It was morning, her second day in the hands of the monsters. Compared to when she first got there, the house was filled up, black vehicles all parked up in the massive compound. She watched as they got down, all dressed up in various clothings. Clothings that barely showed a glimpse of their body, according to what she had read growing up, the sun could kill them, shrink them to death. It was said that only the older ones could come out in the sun, the younger ones stayed back in their little dark hole to prevent them dying. They all had black shades on, some looked neat with their hair neatly tucked and styled to the back.
Their pets came with them with their pet leash on their necks, some looked tattered and unkempt with their dresses torn and dirty while others looked better. One thing they all had in common was their sad unhappy face, one she knew how it felt to.
' What is happening today.' Annabel asked Number 2, she seemed the most caring and friendly of them all.
' Well it's the Omigos Brothers reunion feast. Today is going to be a terrible and fear filled day to witness, brace up for whatever you will see.' She said calmly with a sad smile on her face, patting Annabel on her back.
' Master wants us all in.' Number 4 said, crawling halfway into the room.
The house was a very big one with more than sixteen bedrooms, three meeting rooms and four underground rooms.
Where exactly were they suppose to be in?
She asked herself as she crawled into the mansion for the first time, the floor here was cool therefore making it less hurting for her to crawl.
' They use the second underground room, just below the thirteenth room.' Number 2 said as though reading her thought.
There were shouts and screams as they moved closer to the door leading down the hall. Painful screams and laughters. She was terrified, too terrified to crawl into the room but she had to. The door flung open and they crawled into a corner near their Master. A day like this was one in which the powerful omigo was determined by how many pets he had. Unlike the first day, Master looked happy and handsome with a smile on his face, it looked real.
Annabel watched as the Masters feasted on their pets, sucking in their blood by digging their fangs into their necks. The pets looked drained and tired but the Masters would not stop.
' My pets are stronger, I bought them with a fortune' A werewolf said with pride with his shoulders up.
' No, mine are. They were brought in by the finest and most capable of all slave traders.' Another werewolf said with satisfaction.
The first werewolf got angry and challenged him to a blood contest. ' Let's see whose pet can survive a blood feast.' He said.
' Okay Braca, bring it on.' The other werewolf said.
She watched with keen eyes as both dragged their favorite pet by their collar, bringing them more closer to them. In a second their leashes were gone with just their necks visible, necks with red lines on them. A tear dropped from Annabel's eyes at the realization that would soon be her fate too. Both masters dipped their fangs into their necks, sucking out all the blood they needed with a smile on their face. This lasted for a while as none was willing to give in for the other. Finally it stopped, the first Master's pet had died, the poor girl could no longer take the pain and had given up.
' Well I feasted on her this morning so it was bound to happen.' He said to cover up his defeat. The other Master laughed out loud making a mockery of him.
' Well more food for us.' Master said.
Annabel froze as she watched them cut the poor girl open to feast on her body. She had to let it out, the vomit but she didn't want to be the next victim. She took a deep breath and swallowed whatever it was piling up her throat.
This was her life now.
She told herself.
' Malburt, why don't you show us what your pets are capable of.' A werewolf said more of a request than a question.
' Well my pets do really well with being feasted on, I assure u.' Master said, scanning his pets with his eyes.
' Show us.' Another Werewolf ordered.
' Okay if it is what you want.'
Fear gripped Annabel.
Was she the one to be feasted on? Was this some kind of rite ? Was this whole blood feasting really necessary?.
She thought.
They are Werewolves Anny, what were u expecting, a dance competition?.
A little voice inside her head replied.
She watched in fear as Master signaled them in accordance to how they were bought, feasting upon their neck. Number 1 to 4 took it rather casual like they had gotten used to being fed on every time. Number 5 wailed a little but did his best to hold in his sob. It was her turn, she was the next one to crawl up to him and feel the pains for the first time in her life. She had tears trickling down her once beautiful face usually pampered with natural leaves. She didn't want to be feasted on, she didn't want a disgusting fang in her neck.
Didn't this Creations know about Hygiene, about blood transmitted disease or the fact the pet could die from an untreated wound.
