Nimah shut her eyes as she drew in her lips, she tried many times reconsidering the right thing to do while Nathan stood nervous, shaking his legs irritatedly.
"Mum, can I have some tea." She said softly in a way that made her look exhausted. Changing the head of the discussion was an option so she took it.
Nathan hissed, pushing his short dark hair to the back, he knew she intentionally avoided the question but he felt she wasn't clever enough. He took off his gaze and to turn to the way to his room.
"I can understand, today must be very stressful as it is your first day I'm school but do not worry, you will surely get used to it, alright." Alicia patted her shoulder.
"Let me get you coffee."
She sat Nimah down and went to the kitchen, to get the tea.
Nimah smiled as a tear dropped from her eyes, she wished that was how her mother cared and loved her. She never thought the Branz could be so caring and loving.
Her new home and her world was a new experience which she had to value.
Alicia brought her a mugful of chilled milk coffee and she gladly took it from her, gurgling it down in one run and dropped the mug on its bottom.
"Thank you mum." She said with a broad smile of appreciation.
"Now, go to your room and freshen up, your lunch will be ready before you return." Alicia took her arm assisting her to her feet and she walked to her room.
Nimah stood in front of the mirror at one side of her room, she stared at herself as she gently combed her long black hair to the back.
It was a very clear that she was now changing in appearance, her unhealthy rough black hair was now shiny and smooth. She stared at her usually bruised skin, now looking glossy and healthy.
That made her think about her unfortunate past. How her father would mercilessly lash her and keep her starving for many days.
Those memories made her emotionally disturbed, she sat and weeped quietly but she quickly mopped her tears off as she remembered she had to prepare for school.
She spinned slowly with her gaze fixed to the mirror at the dressing table as she observed how fitting her new got uniform on her looked.
She liked how it looked on her. The white shirt and black skirt looked very good on her.
She could not wait to show it to her friend and mother, Ms. Alicia. She put on her socks and shoes and went to the living room.
"Yuck! She looks more terrible her uniform." She heard someone chuckling as she descended the stairs. It was Kristen. She ignored and walked to the dinning.
"This really look good on you Nimah, you look beautiful in this uniform dress." Alicia came out of the Kitchen with a pot of soup.
"Thank you mum." She smiled, putting out a dinning chair and sat.
"Joe! Kristen! Break fast is ready." Alicia called and they both ran to the dinning room, sitting at the table.
There were only three people at the dinning eating, someone is absent, Alicia observed.
"Nathan is not here." She pointed.
"P'raps he is still in bed." Joe giggled mockingly.
"Your school bus will be here anytime from now, go get him Joe."
"No mum, I am eating... I can't go up there." He refused.
"Kristen, can you please fetch me your brother? It's possible he is waiting for our call." Alicia spoke persuasively as she requested.
"Nathan can be so lazy, I will be glad if the bus leaves him out today. Then he will learn is lesson... I won't go call him." She declined.
"Nimah, can you?"
Nimah was shocked by this request, she looked up with her eyes dilated. She didn't expect Alicia to call her to go fetch Nathan. She dropped her spoon, looking into Alicia's eyes.
She could not say no, she would sound rude. Even though Kristen and Joe refused this proudly, she knew she couldn't do the same.
She was a mere stranger in the house being helped by the family, she couldn't start to act like one of them. Feigning a smile, she stood up reluctantly, nodding curtly.
"I will get him now." She said and ascended the stairs slowly and thoughtfully.
She knew how Nathan behaves with her, what if he gets angry by her presence? She dragged her feet along the passageway as she walked towards Nathan's room.
"Nathan!" She called warmly with her amazing soprano voice as she was almost at his door but there was no response.
"Nathan!" She called again. Now, she was standing right at the entrance to his room.
His room's door was open?
Nimah stood at the entrance of his room, looking at the wall opposite to the entrance.
"Nathan!" She repeated, but still there was no response. She peeked in through the entrance to check if she was still in bed but his bed was empty too.
She had to go inform Alicia about this, she turned just then she heard the sound of footsteps. Nathan is in his room? Then why was he not responding?
Nimah sighed and returned to Nathan's room. That was her first time of entering a man's room so she wasn't comfortable, she looked everywhere but there was no sign of him in the room. She looked confused.
As she was about to leave the room, she heard the creaks of a door from behind and she turned quickly to check who was there just to come to see a wet half naked man standing right before her.
Her heartbeat stopped immediately at the sight of Nathan's bare chest. There was only a white towel wrapped around his waist.
He was as well shocked to see Nimah in his room without permission. Nimah couldn't believe her eyes, she never saw so much of a man. She felt Nathan was completely naked, she felt embarrassed.
She didn't realize she wasn't breathing until her knees began to give up, it could not withstand the weight of the body. She didn't know what to do, how to act or what to say. She was genuinely confused.
Nathan watched her as she reacted but he was really furious to find her in his room.
"I- I- I am sorry." She managed to apologize, taking away her eyes from his bare chest.
Nathan remained mute maintaining his frowned face. He didn't know what to say, perhaps to tell her to get out or ask her why she was there.
"I- I am-m really sorry Nathan, i didn't know you were..." She could not finish her statement before Nathan caught in.
"You didn't know I was what? Tell me!" He yelled angrily. "Tell me you didn't know that this is my room. Tell me!"
"I know it is your room, but..."
"But what? But you came here to prove your promiscuity? Your waywardness?"
"Hear me out Nathan." Nimah pleaded.
"What do you want to say? There is no way you can defend yourself, no way! I wonder why mum gave you the right to roam about in this house. I don't even know where the hell you hail from. You don't want to know your place, I will have to urge mum to show you where you belong."
"Please calm down Nathan, It is mum..."
"If you dare mention my mother's name again, I won't hesitate to slit your tongue..." He cut in. "Get out of here before I get angrier than this"
"Gerrout!!!" He yelled angrily flinging a haircomb at her.
She had no option other than to move out and she did, feeling disappointed and embarrassed. She really wasn't hurt by Nathan's words but her own actions. She should not have entered his room at first place. She scolded herself, weeping bitterly.
Nathan could not contain himself anymore. He felt she had seen his complete nakedness. He felt like strangling her to death and just forget about her.
Nathan ran his fingers in his hair, hyperventilating excessively in anger. He wished he could have some kind of powers that could erase her memory and make her forget all what she saw.
"I promise you Nimah, I will certainly get you ousted from this house and from our lives before the next full moon." He said to himself, throwing himself to the bed.