Chapter 4
I received his message with the address. I don't know the place. I just ask the taxicab driver to bring me to the place. There were drums inside my chest just by thinking of my best friend. Is she in danger?
I arrived at the said address. From the road, I walked for a few minutes until I reached an abandoned house. The house looks creepy like the ones I saw in horror movies. It was surrounded by dead trees and plants. The windows are dark. I tried to open the door and I hate its creaking sound. On the inside, the things are filled with dust and cobwebs.
"Hello, Elli?" my voice echoed. I think there was no one here.
I heard a sound, but to my surprise, it was just a rat.
My blood started to run cold as I tried to look around the house. I am alone.
I heard noises outside. I think it was the sound of snapping twigs. I looked over the window and saw someone standing and behind was a big dog? I'm not sure.
I want to jump out of my skin. I hurriedly went outside the house.
"Dear Elli, Is this the prize of looking for you like crazy?"
I tried to run so fast, but I realized that I was lost. I lost the trail. This was not the way to the main road. I think I am in the middle of the forest now.
The trees were big. Leaves are rustling, wind whistling around trunks and disturbing the leaves, birds singing, insects humming, there was a rustle of animals rooting in the underbrush, scrabbling of lizards on tree bark.
"Congratulations Luna, you are lost," I told myself.
Suddenly, I heard a growling sound. As I turned around, my jaw went slack as I saw two big dogs? Oh, no I think, wild wolves. They angrily looked at me. Their fur is black and thick, and by fuckin' grace, it was walking forward as if it wanted to attack me.
My feet are trembling. What should I do?
I didn't have time to think anymore, I just ran so fast.
The wolves were after me. They are so fast. Tears started to form in my eyes. Until I stumble down and my face on the ground. I even tasted the dried leaves that stuck in my face.
I looked around to see the wolves coming for me.
This is how I will die. The same as how my brother died.
I just closed my eyes as I prepared myself to die in the middle of the woods when suddenly I heard a loud growl.
To my surprise, a grey wolf was attacking the two black wolves. The grey wolf is so strong and bigger.
Oh, Luna, it was time to run.
As I ran away from the fighting, I felt extremely tired as if my body wants to give up. I tried to run as far as I can even my vision started to spin. I still tried my best to run until my visions finally went black.
I opened my eyes, my body was in pain and it was tormenting me. I found myself in a bed inside the room. I am in an elegant bed. The room is big with a spacious interior.
I tried to stand and look around. The window was closed. I can see three doors. I tried to open the one on my left, it was a bathroom, and it was luxurious. The floor was made of marble, there was a shower, towel holders, bathtub, toilet papers, and soap. I tried to open the door on my right to see a very dark hallway. Alright, I felt scared and closed the door again.
My attention was caught with another door near a painting beside the bed. The door was a little smaller. I swallowed hard while asking myself if I should open that one. Until I found myself holding the doorknob and slowly peeking in the door.
To my astonishment, I just found another small room with a couch on the left, a table with scattered books, and a table on the other side with a vase and lamp on it. Two paintings were hanging on the wall. I tried to look closer at it. But I cannot give a definitive interpretation of the painting as it was an abstract painting.
As I walked around the room to examine the place, I heard a man's and a woman's voices. I think they are on the other side of this room. It means, there are other people in this house. The walls are made of wood.
I tried to touch the wall and put my ears in it.
I heard moans. Wait, what hell is happening there?
I tried to look closely at the wall to see a small hole that is just perfect for me to see the other side.
As I looked through the hole, I started to scan the other room to see a man and a woman naked in bed.
Oh, shittt!
I was shocked as I saw a woman lying naked in the bed spreading her legs so wide for the man to see her.
I can see the man's back. My goodness, his muscles are perfect. The man positioned himself between the woman's legs and started pounding so hard. The woman moaned, begging the man not to stop.
"Hector, you are so amazing" I heard the woman's voice.
I cannot take anymore what I was witnessing so I immediately look away and tried to stay away from the wall as much as possible when I accidentally hit the vase on the table next to me.
The vase shattered creating a loud noise. For sure, they were able to hear it.
I panic and went out of the room. I don't know what to do. I just stand next to the bed as my hands started to run cold. I can feel my face flushed red.
I was about to leave the room when the door burst open and to see the most handsome man come in.