I have to save her.

That was all that was running through my mind.

There was blood on my knuckles, bruises above my eyes.

I couldn't remember who even threw the first punch but suddenly, we were fighting. I didn't have my gloves on but that didn't hold me back from beating the life out of my opponent. I had a mission that I didn't intend on failing.

Blood was pooling in my mouth and I held back from gagging, throwing another punch to his jaw, causing him to stumble backwards as he was thrown off guard, getting weaker and weaker by each second.

Breathlessly, I dodged his hit, punching him once more, desperate to win. My blood was boiling in my veins, burning with determination and anger.

Crimson was leaking from his nose and mouth like water dripping from a tap. His nose was artistically twisted to the left by my fist and the loud crack that came from the bones within it, satisfied me. He cried out in pain, already beginning to give up but I grew stronger in his weakness.

Tears streamed down his cheeks but I had no sympathy for his pathetic self. His tongue would be soaked with the taste of bitter blood. Already bruises were formed on him. Everyone knew he was losing and it was only a matter of time before he gave up and I won.

I had enough of games and finally swung my perfect punch, colliding with his neck and jaw. He slammed down onto the concrete and I climbed onto him, battering him with punches and hits, mercilessly beating him up.

He cried out, he groaned, he even begged for mercy but I did not care, not one bit.

No one crosses Cristiano Rossi.

With all my body weight, one last punch was thrown at him, cracking another bone in his worthless body. Breathlessly, I stared emotionlessly at his past out self.

At first, he was tough. The man was twice the size of me and I was a muscular man. He was like Hercules and had hours spent on his body built self. He was extremely hideous and had a face that could make a child scream in fear.

A large, deep scar ran across his face from the bottom of his eye to his jawline on the left side of his face. It was clearly a weakness for him and obviously he had been in some sort of attack that invoked a knife attack.

I stared at him once more before dismounting him and adjusting my clothes as I stood, stretching a little as I let out a careless yawn.

My eyes went upon Alejandro who was shaking with rage. They met his shocked ones and he struggled to contain the embarrassment in him as I struggled to keep in the glorious smirk off my face.

I raised my fingers to my mouth and licked the stained blood on them, staring straight into his eyes. "Tastes like victory," I told him with a small chuckle, clicking my bruised knuckles and stretching my fingers.

He glared at me coldly, finding it hard to stop. I still didn't want to look at the person I was saving just yet. Something was telling me not to so I kept my eyes upon Alejandro.

He clenched his jaw, licking his lips before rolling his eyes, officially irritated by my presence.

"Well, Mr Rossi," he said, giving me an insincere smile. "A deal's a deal."

I smirked at him, licking my chapped lips as my eyes sarcastically looked at him with a bored expression.

He grabbed her arm and pushed her harshly towards me, causing her to gasp and stumble forwards to me, my eyes finally looking at her as my arms moved out to catch her. She fell in them and immediately, I brought her to my chest, holding her close and tightly.

She moved slightly and ultimately, I could view her face.

My lips parted,

my eyes expanded,

my breath hitched,

my chest tightened.

Her eyes widened,

her teeth bit her bottom lip hard,

her eyebrows raised,

her hands clutched onto me.

"Oh. My. Fucking. Life."


Oh my gosh

Oh my fricking gosh

Oh my fricking, freaking gosh

It's him

It's actually freaking him

I couldn't stop staring into his eyes. Although I had seen him before, he looked so different up front.

He was still so attractively handsome. Nothing much had changed within him and his eyes, his gorgeous, hypnotising eyes stared straight back into mine in surprise, gazing at me intently as if to see if I was real.

I closed my mouth, just as he closed his. His eyes studied my face for a moment before moving and going to Alejandro, his soft expression quickly turning into a sour one.

"If you even try to find her or reach out to her again, I will kill you with my bare hands," he sternly threatened, his tone hard and authoritative. It scared me a little and I swallowed roughly, my hands clutching onto his clothes for protection. I couldn't help it. He didn't seem to mind though.

"Contact her, touch her, think of her or even dream of her - I will fucking end you," he continued, glaring so coldly at him. He spat on the ground recklessly, his eyebrows narrowed towards Alejandro. He pulled me closer to his body, warmth between us.

