"Pizza?" I repeated, raising an eyebrow in disbelief as I stared at them. "You're seriously gonna eat pizza and cake for breakfast?"

"Yes, mum," Cristiano responded, snatching a leftover pizza off Jordan. I rolled my eyes, finding their breakfast ridiculous. "What happened to cereal?" I asked, watching as they all sat comfortably on the couch, watching a game as they ate unhealthy leftover foods.

"Well, you can check but I think they're all half eaten or out of date."

I scoffed a little playfully, folding my arms and chuckling at their behaviour. "Do you guys always do this?" I questioned, curious to know.

"Well," Jordan began, his eyes glancing over at me. "We order a bunch of take out every night, eat it, then have the left overs for breakfast."

"Every night?" I repeated, raising my eyebrows in surprise. "That is so unhealthy."

"Well, we may as well since none of us cook."

"Cooking is an essential part of a person's life. You guys should know how to cook. Or if not, use Google to figure out recipes," I chided, giving them a disproving look.

"I can imagine you as a mother," I heard Dax mutter and I gave him a playful yet annoyed look.

"Okay, well, I'm not having this," I firmly told them, finding their daily food lives ridiculous. "Cris, you're taking me to buy food."

"Um, since when did you become my mother?"

I gave him a scowling look. "Cris," I said in a provocative and stern tone. "You're taking me to buy food. Now."

"Shit, Cris, you better move it before she does it for you," Jordan mumbled, coughing to cover up his words as he avoided meeting my eyes.

He laughed shortly before forcing himself to get up and looking at me playfully.

"Wipe the smirk off your face. Let's go," I said, rolling my eyes with attitude as I started walking to the door.

"You're gonna go like that?" He asked me in disbelief, chuckling.

"I can't be bothered to change into the clothes from yesterday and the same clothes that I was harassed in, so yes, Cris, I will go like this," I snappily replied, giving him another sarcastic look.

I walked out of the loft and he followed me out, shutting the door behind us. We walked down the stairs in silence, through the empty boxing ring and out of the building, the sun finally hitting my face.

I loved it and he led me to the car where I sat in the passenger seat. I put on my seatbelt and looked around the outside world as he started driving.

After a few minutes, he asked me, "why do you keep smiling at everything you see? Don't get me wrong, I love your smiles but you look like you haven't seen buildings in your whole life."

"Well," I started, glancing over at him, "I haven't really been outside for the last couple of months. Being kidnapped doesn't really give you advantages of the outside world."

"Damn," Cristiano said, his eyes moving to me before back to the road. "Sorry."

"It's fine," I waved it off, continuing to gaze out the window.

"For someone that was kidnapped, you seem really good," he acknowledged and I didn't take it the wrong way. I smiled at him, "that's because things are better now. I'm not gonna let that affect me; it's all in the past. That's because of you. ." I looked at him affectionately, "thank you, Cris. Your actions mean the world to me."

"That's okay, baby," Cristiano replied, giving me a smile. "Anything for you."

I looked outside and we were pulling up to a food store. Cristiano parked and we got out, shutting the door behind us. Cris locked his expensive car and followed me into the shop.

I took a shopping cart, already taking something from the first aisle; fruit.

"Hey, what's the budget?" I asked, not wanting to cross any boundaries. He chuckled, shaking his head. "Take as much as you want."

"Are you sure about that?" I enthusiastically asked, teasing him a little with my innocent yet playful look. Cristiano licked his lips, gazing at me. "Seriously, Rose."

"I'll hold onto that," I told him in a singsong tone, taking grapes, plums, oranges and bananas. I took some other fruit - most of them there before moving onto vegetables.

Afterwards, I moved onto different aisles, taking various different foods for different reasons. Cristiano put in some ready made foods and I instantly put them back.

"Wha?" He asked, purposefully missing off the 't' in his word. I gave him a witty look. "We, Mr, are going to start making foods, not taking pre-made ones. I honestly don't know how you keep that body with the way you guys eat."

"It's the same body that turns you on."

"Who said that body would ever turn me on?"

"Well," Cristiano dramatically sighed, giving me a teasing look as I placed more things in the trolley. "Baby, remember that stormy yet steamy night in a pleasant cafe?" I looked at him, my cheeks beginning to go red, betraying me. "The one where your soft, silky hands slid up my hard, captivating abs that you can't resist keeping your eyes off of?"

"How could I forget?" I asked, using the same dramatic tone as his. He was leaning closer to me and I stopped walking, looking at him with a flirtatious and teasing look. Our faces were close together and I licked my lips slowly, making him glance down at them as I said, "it's the same night you got your precious jewels stuck in the-"

"Oh, God, don't even mention it!" Cristiano groaned loudly, moving away as I laughed, walking along whilst he trailed behind me, embarrassed.

"Come on!" I chuckled, loving his reaction. He groaned once more, rubbing his eyes as I put more items in the cart.

"Don't mention that ever again," he continued groaning, shaking his head at himself. I laughed once more, putting some more drinks in the trolley. "Oh, I'm sorry, my sweet baby Cris, did I bring an embarrassing moment up for you?" I asked in a sweet, baby tone.

