When he pulled out, her ass was gapping quite bad but the natural elasticity was causing it to close. She immediately turned around and started sucking Sean's cock clean.

"Fuck no! She did not suck his cock again!" Shasta exclaimed.

"Her ass was prepared earlier. Sandy cleansed herself by giving herself some enemas this morning until there was nothing left in her bottom. It was clean. I'm not saying it's for everyone, but it's not bad. Not much different than sucking a cock which has just come out of a cunt after both have orgasmed."

"Jesus! How many of you sucked cock after getting ass fucked?"

Everyone but Charlotte and Melanie raised their hand.

Alice said. "I sucked Scott's cock after he fucked me in the ass without being cleansed first. It was videoed. I wanted my cheating bastard of a husband see me sucking Scott's shit encrusted cock after I kissed his lying mouth. He puked, the bastard. Can't say I ever want to do it again, but it wasn't so bad. Animals do eat shit sometimes. I think the thought of doing it is worse than the actual doing."

"I was almost ready to drink piss," Janet said. "My ex-boyfriend humiliated me so much I started to crave humiliation. I asked Domina to piss on me, then piss in my mouth. She went so far as to piss on me, but convinced me I didn't deserve humiliation just because my ex used to treat me like shit. I would have done it had she not talked me out of it."

Shasta was looking at her like a third eye appeared where her belly button was.

"Look at me, Shasta," I said. She turned to look at me. "Just as you didn't want to have sex after you were raped, Janet had issues after her shitty ex-boyfriend emotionally abused her. Humiliation was such a part of her life for five years, she began to believe she deserved to be humiliated. Being pissed on seemed normal to her. It's not. If some people want to do something like that, I won't say anything because they aren't really hurting anyone, but I'm glad she realized she deserved more than being pissed on or drinking piss. Obviously, her current Master treats her much better than her old boyfriend did. Despite being a sex slave, she's treated like a queen by her Master. Sex slavery isn't necessarily about how you're treated. You can be treated well by a Master and screwed up bad by a boyfriend or husband. You can do the same to Sean. You can be a good Mistress or a bad Mistress. You can choose to care about him or ignore him. You can be kind or vicious. As long as you meet certain of his needs, he might remain with you no matter how badly he's treated. He's submitting to your will. You could require him to drink your piss or eat your shit. You have a lot of control over your slave. Remember that."

"You would drink my piss, Sean?" Shasta asked.

"If my Mistress required it," he replied.

"I would never require you to do that, slave," Shasta said.

Sean smiled at her. "A slave is very grateful, Mistress."

"Would you like me to suck your cock, Sean?"

"A slave greatly appreciates anything his Mistress might be willing to do for him, Mistress."

"Well, not after it's been in an ass, slave. Perhaps we'll explore the different possibilities."

"Would you like to borrow these butt plugs, Shasta?"

She looked down at the box of four glass plugs.

"They look very clean."

"They wash up well with soap and water. Not much different than changing a dirty diaper, Shasta."

"One day for each size?"

"Yes. A little lube or even vaseline will help you insert it. I will tell you getting fucked with one of these in your ass is very enjoyable. It makes for a snug fit," I said, smiling.

"You're going to turn me into a sex maniac like you, aren't you?"

"Only if you enjoy it as much as I do, Shasta."

She took the box and closed the top. "I'll give it a try."

"You should be ready by Saturday night. I would start with Sean. He'll make sure he does only what you want. I don't think you'll regret it."

The look on Sean's face was priceless. We slaves have to stick together.

"Sandy, you may sit in the hot tub for awhile. Take the baby monitor with you. Make sure you're back here by three."

"Yes, Domina. Thank you."

The afternoon break went much as the others did, Sandy licking everyone to orgasm, then sucking Sean's cock, Shasta watching intently as she did. There wasn't nearly the volume of cum the third time as the first. Sandra managed to swallow it all without difficulty. She was released.

"Best damn work breaks I've ever had at any company I've ever worked for," Alice said as we went back to work. "Too bad we can't do it every day."

"We don't get enough work done when we do. Instead of climaxing and going back to work, everyone wants to watch everyone else cum," I said. "We'd go out of business if we did it all the time."

"Still a great company benefit," Reneé said. "It's too bad you aren't doing training more often."

"If we only did it once a day at lunch," Lisa said. "It wouldn't muck up the day too bad. We could offer it more often."

"We don't train that many cunt lickers," I said.

"We could do it," Lisa replied.

"Don't you think it would screw up the management/worker dynamic?"