"I have a feeling we will meet again, Rossi."

"I have a feeling we won't, Jandro."

My eyes glanced up to his but he didn't meet them. I lowered my eyes as he wrapped his arms around me protectively, continuing to stare at Alejandro and his goons as they started to leave.

He didn't say a word, nor did I.

The men got on their bikes and began to drive away. I didn't look.

At last, there was silence as the roaring of engines grew further and further away.

He moved me back slightly, no longer holding me so I then felt cold. He licked his lips, running his hands through his soft looking hair.

My lips parted and I was about to speak until he beat me to it.

"What did he have against you?" He asked, his voice then quieter and subdued. I fiddled around with my fingers, our eyes meeting once more as he stared at me in concern.

"I. . .I was kidnapped and sold to him. .then I took his money and tried to escape. . .he found out. . ." I explained quietly, trying my hardest not to stutter from nervousness.

He nodded briefly, glancing away before meeting my eyes again. He sighed softly, studying my face. "God, how did you end up here?"

I gave him a small, yet sad smile. "On my way home one night, I took a detour to find an easier route. . .who knew I'd end up in an auction. ."

He shook his head in disbelief, my eyes looking at him with slight disappointment with myself.

"I had no idea that you could fight so well," I said, pulling a strand of my hair behind my ear and I licked my lips. He chuckled gently, his eyes shining in the darkness. "There's a lot of things you don't know about me, baby girl."

My cheeks reddened a little at his words. I parted my lips once more to speak but he spoke first, "how are you? Are you okay? How do you feel?"

"I'm fine," I answered honestly, exhaling silently in the night. "Just a little shaken up." He nodded at my reply.

"Cristiano, is it?" I asked, observantly. A small smile came onto his handsome face. "Cris," he responded, his voice husky.

"Thank you so, so much for saving me. You really didn't have to do that and I've been through so much - you don't realise how much this means to me. I'm so grateful - thank you, Cris. I don't know how I could ever repay you," I graciously thanked, seriously looking at him.

He laughed lightly, shaking his head as his eyes twinkled through the night. "It's okay, baby. Just tell me one thing."

I looked at him expectantly and he continued, "What's your name, beautiful?" I smiled a little, a little surprised by his question.

"I can't believe I never told you," I told him as I smiled. "Rose - Rosalia."

He smiled back, taking my hand unexpectedly and bringing it to his mouth as he planted a lingering kiss on my hand. "Enchanté, Rose," he sexily greeted me.

I smiled a little, his actions sweet.

"Have you got a home to go to?" Cristiano asked me. My smile automatically faded and I realised something; I didn't even have a home.

My lips parted and I zoned out a little, panicking a bit inside.


"No," I replied, quietly. "I . . . don't."

His mesmerising eyes gazed at me and he lifted my chin a little so I was looking at him. "Come live with me."

I stared at him in surprise, chuckling a little. "Live with you?" I repeated, finding his words hard to believe. "I barely know you."

"Well, you need protection," Cris cajoled, giving me a persuading smile. "And I can give you that."

"How?" I chuckled, smiling back at him.

He gave me a look. "Didn't you see me like five minutes ago?" I laughed a little, feeling myself getting persuaded even more.

"I'm not letting you sleep on the streets," Cristiano softly appealed, convincing me. "Plus," he playfully added, "it would give me a great chance to know you some more." His eyes glimmered and I looked at him, scanning his face to see if he was being truthful.

I nodded slowly, giving in. "Okay," I softly answered, finding myself getting hypnotised in his eyes. "I'll come live with you. . .but how do I know I can trust you?"

He smiled a little. "You didn't know if you could trust me in that cafe but you still gave me food and took care of me." My heart skipped a beat a little as I remembered memories from long ago. "And you still don't know now. That's the fun part." I gave him another small smile before nodding shortly, our bodies closer together than before.

"There's one thing though," Cristiano confessed, causing my eyebrows to raise in curiosity. "I live in a studio with three other guys."

"Well," I said, brightly. "If I can trust you, I can trust them."

He grinned a little, "Alright then. Let's get you moved in."

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