I HAVE been so excited about getting back home.

We arrived at the airport at six o'clock in the afternoon. We would have to travel home for a few hours because of the traffic, so we talked about going through the restaurant nearby, talking a little, and then eating, before going home.

Daddy Gee met us at the airport. His car is the one we mostly drive. We are currently carrying a gray Ford Ranger because there are only four of us, but we frequently use this commuter van, especially when there is only local competition, because the seating capacity is larger. Daddy Gee is not only an instructor, but also a businessman. A man in his forties who enjoys dancing and breakdancing. He's a fantastic father!

I leaned back first because the seats were nice and soft, like an aristocrat's style. We often eat here on the way home from the airport, especially when the rush hour arrives. Then I heard my cell phone ring. I snatched it from my' pants' back pocket to see if it was Mama Cha who was calling.

"Hey! It's Trina! " Daddy Gee said when he saw whose name appeared. "Is she your girlfriend now, Clint?" He asked.

"Tssst! Aha! " I just shook my head and smiled.

"Trina is beautiful! She's also rich! " Ben said.

"Yes, she is! And she seemed so crazy over you, Clint! " Daddy Gee replied.

I just laugh at what they say.

"It's just.. Be careful! We saw her recently in Global with a handsome Chinese-looking guy," said Daddy Gee again.

"I have no intention of flirting with her! She looks like a headache! Brat!" I replied.

"Looks like that!" Ben said.

"I want to finish my dance lesson; it's a bit boring! Hahaha! " I said, laughing.

"That girl is madly in love with you, Clint! No denying! " Ben replied. "I've noticed the way she holds you, so intensely! Hahaa! "

Daddy Gee and the driver with us just laughed. I was just shaken by what Ben said, with a funny reaction on his face.

The order arrived, and we ate.

WE ALSO rested at the restaurant for almost an hour, and we also ordered some desserts too, just to kill time. Talk a bit about our projects and dance talents.

When suddenly,

"Clint!" Ben called.

I turned to him and he showed me his cellphone. Trina is calling him.

"Shall I answer it, brother?" Ben asked.

I just shook my head. Ben just let the call end.

What the hell is it with her? I just didn’t answer her call. Why bother calling Ben? What on earth is with this girl? Why does she keep on bugging' me?

"Trina likes you, Clint. She's been calling and chatting about where we're going to stay! She keeps on asking me about you! "said Ben.

"Oh! What did you say? " I exclaimed. "I'm going home, Mama Cha is already waiting for me. " I replied to Ben.

"You're not going with us to Daddy Gee's place anymore?" Ben asked.

"Not anymore, Ben. I'm going home because I feel bad too. Headache! " I said.

"Ah, okay, but don't forget that we need to be earlier tomorrow, Clint!" Ben said again. "Nick and Trina will be there!"

I was surprised by what Ben said.

"Can I just call Mama Cha so she can pick me up? I don't want to go there. I'm not in the mood for alcohol today," I told Ben.

"Don't! Daddy Gee won't let you! Just stay with us; don't drink if you don't feel like it! " Ben said.


"Dad, I won't be long," I said to Daddy Gee.

"Aah! Let's chill first, Clint! Come on! As always, it is forbidden to break traditions! Hahaa! " He said with a laugh.

Daddy Gee directed me to their house. We used to be like this, but now I feel like I prefer to go home right away to see Mama Cha because I miss her. I missed her so badly.

I’ve been excited and eager to be with her since something happened to us before I left, well over a month ago. I missed those f**kin' hot moments we had before I left. So

I think that once I see her, I'm going to hug and kiss her excitedly. I'm so excited I won't be able to take a bath. I'll go make up with her right away!

I was really in love with her! Or should I say, I'm madly in love with her? I wanted to go home. I can't wait to hold her. My body is much fitter now because I tried so hard to be this way so that she would fall in love with me. I want her to enjoy my body so that she doesn't ask for more. She deserves to be pleased because she's the type of woman who, even if you leave for a long time, won't look at others. She's the type of woman who is sure that you will come back whole and waiting for you. That's for sure! Especially when I found out that I was the first man in her life. I have no doubt that I can trust her all the time.

"Here we are at the poolside," Daddy Gee said.

When we arrived, the table was immediately set up, as was the wine and food.

"Nick just called, they're on the way. Lorein is with them," Ben said.

"Is Lorein your cunt? Haha! Is she yours, Ben? " said Daddy Gee, laughing out loud.

"Oh yeah! Perfect cunt! Hahaha!" Ben replied.

Trina's group mates are annoying, almost every member became the girlfriend of my dance crew just for fun.

Sometimes, some girls will give everything just to get the man they want. Especially in our profession, being a dancer-choreographer is a big advantage at our age. You can get and f**k as many girls as you want. I admit that others with me are not that handsome, but when they dance, God! Girls are going crazy to meet them later!

"They're already here!" Ben shouted.

I heard that the car was parked. Nick's voice resonates before coming in. And wait a minute...

"Hi, Clint!" Trina greeted me from a distance.

I just smiled at her. She approached me, grabbed me, and kissed me on the cheek that was almost halfway to my lips.

I saw Daddy Gee shake his head when he saw that because Trina clung to me immediately and focused her face on me. I didn't turn her away. I don't want to be that rude to her.

Before, just recently. Somehow, I was attracted to her because Trina is really beautiful, sexy, and smooth. Who wouldn't like that kind of girl? I'm also a bit horny. But as days pass, I can see the real her, and she's a bit naughty too, and clingy, not to mention that she sometimes talks dirty to me. Before then, it was okay with me. I thought that she was just like that, but now I get it. She does that to tease me. I always go with them because we're talking about a project which is interesting to me. I just get drunk often, especially when I'm enjoying the story. But then, one night, when she took me home, she tried to kiss me. She began touching me and talking dirty to me. She's so horny by that time because she's a bit drunk.

But, to be honest, she didn't win by tempting me that night. Though I'm enjoying her company, it doesn't mean that we can fk. I was not in the mood by that time because Mama Cha was mad at me, though — she doesn't know yet how I felt for her at that time. She didn't talk to me that whole fkin' day. She got mad without me knowing the reason. I'm not used to her being like that, so I'm kind of bothered. I know and I feel that she's already jealous of Trina. But she's the one who introduced me to her. I refused, but she insisted.

"Let's go! Get a glass! " Daddy Gee was handling the wine.

I sat down. Trina followed and sat beside me, resting her hands on my lap. Ben and Nick looked at each other, then...

"Looks like something's going to happen tonight! Hahaha! " Daddy Gee said, laughing out loud, then looked at me.

Trina and I looked at each other. She even bit her lower lip while looking at me.


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