I stared at him confused, I saw the guy with him stare in shock at him and was looking at me weirdly.
"You meant what you just said?" I heard the guy ask him again.
"Excuse me, but I don't understand you, I am not a possession so you can't own me, man, please I am sorry for not watching my steps,"
I said moving away from him. Who the heck? Just see someone for the first time and just feel like owning the person.
With what I said, looks like it made him regain himself as if he was just realizing what he also did. His expression changed to that of confusion at first which disappeared quickly just as it came, his face was back to the blank and his eyeballs went back to normal. What the heck? How did he do that so fast?
"Who are you?" He asked bitterly.
"Hello, you were the one who embraced me and now you ask who I am? I said under my breath. I am not that used to talking so I couldn't say it out loud. I was just glaring at him, when I saw no one was talking I decided to make the first move.
"Well I will be on my way then," I said and was about to walk away from him when he grab my hands and asked if I felt any kind of connection. Truly I kind of felt a spark when he touched me and it felt right. But I am not going to say anything to him. "I didn't mister and please let me go," I begged.
But he didn't listen the next thing he did was pull me toward him and then threw me over his shoulder with ease.
" What the heck where are you taking me to?" I ask nearly crying. But, he wasn't saying anything, the guy with him also followed, I looked around but everyone was minding their business, they didn't even know someone was getting kidnapped.
What the heck have I gotten myself into? When I saw no one else can come to my rescue except myself I did what a reasonable person will do, I bit him hard, and it made him kind of tense but it didn't help. I didn't stop wiggling, I was also screaming for help but wasn't heard. Not long I saw a black-tinted car pull up close to us then he put me down and told me to go in like heck I would do what he want. He can't just order me to do something for him.
I felt my hands had gotten to where my pocket knife I was about to draw it out so I could attack him, but he was fast enough to hold my hands and smirk, "You are slow" He said snickering. "Get into the car." He said again. "Never I won't," I mumbled folding my hands against my shirt. "Then you asked for this," Before I could ask him what he meant by that he shoved me into the car roughly and got in also.
The other guy got into the passenger seat I tried to open the other side of the car but it was locked already.
"What's your name", He asked not looking at me but resting his head. I didn't reply. Then he glares at me his eyeballs becoming deep blue.
"When I asked the question you reply I won't tolerate any disrespect from you," He growled. What the heck? Did he just .....
"What is your name this time he asked menacingly way. This man makes me scared....."My name is Selena," what? you don't expect me to still keep mute. I'm not ready to die.
He nod his head and went back to his position, then the car became silent.
We have been driving for the past few hours now and we haven't gotten to our destination, the drive has been silent, we haven't come across a single human since we left that city, yeah we left my new city because I don't think we would still be in that city after three hours drive with bushes on the sideways. You might be wondering how I knew it three hours? Of course, I can read the time was shown on the front of the car.
The funny part was that I wasn't even frightened. After a few more hours, I slept off leaving the rest to the nature.
I felt myself being carried again then I opened my eyes. "Leave me alone, I can walk myself," I said shoving him out of the way. But he didn't move a bit.
"If I were you I won't do that," He growled fiercely. To terrify me. What is with him and growling? He carried me up in a bride style and walk towards a castle, wow I was stunned, it is extraordinarily huge and elegant. " Close your mouth so something doesn't get into it." He said snickering.
When we got into the castle many maids were going up and down but, the instant they saw him every single people halted what they were doing with frightened faces they all bowed. I was embarrassed because he was still carrying me.
Who is he and why did these people give him so much respect? I wondered. He didn't even acknowledge them he just climbs up the stairs. We got to a room he pushed the door open and drop me on the king-size bed.
This will be your room as from now, Sophia is going to bring in your belongings, you can ask her for help if you want anything, and again you should go to bed early because we have a lot to talk about tomorrow." He said. Oh, my bag I nearly forgot about it. Before I could ask him or even thank him he was already out slamming the door.
I stood up from the bed and roam around the room, I have never slept in this kind of beautiful room ever in my life. I sat on the bed again jumping on it, it's very soft.
I heard a knock on the door, it must be the person he talked about. I told her to come in since it wasn't locked. She came in, hmm she is also pretty just like him, I think she is gonna be the same year as me or older than me.
"You must be Selena. Hi, I am Sophia, Damien's little cute sis." She said smiling a little too much, or maybe I am the issue since I haven't seen someone smile at me before except my grand mum and since I was used to it I don't smile or laugh.
"Hi" I replied timidly.
"Well the maids are going to bring in your dinner, this is your bag." She said stretching it to me. I quickly collected it from her kind of embarrassed, since the bag is kind of worn out, and thanked her.
"You should go take your bath, I will go get your dinner." She announced still standing there. I wanted her to leave before taking off my dress. I couldn't allow her to see my scars and bruises. When I see she wasn't leaving. I took out my towel and also my PJ.
"Hold on, don't tell me you are going to take off your dress in the bathroom because I am here?" She asked stunned. I nodded and went into the bathroom before she asks any more questions.
Going into the bathroom and I peeled off my gown the scarf around my neck along with my pop-socks remaining my bra and pant on I looked at the mirror to see the reflection of the ugly thing I have become.
My body was decorated with different sizes of scars, some healed up already, while some are still healing up. I saw a red spot close to my ribcage, touching it was painful, my ribcage must have broken when James kicked me yesterday.
The only part in my body with no scar is my face, they purposely don't hit on my face so others won't be suspicious of them and get their reputation ruined, I didn't know when tears began escaping from my eyes. Those people are devils.
"Selena, is everything okay?" I heard Sophia ask. "Nothing is wrong Sophia, I am fine," I replied. I quickly had my bath, put on my PJ along with socks I used the scarf also to wrap my neck
I came out to see the maids bringing in my food, "This isn't mine alone right" I asked Sophia. "Yup, it's yours any problem with that?" "Hmm no, there isn't, it's kind of much for me," I told her truthfully.
"Damien wants me to fill you with a lot of food because he thinks you are skinny which I kind of agree with." She confessed.
After the maids left I saw her looking at me weirdly, " Is anything wrong?" I asked her when I couldn't contain my inquisitiveness.
"You dress in a weird way, what is with the scarf and socks we are still in the summer period, don't you feel the heat?" She inquired.
"I am fine this way," I said curtly trying to make her know the conversation is over. I don't want to talk about this topic.
I just finished eating when I say finished I meant eating the whole food brought by the maids. Sophia kept me company throughout trying to make the room lively.
When I was done she called the maid to come to pack the dishes.
"Selena you can go to bed now, so my brother doesn't get mad at me." She said smiling, again.
"I rested on the bed reminiscing about my life all over again, I wondered who this Damien guy was? Why did he think I was his, why Sophia is taking care of me, and what exactly are we to talk about tomorrow?. Well if I want us to talk I need to sleep.
Not long after I traveled to my dreamland.
Leaving tomorrow to solve its misery.