
I pulled up my jeans, tucking in my white shirt. I turned my head around to catch eyes with my handsome lover. "How can I not stare?" He smirked, licking his lips slowly. I giggled, shaking my head. I walked over to where he lay on our king sized bed and leaned over him to kiss his cheek only to be pulled onto the bed as I squealed while he trapped me under him. I stared into his mesmerising hazel eyes, "Vincenzo! I have to go meet your brother, remember?" He groaned, burying his head in my neck. "Idiota fastidiosa!" I rolled my eyes, stroking his hair gently.

"I may not understand everything you say but I do know you shouldn't call your brother an annoying idiot," I scolded, attempting to escape from his trap. He huffed in my neck, kissing it. "Let me go, Vince! I'm already late!"

"No, no. I want you all to myself," Vincenzo seductively said, his hands ran down to my hips, playing with the button of my jeans. I licked my lips, smiling. "Maybe if you're lucky you'll get some of me on our wedding night." He paused, caressing my cheek, "why not now?" He quietly asked, gently pressing his body against me. I thought for a moment before saying, "it'll be worth the wait now let me go, before Dante comes barging into here wondering why I'm so late."

He pecked my lips before releasing me, giving me a small slap on my butt on my way out of the room.

Me and Vincenzo had been dating for a year and he had been my fiancé for three weeks. I was so in love with him and was happy to spend the rest of my life with him. I knew he was involved in a dark business. He was part of the mafia and as crazy as it sounded I accepted it as who his was and moved on from that. From time to time we had arguments due to that but my love for him never ended.

I walked outside to see Dante leaning against his black SUV, talking to someone through his phone. Dante was Vincenzo's brother and was silly, ridiculous and a pervert. He was two years younger than his Vincenzo and acted like a child. They had another brother named Leonardo who lived away with his wife and two kids. As you could guess they were also in the mafia and were all Italian.

Dante noticed me and hanged up his phone call before giving me a goofy grin. "I was starting to wonder if you were actually going to come." I smiled back about to give my excuse before he interrupted me saying, "no need for excuses, your neck already told me." I hand flew to my neck as I widen my eyes in surprise.

Dammit, Vincenzo!

"Let's just get this day over and done with, I've got the shopping list right here!" I said, changing the subject. I opened the car door and sitting down in the passenger seat.

I yawned dragging myself towards the house, holding handfuls of food filled shopping bags in my small hands. "You sure you don't need any help?" Dante asked me yet again. I rolled my eyes heaving slightly. "Since you won't stop asking you can unpack while I see what your brother's up to. He hasn't been answering any of my texts."

He grabbed most of the shopping bags from my hands and pushing the front door open. We placed all the bags onto the island of the kitchen. "I'll be just be a moment," I told him, walking up the stairs. "Sure you will!" I heard him call behind me as I chuckled at his comment.

I made my way to his office, twisting the door knob open and stepping in.

I gasped at the sight in front of me. My hand covered my mouth as I blinked multiple times to attempt to keep the tears threatening to burst out in but failed miserably as I choked back a sob. His eyes had widened at the sight of me as he pushed the brunette haired woman off his lap and fiddled with his pants as he pulled them up. "Mia cara, I swear this isn't what you think!"

I struggled to speak as I stared at him with sadness in my eyes. "How could you?" I whispered, my hands now limply by my sides. "How could you!" I exclaimed, looking at him in pain as he walked towards me. I ran down the stairs, Dante staring at me in confusion. "What's going on?" He asked.

I felt Vincenzo's hand pull me back. I screamed, yelling at him to let me go, ignoring his pleads to let me hear him out. I was crying hysterically, taking in short breaths as I began to have a panic attack. Dante was yelling at his brother to let me go but he continued to beg me to listen go him. I managed to pull myself out of his grip, running out of the front door and going towards my car. I heard him call after me as Dante was holding him back. I turned around, staring at him in disbelief.

I gazed at my diamond ring on my left hand before sliding it off and throwing it towards him before going into my sliver car and driving away, not looking back.


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