"We have an unusual dynamic here anyway. Everyone works nude. We profit share. If they work hard, they get more money. If they don't, they're screwing themselves. They're all hard working, conscientious people who enjoy what they're doing and the people they work with. We chose wisely. Besides; we could also ask for volunteers. I don't doubt Reneé and Janet at least wouldn't do it on occasion and if Shasta was agreeable, Sean could do it too. He likes licking cunt."

Everyone had stopped working and were listening to our conversation.

"Go back to work," I said. "Master would have to approve of his slaves having sex."

"I'd do it if my Master was agreeable," Reneé said.

"So would I," Janet said. "A mid-day cum break would be wonderful."

I looked at Shasta. "Would you throw Sean into the mix?"

"Why not."

"You know, he should get to cum if everyone else does. It's only fair. Would you be taking care of his needs or would someone else have to do it?"

"I'm still not sure I'm ready to suck dick. For now, someone else has to do it, or he jack himself off."

"Melanie, What do you want to do?"

"Do I have to lick someone's pussy?"

"I think we can leave it to those who like licking pussy," Lisa said. "It's not like I mind it if my own gets some attention too."


"Fuck it. I didn't hate licking your cunts before. I'm sure I can deal with licking it again for a lunch break like todays every work day. I wouldn't mind sucking Sean's shaft either. Might like it more than licking pussy anyway."


"When I interviewed for this job, I thought it was to be as a sex worker. I'm glad I wasn't being hired for that purpose, but I was ready to do it if I needed to. I've enjoyed the cum breaks like everyone else, and if I'm not being paid for sex, at least I don't feel like a whore. At the very least, I'd be willing to suck Sean's cock. I'd be nervous about, you know, licking another woman's pussy. I've never done it before. I'd have to think about it some more, but if you're not expecting an answer right now, I'm in."

"No one has to do anything they're not comfortable with," Lisa said. "It's supposed to be something enjoyable. If it's not enjoyable, no one will want to do it. Obviously, we have to check with our Master. He has control over who we fuck. If he's agreeable, Julia and I will accept the major burden as we obviously love sex."

"So do Reneé and I," Janet said.

"Think about it," I said. "Decide what you want to do, check with your Master's or whatever. Let us know tomorrow if you want to continue past today except for special occasions like this one. But if we're going to do this on a regular basis, you need to get on with work when your cum break is over. You can't stop to watch everyone else climax. Eat, enjoy your orgasm and back to work."

Everyone went back to work with a smile on their face. Why did I feel like this proposal would pass with flying colors and what would Master say about it?

When everyone left, Sean whispered a quick 'Thank you' to me as he left with his Mistress. I squeezed his shoulder. I hoped he ended up getting his cock sucked and got to fuck his Mistress's ass at some point.

We called Master Dan and asked him if he'd like us to pick something up for supper on our way over to drop off his wife. He said he'd be happy with a pizza so we ordered two large pan pizza's for pick up on our way back to his place. We didn't even need to ask what he wanted. Sandy knew it is well as he did. I left Lucas with Rhonda. She could give him a bottle if he needed to be fed. Thank God for sister slaves. When we got to Dan's home, he was already nude, a hard erection waiting for us, and he made us strip as well.

The food sat on the counter while he fucked my cunt. It didn't take but fifteen minutes for him to spend in my pussy, having been without the services of his slave for a couple days. I still climaxed three times due to his vigorous and energetic fucking. He made Sandra lick his cum from my cunt and I climaxed again as she cleaned me up. Lisa had to clean off his cock. Afterward, we ate, and he asked about Sandra's stay at our house since he left. We told him everything including what his son had done to his mother and how Sandy had taken care of Sean today. The story told, he was hard again and he fucked Lisa's ass, grunting when he sent his cum up her lovely ass. Sandra once again tasked with cleaning up his cum, now leaking from her bottom.

He told me to get a warm washcloth and wash him off since Lisa hadn't cleansed her ass. I wiped him gently.

"Very good, slaves. You've done well. You shall now call your Master on FaceTime and hand me the phone. I'll expect you to suck my cock to orgasm while I speak to your Master about how well you've done tonight."

Lisa and I looked at each other briefly, then I dialed up Master and handed Dan the phone. Lisa and I took turns sucking his cock and licking his balls, while Master watched us and they talked. He told Master he'd already fucked my cunt and Lisa's ass and he would be sending us home shortly after he climaxed in one or both of our mouths. He described our obedience and how much he enjoyed fucking two such tight and sexy slaves, describing in intimate detail what it felt like to penetrate our slave cunt and ass and how proficient we were at sucking cock. His conversation ended when his cock swelled in my mouth and his hot cream filled it. I swallowed it all without difficulty, his third orgasm tonight. Master Dan handed me the phone.

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