Fresh air
“You are so useless!” The werewolf with dark hair was hovering on top of me, shouting at me, while I was on the floor, trying to cover my head from being too injured. I've learned that it is better to be kicked in the belly than in the head.
“I’m s-so so-sorry…” I heard myself mumbling, between sobs. He gave me another kick. This time, it hit my hip. Hard. That was going to leave a purple mark. I just knew it.
“I should have killed you the first time you arrived!” He said in a dreadful voice. It was always like that. He would talk to me as if I was garbage.
I looked at the werewolf who, as drunk as he was, probably didn’t realize what he had just said. He implied that I arrived from somewhere, not that I was his daughter. I was not his daughter!
At the same time it was a relief, for it meant I was not hated by my own parents but, thinking deeper into it, not really. If my parents loved me, or had any regard toward me, why would they give me away to such terrible werewolves? I could feel my mind start to wander and my heart was beating differently. Yeah, I knew because, once I concentrated on what the awful creature said, all I could hear were his words, again and again, and my own heartbeats. But I came back to earth when he hit me again, this time, it was a hard slap on my face, followed by his tight grip on my neck.
“You could at least be gorgeous with such a pair of eyes. Maybe, someone will pay to have you, after all.” He said, closer to my ear and I could smell the strong odor of alcohol. I was only thirteen, by that time, so I had no idea what he was talking about. Because his tone was different. As if it had another meaning than just sell me to someone who would work me as a slave. The thing is, that at that age, I didn’t understand some things.
“Let go of her!” A female voice yelled, getting near. “I said, let-her-GO!” I thanked the Moon Goddess for my mother’s intervention. It even surprised me.
I was pushed down on the floor, again. My throat was hurting, and I couldn’t help but cough, trying to breathe. My ‘mother’s’ words gave me hope that, maybe, she cared for me. She had never talked like that to her husband and mate.
“I was just teaching her a lesson!” He said, opening his arms and going for mother. “C’mon, gimme a hug!”
“Oh, fuck off, you idiot!” She said. “You can’t beat her too hard. Not tonight. We have a job for tomorrow, so she needs to be in one piece!”
The comforting moments I had were ripped from me. I had to laugh, internally, of how silly I was! What was I thinking? In all those thirteen years I’ve lived with her, not even one time did she give me affection. Why would she do it now? Of course not, she saw me as a money machine, a worker, a slave. Yes, for I was rarely fed and slept in the worst place of the cave or wherever they were staying for the moment.
“Okay, okay.” He said, raising his hands and trying to hug his wife, next thing.
“Not tonight, at least.” The she-wolf looked at me with those malicious dark eyes. “Then, you can teach her how to behave. The little shit!” She spit on the floor, near my feet.
“And clean that place. It’s a fucking mess!” The male shouted at me, before they both left the ‘room’.
I tried to take myself to my feet. I received beatings, here and there, but never this strong. He did hurt me much more that time. But what I could not forget was his words. I was not their kid. The question was: who were my parents, then? It led to another question: did I really wanna know? Sometimes, ignorance is the best of luckies.
Inhaling deeply, I finally managed to stand up, feeling my ribs complaining and my head dizzy. I stretched my arm to find support on the wall next to me. I had to clean that mess. If I didn’t do it, even though they wouldn’t hit me that night, they would do it the next one. And, oh, my… it would hurt a fucking lot! I just knew it!
The noise of the door cracking awakened me. I wanted to look around, confused, but every little move would hurt so much…No one went there to feed me, only one werewolf entered the cell and gave me some slashes on my back, so now, here was I,laying on my flat stomach, with my face turned to the right. I had to breathe. .After I was just broken, the werewolf laughed and left. He finally did it. I didn’t know if I could take more of that. He left and let me be. That was not so bad, I mean, the loneliness. I was hardly left alone, even after my adoptive parents would hit me. They would never let me just rest to recover. They would make me work. That was the very first time I was really able to lay down after a punishment and just try to survive.
Nobody else entered the cell after that. No one until that moment. It was the Beta, I knew it. His smell.
I remembered, minutes ago, what happened when I accidentally let the broom fall from my hands. How my adoptive father reacted and how he scolded and pushed me. But now, I was not in that cave again, I told myself. I was inside a cell, as a prisoner, in a very terrible Pack. I didn’t know everything about it, but before I and the other rogues went there, my adoptive father told me the Alpha was cruel and someone to be feared. That was the Night Shade Pack, the greatest one in all the United States. Well, the Alpha didn’t go down there to hurt me with his bare hands, but he did a good job by sending a representative.
“Ready to take some fresh air?” the Beta asked me. Aaron. His name was Aaron.
“Fresh… air?” I said, weakly. Aaron made a face, for I could see, even if my vision was not in the perfect angle, due to my position on the floor. He then took a step closer to me and I know he took a good look at my back. He gasped. I heard. How strange. Why would he gasp? I’m sure he knew what was going to happen to me. He hissed and clicked his tongue.
