Erik 2
Erik’s PoV
I was in my office, reading a pile of documents sent to me by the other packs, by my Council of Elders, by the members of my pack. My head was hurting a lot. I could not go back to sleep the other night, and not last night as well. So, now, I was really not into reading all that crap.
Someone knocked on the door and, as much as I was not into talking to anyone, having the chance to have a damn break from those fastidious papers was very welcome.
“Come in!” By the smell, I knew it was Aaron.
“Hey. Ah… can we talk?” my Beta asked, looking at the documents on the desk and glancing at me. “It’s about our prisoner.”
The prisoner.
Oh, damn. I wanted a fucking break. Just that. She was the main reason I could not go back to sleep, and the reason why I was having to endure work with this headache.
I didn’t know what to do, in fact. The girl was a rogue. Probably underage, for her size. I smelled no wolf in her, so, yeah, underage. I kept having dreams about those lilac eyes of hers. And everytime, the smell of roses would come to him. Roses and vanilla milkshake. Maybe she was a witch…
“What about her?” I asked. “Did she say anything?”
“No. I mean, she talked.” Aaron answered and gave a step ahead, entering the office and closing the door. “But nothing useful. She said that those rogues came here to talk to you.”
Oh, really? Oh, please… She must take us for idiots.
“Talk to me?” He asked, with sarcasm in my voice. “Yeah, probably they wanted to talk to my jugular.”
“She seemed sincere. And… “ Aaron had a pitiful face on.
I rolled my eyes. That butter heart was already soft for the girl.
“Just say it, man. What is it that you have to say?” I had not much patience.
“I think she was treated really badly by those rogues. She seems damn scared. Did you see the guys? They were not all dirty or skinny. But she is. And more: she is nineteen.”
I looked at Aaron, in disbelief. Nineteen? She was a young adult, not a teenager in her fifties or so, as I thought! That could only mean she had no wolf.
“So…” I said, asking him to continue talking.
“Yeah. No wolf. She confirmed it to me. That is why she was hiding. Probably thought she could avoid the conflict by not fighting. She would get killed if she tried to help her friends or herself in a confrontation.”
“She is very skinny, and small.” I said. Normally, she-wolves were not as small as people may think, just because they were girls. Omegas were smaller, since they were not made to fight. The ones to hunt and fight were very brute and even if not as big as male rangers, still big. And the one’s made to be Lunas, Betas, were delicate, but not small as an omega. “She is an omega, then.” I said. If she was into a pack, she would have been born to be an omega.
“A omega with very rare eyes. You know, if I’m not mistaken, only special or gifted werewolves have those eyes. And, of course, Lycans” Aaron said, as a matter of fact.
“I know. But what would someone inside one of those categories be doing with a bunch of rogues? And not only that, but manhandled by them. And, sure, she is no Lycan. A Lycan without a wolf? That would be a first, for all I know.”
“Yeah.” Aaron agreed with me. “But then, what are we going to do with her?” He had his arms crossed in front of his chest, looking at me, expectantly.
“We kill her.” I said, shrugging my shoulders. That made Aaron frown. “What?”
“She did this. Shrug. You had to see the terror in her eyes when she did so and realized her actions.”
I blinked at Aaron a few times.
“Well, then it is a good thing to kill her and end her miserable existence.” I looked down, getting my pen and getting back to work. I didn’t want to talk about her anymore. It was giving me a bad sensation.
“Wait a second. Aren’t you curious about her origins? Her eyes, man…”
The truth was that Aaron was a soft hearted werewolf. He hated to see others suffering, especially when, in his opinion, it was very unfair. ‘Nobody chooses to be a rogue’. ‘It is not the werewolf’s fault’. And ‘the girl was a good girl’. I knew it… I just knew it! How could I have a Beta like this? Ok, he was tough when he had to, but he really was one to pity others.
“Maybe she has a wolf.” Aaron said. I took a deep breath and kept working Maybe if I ignored him, he would just leave me alone. I know he was there, waiting for me to say something. I didn’t mutter another word, he decided to continue. “She might be just… too scared. If she gets the right treatm-”
“We are not here for charity, Aaron. We already help orphans and that is all. We don’t need a rogue inside our territory.” I put the pen down and stared at Aaron for a few seconds, before I concluded what I meant. “She might be lying. She might just gather info and pass it to her friends out there. The ones who tried to break into our security and would probably try to kill me. Which, in fact, I don’t believe she is ignorant about.”
“She might just need help! Look, you had seen her, you wo-”
“I’ve seen her. I’ve seen her before you did, if I might remind you. It is final, Aaron.”
I had to use my Alpha aura, to make sure Aaron should not continue to pursue the subject any longer. So, Aaron bowed and left.
Once the door was closed, I let go a deep breath. I shook his head, in annoyance. Aaron could be a pain.
Then, another thought came to my mind. She had to have abilities. She was manhandled by the rogues, so she had to have a use for her. They would never keep a wolfless creature around them. Someone who was weak and would only cause trouble. No. Not even one of those rogues looked like her, so I doubted any were her relatives. Ok, I didn’t really remember her face, apart from the eyes, but, still. They were all black haired and had dark eyes. No. She was not theirs.
I remembered Aaron’s words. She was in bad shape, she was too small and skinny, probably an omega, so, the best place to have her was working. Working somewhere she was going to be closely watched out. And he just knew that Cassandra would be a greater teacher and be his eyes on every action of the girl.
‘Aaron?’, I called the Beta through mind-link.
‘Yes, Alpha?’Aaron asked. I knew how much he hated when I used his Alpha aura upon him. It was like he was not my friend, but a servant, as much as he never complained with all the words.
‘Ask Cassandra to take care of her.’ And the connection was closed by me. I didn’t want to hear Aaron blubbering how I was a good hearted werewolf and shit. I got back to my work, instead. That was an important thing. Boring as hell, but important still..