His eyes directly gazed into mine and he unexpectedly placed his hand on my cheek, moving my hair away from my face. My lips parted and suddenly, we weren't joking any more.

He licked his lips and his eyes glanced down to my lips. I blinked, waiting for him but he didn't do what I wanted him to do. Our faces were so close together.

"Never again will I get that drunk to the point where my jewels are almost harmed," he jokingly said, moving away from me. I looked at him but he didn't meet my eyes. It was as though something clicked in him and he held himself back.

I gave him a small smile, our moment gone.

"Um, I think I'm done," I announced to him after at least half an hour of us walking around the store.

We went to the till and a male cashier was on duty, scanning our items.

"Is that all?" He asked, after Cris had paid for everything. "Yes," I replied politely, ready to go.

"I think you forgot something," the guy said, giving me a smile. "A phone number."

I looked at him in surprise, slightly speechless. My lips separated and I stuttered, "uh. . um. ." I chuckled lightly and unexpectedly, my hand was held by Cristiano.

"Sorry, buddy," Cris said, kissing my hand. His eyes expanded a little and his cheeks went red. "Oh, um, sorry, I didn't mean to-"

"It's okay," I replied with a kind smile. "Don't worry about it." We took the bags and left the store, my cheeks red.

I laughed lightly, looking at Cris. "Thanks . . . I mean, no thanks. What if I wanted to say yes?"

"But you didn't," Cristiano pointed out, giving me another one of his classic smirks. I rolled my eyes, "but what if-"

I gave him a funny look, making him chuckle.

We put all the heavy bags in the boot before driving once more.

"Where are we going?" I asked him, noticing that we weren't going down the normal way home. He smiled at me, "you can't keep going around in trackies."

"Thank you, Cristiano," I said seriously and he laughed, glancing at me. "Stop saying that, Rose," he replied, his eyes twinkling. "It's nothing."

"It's something to me," I told him, being honest. "Then that's all that matters," Cristiano responded, his voice sweet."

Arriving at the shopping centre, Cris let me choose which stores I wanted to go to.

I walked into a familiar one but he stopped me, raising an eyebrow. "What are you doing?" He asked, his tone confused. I gave him a practical look. "Going into the shop. . .to find an outfit."

"Gucci is right there."


"So, let's go there," Cris said, about to lead me there but I shook my head, smiling. "I'm fine, honestly. I don't need designer things."

"The guys would kill me if we came back with plain ass clothes-"

"Okay, they're not plain-"

"We're going to Gucci, come on."

Hours later, Cristiano and I were still looking for more clothes. I told him that I could do this all online but he wouldn't have it. He said that I needed a new wardrobe quickly and that when we got home, we could get some more things online.

Breakfast and lunch had flown by and I was extremely hungry.

"I'm starving," I whined, my eyes gazing at the restaurants we kept passing ravenously.

"Eat me," Cristiano casually said, giving me a teasing look. I rolled my eyes, ignoring his comment before pulling his muscular arm towards McDonalds.

"Can I please get a Big Tasty meal with extra fries, some chicken nuggets and a large banana milkshake. He'll have the same but a coke please, thank you," I said, glancing over at Cristiano. She took our orders and we waited in the queue as my stomach grumbled.

"What if I wanted a Big Mac?"

"Well, firstly, Big Tastys are better and I thought you said 'live in the moment, not 'what ifs'?" I asked, giving him a coy look. Cristiano looked at me before chuckling and poking my arm. "You're something else, Rosalia."

Our orders came and we sat down after paying, hungry.

During our meal, I asked Cristiano softly, "did you ever talk to him?" His stunning eyes looked up at me whilst he sipped his drink. "What do you mean?"

"Your brother. Did you?" I asked gently, eating another chip. He shook his head slowly, sighing to himself. "I didn't have the guts to. I really messed up with him."

"What did you do?" I asked sympathetically, eating some more. He chuckled shortly, giving me a small smile. "I can't tell you yet. I can't remind myself of what I did." I nodded slowly, understanding.

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to-"

"No, no, it's okay," he said, reassuring me. "Just know that one day I will hopefully. I nodded again and we ate some more.

"I ended things with him. It wasn't easy at first. We had a huge argument but it turns out that she wasn't the only minor he was sleeping with. I hated it so I told the police. After giving my statement, I forgot about him. I don't have time for irreverent things like that," I explained, smiling a little.

Cristiano chuckled, "that's my girl."

That's my girl

That's my girl






Oh, my gosh, Rose, stop being so cheesy! He was only saying that; he didn't mean anything by it.

Once Cris and I finished eating, we decided to go home. I was exhausted and I was surprised Cristiano didn't complain about how long we took.

Our journey home consisted of pick up lines and laughing. I really did enjoy my day out with Cristiano. He was funny, charming and sweet. I actually liked his attempts with his cliche quotes.

By the time we got home, it was already beginning to get dark and time had flown by.

Cris called the guys downstairs to help us with all the bags and once we all got upstairs, Dax said, "we were gonna wait for you guys to order some Chinese."

"No take aways tonight," I said, putting some bags down.

"I'm gonna cook some paella and chicken."

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