“Have you eaten?” He asked me, changing the subject. I shook my head from one side to the other as best as she could, once it was quite hard to move. I heard him mutter something. Seemed like a curse. “Come on. I’ll help you to the kitchen.” He said and offered me his hand to take.
I tried to raise my arm, but the pain that hit me was terrible. The Beta then got closer and I closed my eyes, certain he would kick me for not obeying, for not being fast or stronger. ‘Get the fuck up, your lazy ass!’, was something my adoptive father would yell at me, if that was him, instead of the Beta.
I felt his hands on either side of me and, miraculously, he helped me to my feet, gently. His grip was very soft, but firm. He didn’t want to hurt me.
I looked at his face and he gave me a sympathetic smile. ‘Is he being nice to me?’, I asked myself.
He was patient. Every time I had to take a step ahead, my body hurt and I would just stop. I couldn’t help it.
“Do you mind if I carry you?” He asked me, then. “It will hurt, but, will be quicker. Ah, on my shoulder, ok? So, I won’t keep touching your back. I swear I mean well. ” And he did.I knew it.
So, I nodded. I was not a talkative one and Aaron noticed that, so he didn’t try to force me to always give him a verbal answer. He mumbled something I couldn’t really understand, but it was in the line of ‘I’ll talk to Cassandra about that’. Whatever was it that it meant..
Aaron lifted me and put me on his shoulder. My head was upside down, but I didn’t have the time to feel bad, for he was pretty fast and, sooner than I could realize, we had come to a stop and he was putting me on my feet, again, carefully.
“Wow!” A chubby woman said. She was holding a wooden spoon with one hand, while the other was on her hips. “Beta Aaron, who’s this?” She asked him, wrinkling her nose.
I knew I was not smelling really nicely. Now that I thought about it, I kind of felt embarrassed that the Beta carried me, so dirty, on his shoulder. That floor on the cell was filthy.
“This is Raelynn. She will be under you, for now. But first, I’d like to talk to you, ok?”
“Sure.” The woman said and looked at me, opening a big smile. “I’ll be right back, dear. Here, have something.” She gave me a basket of fruits and followed Aaron outside.
I was on my feet, trying to hold myself so not to fall, and now, with a basket of fruits in front of me. I looked at the food and I felt my eyes become full of water. The woman offered me food, without a second thought. She asked nothing, she just smiled and gave me food. I got emotional. I glanced around and saw that there was a table nearby, so, in small steps, I reached the furniture and sat there to eat.
When I got my hand near the fruits, I stopped in my tracks. They were terribly dirty. Yes, I used to bathe, normally, but when the warriors got home after the invasion, the ground was muddy and, since I was thrown there, I got all dirty. Now, I could not grab any fruit. Not only because it would be gross for me, but because I would contaminate the rest of the fruits. And I had no idea how much I could eat, anyways.
I sighed and closed my eyes. When I opened them, I saw a sink and it was a little far from me. My back hurt and getting up from that chair was going to inflict more pain on myself.
‘Such a bad idea to sit here’, I thought, sadly. I put the basket on the table and waited. I would ask the nice she-wolf to hand me one of the fruits. Yes, that was the best thing to do. I would not commit two mistakes, that way: I would avoid getting the fruits dirty and eat more than I should. I smiled, happy by my own line of thoughts. I was sure that, this time, I was not gonna be scolded for making something wrong. Like she always was..
“Haven’t you eaten?” The she-wolf asked from behind me. Once again, I was so into my own mind, that I didn’t hear a thing until she was very close to me. I stiffened with the woman’s tone. She was unhappy. But, she was not angry.
I raised my hands, to show how dirty they were, and shook my head ‘no’.
“Oh.. I see.” Then, two apples were in front of me, out of the basket, on the table, reachable. “Eat, dear.”
I felt my lips twitch. I was called ‘dear’. It was the first time it didn’t mean I would receive a bad treatment right after. That female was being sincere. ‘Dear’, I repeated in my head and smiled, turning my head to the apples and grabbing one.
When I gave the first bite, it was heaven. The fruit was juicy, with a rich, sweet taste like I’ve never eaten before. It would be doubtful if I was too hungry and everything would taste good, no matter what or how it was, or if, in fact, that apple was special.
I turned at the she-wolf and nodded, happy. I could be happy, right? I was receiving a smile back.
“After you’re done, we are going for a shower… Oh, and by the way, I’m Cassandra. I’ll be lightening the way for you, here, girl. I’ll teach you everything you need to know to work with us, after, of course, you’ve healed.”
I finished the apples and accepted the hand offered to me by the female to get up and we both went through a corridor that seemed to be behind the kitchen.
We arrived at a small room, with a bed with clean sheets and a door on the other side.
“There is the bathroom. Come on.”