I didn't quite understand what Sam intended doing. The fact Zoe trusted him did mean something to me, so I was willing to consider playing along until I found out what he was doing. Calling my wife and friend to me, I asked them if they were willing to accept my collar again. Lisa jumped right in. Julia was more hesitant and questioned me, not understanding why I'd change my mind in the space of a day. I found an answer she was willing to accept. She knelt at my feet again, as did Lisa. My heart leapt when they both knelt, yet I couldn't foresee changing my mind. I put collars around both their necks, then I gave her to Sam as he'd requested.
Both were startled at the sudden change, their eyes growing wide. As their Master, I was entitled to do so and they'd just agreed to their submission. Julia was the more panicked of the two, immediately pointing out she couldn't stay. Sam had an immediate answer. She would make it to her doctor's appointment and he'd still have time to fuck her. Then she said she didn't want to leave me alone. Sam had an answer for that as well, saying he was sending Chantelle back home with me in trade for their services. Chantelle played along and rubbed her naked body against me, kissing me. I saw a flash of fire in Julia's eyes as she saw Chantelle offer herself to me. Even Zoe agreed Sam knew how to please them. I told them both to face their new temporary Master. Reluctantly it seemed, they turned to face Sam, now kneeling to him. I felt weak kneed and my heart pounded as I thought of her actually spending three weeks with him. Chantelle was almost propping me up.
"Shhh," she whispered. "Monsieur knows what he's doing." I sure hoped so.
Sam could see their obvious disappointment to be staying here. He asked why they were unhappy, that he would see to it they were well pleasured and would have nothing to worry about. He knew they enjoyed serving multiple partners and he'd happily provide all the fucking they could desire, from male to female. No hole would be left untouched, and often all of them together would be used.
He had them display for him, had Zoe and Marcia test their wetness, their slave heat. They were both wet, already falling into their slavery, ready to fuck. He told them he would ensure every fantasy they had for being used would be fulfilled, all without me having to watch it happen.
Julia said some things which made my heart sing. None of it would mean anything if I weren't with her. She'd rather surrender her slavery than continue without me. Sam didn't leave it there. He asked why she wanted me to witness her body being used by other people, especially since it was the problem I had with her continued slavery. She said she didn't want me to witness her having sex with other people. She'd participated as it was the gift I offered her to satisfy her fantasy. Yes, she enjoyed it, but because it was from me, not because it involved other people. It was the gift from her Master that mattered, not the sex with others. She admitted she'd cum as a slave if she stayed, but it would be nothing to her if I weren't there with her.
Sam asked the same types of questions of Lisa. She didn't want to stay either. She didn't know them or trust them. She loved and trusted us. Being a slave without us wasn't what she wanted.
I'd had it all wrong. I thought Julia wanted sex with other people because it was part of her fantasy. She wanted sex with other people because I gave her to them. Satisfying me was what she craved, not sex with others. The icing on the cake was when she told Sam I could bring Chantelle home and fuck her all I wanted, as long as she was with me.
Julia was happy in her slavery, not because it allowed her to fuck other people, she was happy because I was her Master. Lisa was willing to take a chance on staying because I ordered it, but she didn't want to stay either, no matter what was offered.
Sam said the trade was off. My slaves didn't care about fucking multiple partners, all they cared about was me. All they cared about was their Master.
I removed Marcia's collar from around Julia's neck and handed back to Sam who replaced it on his own beautiful slave.
"Does this mean I'm not your slave again, Master?" Julia asked, starting to choke up.
"No. It means we have to put yours back on when we get home. You will stay naked for the rest of your time here. Slaves don't get clothes." I kissed her neck and she turned, plastering herself against me.
"Fuck me, Master," Julia said.
I looked around at all the people watching. I didn't want an audience when I fucked my slaves.
Sam told me I better heed her. "I'd listen to her, Scott. Who knows what a needy slave slut will do when she needs to cum. She could end up fucking anyone."
Julia whispered to me, "No one but you, Master. No one but you and Lisa."
Shit! I wanted to fuck them both in the worst way.
"Does anyone have a bed which will hold one Master and two randy slave sluts?" I asked.
Brianna offered me her bed saying slaves should clean up after themselves. I was barely listening. I had hold of my slaves hands and was following Zoe who was leading us. I didn't want to let go of either hand. I was already hard. I'd been getting hard since Chantelle rubbed her nude body against me. Listening to my two slaves had finished the job. Zoe opened the door to her Mistress's bedroom. Crap, it was the largest bed I'd ever seen. I removed my clothes with my slaves help. Julia was sucking my cock before my shorts were below my knees. Lisa was licking my balls. I fell into the bed dragging them both with me.
