"Pleased to meet you again, Scott and Julia," Brianna said. "Zoe tells me Julia recently submitted to you as a sex slave."
"It was a temporary thing," Scott replied. "I noticed Julia kept reading slavery romances and asked her if she'd like to try the real thing instead of just reading about it. So, we gave it three weeks to give her a taste of what slavery would be like. It ended yesterday."
"How did you like it, Mistress?" Marcia asked me.
"I loved it," I replied. It felt odd being called Mistress. I'd been a slave for three weeks and now someone was calling me Mistress, just as I used to do as a slave when addressing a non-slave.
"They informed me when they arrived, Julia is expecting a child now." Zoe added. "Scott learned yesterday he's going to be a father for the first time. I'm guessing they might be having a baby a short time after I do. I also learned Julia was not the only one to have served as a slave. Lisa was also Scott's slave for a period of time."
Everyone congratulated us on the announcement of our imminent arrival and they looked with renewed interest at Lisa.
"You no longer wear a collar either," Brianna noted.
"With Julia no longer participating in sex slavery submission, Scott didn't feel it was appropriate to keep other slaves either," Lisa replied. "I'm back to plain old friend and neighbor."
"You enjoyed your slavery as well from the tone in your voice?" Brianna said.
"Very much so," Lisa replied. I held her hand briefly, squeezing it.
"Is it because Julia is pregnant she's not serving as your slave any longer?" Brianna asked.
"No," Scott answered, "it was over before I learned I was becoming a father. I had my reasons for wanting to stop having nothing to do with the pregnancy."
Everyone nodded thoughtfully.
"Do you want a boy or girl, Mistress?" Marcia asked me.
"Either one. I'm not particular. Part of the reason we're here is because Scott wants to be home more, so he's selling part of his business to a friend and co-worker. Zoe was doing the paperwork for the sale."
"What kind of business?" Sam asked.
"Home construction," Scott replied.
"Around here?" Sam asked.
"In Fresno," Scott answered.
"It's a hot day," Brianna said, "and you had a long drive. Would you like to take a dip in the pool before lunch is served?"
"We didn't bring swim suits, Brianna," I replied.
"Does anyone here look like they'd mind if you were skinny dipping?"
I laughed, saying, "No. Everyone looks pretty comfortable." I looked at my husband. "Would you mind, Scott?" I asked, my eyes glancing quickly towards Sam. I wasn't a slave anymore and Scott might have a problem with his wife undressing in front of another man, though I doubted if he cared if I was naked in front of the women.
"If Sam feels free to display his beautiful wife to everyone, I suppose I shouldn't object if my own is bare," Scott replied. "If you want to go swimming, feel free."
"Lisa, a quick dip in the pool?" I asked.
"Sounds lovely," Lisa said.
She stood up and started removing her clothes. I did the same and was conscious of many eyes watching as I removed my things, feeling more self-conscious than I had fucking in front of people on Memorial Day. Slavery really did eliminate many of the social justifications we had for nudity. Stripping as a free person more embarrassing than fucking as a slave. Fully naked finally, I took Lisa's hand and we went into the pool.