a six pack yet you eat like a pig." Jordan shrugged, grinning from ear to ear. "Ladies dig it."
Dax groaned, cringing at Jordan's cliche words. "Don't say that again." I chuckled, tossing the keys towards Gage. He caught one handed, unfazed at all.
"Come on. Let's get out of here before Jordan dies of starvation."
Beginning to walk, I followed the guys towards the end of the alleyway.
But halting me was a ear piercing scream that tore through the night. Echoing through the alleyway, it caused us all to suddenly tense up and be more attentive. It was terrifying and made my blood run cold. Shivers suddenly ran down my spine, sending chilling tingles in me.
Hair stood straight at the back of my neck as adrenaline pumped through veins. I froze, my heart skipping a beat at the agonising sound.
A woman.
"Get off me!" I heard the same, frightened voice shriek from afar.
I looked at them, licking my lips. "You guys go on. I'll catch you up," I confidentially instructed, seriousness written all over my face. Their faces automatically turned hesitant.
"Cris ... Are you sure-" Jordan began, worriedly, but I rolled my eyes, giving them a reassuring, small smile. "I'll be fine, you baby. Ju-"
"Let me go!" Shrieked the unknown voice once more, another smaller scream coming from her.
I looked at them sternly and they nodded, swiftly leaving and taking my orders.
I twisted around, facing the other direction. I wasn't scared but I wasn't sure what to expect.
Licking my lips once more, I held the gun tighter in the palm of my freezing hands, steadily approaching the noise that gradually grew louder and louder as words became clearer.
"-don't owe you anything!"
"Don't lie to me, bitch!"
A slap as loud as a clap echoed in the midnight alleyway. My lips parted in surprise at this sound and at last, I could finally see what was happening.
Barely visible, was a woman pinned against a wall by a bulky man, a gun pressed against her head. I couldn't see her but I knew she was petrified.
Not so far away were a group of men, all armed and wearing some kind of ninja outfits as if they were bloody six year olds.
Damn it, I thought, biting my bottom lip hard. I was severely outnumbered. I should've kept the guys.
"How many times am I going to ask, slut?" The hidden guy snapped, his hand going to her throat.
"How many times do I have to answer the same thing, asshole?" the person shot back confidentially and another slap was earned. I clenched my jaw, struggling to hold myself back from bursting in.
"Fine, you don't wanna answer me?" He chuckled sinisterly, "I guess I'll have to fuck the correct answer out of you!"
Briskly, he started groping and fondling her, attempting to rip off her jeans. I heard her shriek, only to get another slap as she begged him to stop, terrified.
I couldn't stay back any longer.
"I thought I heard her say 'no'?" I gibed, laughing quietly to myself as I sauntered in casually. All eyes were on me but not a single ounce of fear ran through me.
Confidence was practically my middle name.
"Thought - no, I'm actually sure I heard her say 'no'."
At the point, he had stopped touching her. I didn't even look at her face. My eyes were burning at him, my voice playful yet my face filled with rage.
I took a good look of him. He was older, uglier. He had a messy stubble and a mop of hair on his head. His eyes were dark, scary but they didn't faze me at all. He wore dark jeans and on old shirt. The guy looked like a damn hobo.
"So, why are you still touching her?" I questioned, my voice hardening by each word in my sentence. He glanced across my body, taking a good of me. A grin grew on his face though it looked more like a grimace.
Guns were pointed at me, all in formation but he waved his hand down, telling his men to halt. He laughed lightly, scoffing a little at the sight of me.
"Cristiano Rossi."
I smiled too but it was insincere and sarcastic. "Ah, so you know who I am."
"I do, in fact," the man chortled, glancing at me from head to toe in dismal. "You're the washed up brother of Vincenzo Rossi."
Something clicked in me at the sound of his name and immediately, my smile turned into a sneer and my face hardened into a monstrous glare. "You must be really fucked up if you think that, cunt. I'm Cristiano Rossi. Who the fuck are you, bastard?"
"Alejandro," he bragged, continuing to look down upon me. "Pleasure."
"Who the hell name's their kid, Alejandro?" I insulted, although deep down I knew someone named that. I roared with laughter, struggling to keep the tears in my eyes at the ridiculous sound of his name. Wiping my eyes, I exhaled with a sniff, throwing on my cold glare once more.
His face turned bitter. He was no longer in the mood for games. "What are you doing here, trash?"
"Trash?" I repeated, close to bursting into a fit of laughs once more. "Is that all you've got?"
Alejandro rolled his eyes, irritation settling in.
"Listen," I demanded, my eyes drilling into his. I showed my gun, glancing at it as my eyes flickered to his once more. "What's it gonna take to leave her alone?"
He guffawed, somehow finding my question hilarious. "Her? She's mine. Why don't you crawl out whatever ugly ass hole you came from, fucker?"
I convulsed with laughter once more, finding his comebacks comical. "You can't own a human, stupid. Speaking of holes, why don't you crawl back into your hairy ass mama's? I'm sure her vagina would love to have you back. Now hand her over."
"Hand her over?" He repeated in disbelief, chuckling amusingly at my words. "What? You think I'm just gonna give her to you? Yeah, go ahead take her," he sarcastically said, laughing along with his pathetic ninja men. "You're outnumbered, idiot."
The guns once more were pointed towards me and I rolled my eyes, getting sick of the conversation. "Fine," I said, licking my lips. "How about this?" I began, playing around with my gun as I spoke.
"Give me your strongest man. I'll fight for her. Deal or no deal?"
He stared at me, studying my face as though to check whether I was serious or not and I was, undeniably deadly serious. I looked challengingly into his dull eyes, no ounce of playfulness in me no more.
"Alright," he responded, chuckling in disbelief as he shook his head. "But you do realise, Rossi, if you lose, she's mine?"
"That's if I lose," I answered humourlessly.
"And I sure as hell won't."