I don't think Brianna had to worry about her bed. I doubt a single drop of cum was spilled anywhere but a hungry mouth. It might have gotten a little sweaty, however.
We reemerged three hours later. My slaves were immediately swamped by Zoe and several other slaves.
"How romantic," Zoe said. "Your Master couldn't even wait to fuck you. Does he know what he's doing? Did you cum? You have to tell us."
They dragged my two slaves into the water again, excitedly chattering. Sam, Marcia and Brianna were watching over the twins, asleep in the shade.
"Catch," Sam said, tossing me an ice cold bottle of water. I caught it and he said, "You need to rehydrate."
"Thanks, I probably do." I said to Brianna. "No one has to sleep in any wet spots tonight."
Brianna laughed merrily. "Thank you, Scott. I appreciate it. How did you like the bed?"
"It's huge. You could sleep six people on it."
"And often have. I have a lot of slaves I have to keep happy. It's an Alaskan King."
"We should probably leave soon. It's a fairly long drive back to Fresno."
"Nonsense," Sam said. "Stay for supper. Chantelle is making herb crusted prime rib with béarnaise sauce, new potatoes, glazed carrots and cherries jubilee. Eat, then spend the night. We have a spare bedroom you can use. You can leave tomorrow at a decent hour. Since all of your dominance and submission experience came from sex slavery novels, we thought it might be helpful to speak to you regarding the subject from a non reverse harem point of view."
"The meal sounds delicious," I said. "I can't say I would mind any advice you have either."
"Delicious doesn't even begin to describe it, Master," Marcia said.
"How is it you all don't weigh 300 pounds?" I asked.
"We mostly only eat such foods when we have company," Brianna said. "The rest of the time we tend to eat lighter fare like the lunch you skipped today."
"And lots of sex," Sam said. "It was my diet plan, which is a whole other story."
"Are you sure it won't be any trouble?" I asked.
"Any friend of Zoe's is our friend too, Master. I'm sure my Master would love to have another male to talk to. He wasn't kidding when he welcomed more testosterone this morning."
"Thank you."
"We understand how you might have gotten into your situation," Sam said, "since you were operating from a different set of rules than most dominants and submissives, but it's been our experience that once a barrier is broken, it's sometimes difficult to close the door again. Who were the other men your wife had sex with? I ask because if you don't want your wife having sex with other men, they're going to be the problem."
"A food delivery driver," I said. "Lisa's father, the impotent husband of a slave we had briefly, and five of my poker buddies, though one of them is probably more gay than not, and a submissive and he's currently on the Pacific Crest Trail hiking for several months with a brand new girl dominant."
"I doubt if you'll have problems with the delivery driver," Sam said. "Don't order food from there any more. The gay submissive shouldn't be a problem either. Just tell him to stay the fuck away. The impotent guy; if he's impotent, how did he fuck your slave and how often would you see him?"
"He used a strap-on, and I doubt we'll see him again. His wife was serving as a slave due to his impotence, but he realized he might be able to pleasure her himself if he's willing to consider alternative ways of having sex."
"Is Lisa's father going to be an issue for you?"
"I don't think so. I hope not."
"How the hell did he get involved anyway?" Brianna asked.
"A wild Memorial Day party. The slaves served anyone who was there except their children."
"Well, assuming Lisa's Dad won't be an issue, that leaves the poker buddies. Marcia and I have discovered once you start having sex with other people, it may be harder to shut them off, especially if you're close."
"You seem to have quite a few children running around. How many people are you having sex with?" I asked.
"Regularly, two, my slaves only. It's possible for me to have sex with Brianna and Monique on a regular basis, though because they're both committed lesbians, it usually doesn't happen unless Marcia or possibly Chantelle is with me. They're more into Marcia than they are me. To avoid further entangling our lives, Marcia doesn't have sex with anyone else other than those three while a non-slave, and we never have sex as a couple with anyone other than those three people. If one of the women desires to have children, we've agreed I could sire them if that's what they wished, but only me and a woman other than Marcia and only during their fertile cycle. There's another couple, but they live in New York, so it would never be a regular thing. Unfortunately, having sex with people creates a certain level of intimacy that's hard to shake off, which is why we've now got so many rules restricting when and where and why. My question is what are you going to do to avoid your slave from having sex with people she's now had sex with?"
"They all knew she was doing this for only three weeks," I replied.
"But now she's your slave again, Master Scott," Marcia said, "and I assume she'll remain so on a permanent basis from now on. If she's dressed like and acting like a slave, people might continue treating her like a slave."
"You're not a full time slave," I said. "How does that work."