She was about to explode and speak out like she used to in her village but she knew better and held her breath. She didn't want all the things she mentioned, yes alright but above all she didn't want to be the next food in the central of the room. Funny enough Master never signaled to her as if he had forgotten she existed. Annabel thanked her luck for being able to escape the horrific rite.
' And the last one?' One of the werewolves asked.
She felt her leg wobble the moment she heard that.
Had her newly found luck run out on her so quickly?
She got dizzy, her temperature shoring high as reality checked on her.
Time to be a delicious meal to Werewolves Anny.
That same tiny voice said, she wanted to squeeze the life out of the voice and take her frustration out on it but guess not cause that little voice was hers.
' Ohh that! I got it as a present for my son.' Master said, dismissing the thought of him feeding on her.
His son? Wait he had a son?.
Her eyes widened.
What if the son was more brutal and wicked? What if he fed on her three times a day like the humans fed on food?.
I promise to be more gentle on the creatures we eat, no more fish, meat and all that. If I do get out of this, I will never hurt a pet I promise.
The thought of how she had once hit her pet out of frustration of it peeing on the tiles came knocking.
Is life treating me the same way I treated my pet? Am I getting punished for being mean to Freedom?.
She asked herself hoping the tiny voice would have an answer to that.
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
It was her third month in the blood town, she had gotten to know so much about them, their lifestyles, their likes, dislikes and even weaknesses. She had also gotten used to the name 'Number 6'. The crawling that used to hurt, no longer felt like torture again.
How quickly she had adapted to this new lifestyle.
She told herself.
For the whole three months, she had escaped being fed on during any feast or reunion. She was so happy that luck had come back on her side to help her through this new journey of life.
Maybe she would never be fed on.
She beamed with smile at the realization that others envied her.
' So tell me all about your previous life.' She asked Number 2 while helping with arranging their Master's wears. She had bonded with her compared to the others. Their Master had being out since Morning, giving them space and time to be their real selves.
' My previous life!." She laughed out loud, " I was thirteen when I was brought here remember, I can barely remember things about myself.' She said rather sadly than teasingly.
' Just tell me anything u remember Mamito.'
That was what Anny called her. Mamito. Anny was known for being very good at naming things and people. She got up and moved closer to Number 2, placing her palm in her hair and gently stroking it.
' Okay I will tell you, My child.'
She liked how Number 2 called her ' My child ' every now and then, it made her feel at home, feel loved. She felt home even though she was miles away from it.
' I was born in the red lilies, a town full of warmth and kindness. People did things with love, showing affection and caring about the others. My father and mother loved each other so much and had me alongside with two other kids. Things were fine and peaceful until the Vampires attacked us, burning our town to the ground. Half of the people were burnt and fed on while some like me were captured. The Vampires were the ones who captured me first before I was captured by in the Werewolves in a clash and here I am, with no red lilies to return to.' She sounded so sad, so heartbroken to have watched her family and her town burn.
' The Vampires exist here?.' She asked, shocked that the two could live close to each other. Vampires and Werewolves were known to be enemies ones whom would always be on each other throats.
Number 2 chuckled, ' Of course not my child, they live on the end of the city, in a dark dark place with human skulls littered on the floor and stinking smell of death. We both know living together would only create a blood bath.'
' May I know what caused their ever first fight Mamito? Pls.'
Number 2 cleared her throat in an attempt to start, ' I don't really know much about their fight but I do have some to share. I once read that things that normally causes a blood bath between this two blood lovers is them falling in love with one human. I guess they both just hate themselves cause they feel like they are in each other spaces. I would have loved to tell you about William the first Werewolf and Marcus the first Vampire, this two were twins but that would be another day, I can hear Master's car.'
' Number 1' Master called out from the first meeting room. " Show Mackie to the guest room, he will be spending some time with us.'
Annabel stared at the new guest, Master had the habit of taking people in that was his own way of being supportive. He unlike the others had a smile on, a round face with the perfect jawline, a dimple as he smiled and he had thick eyebrows with his golden hair slightly tucked neatly to the back.
' Hi I'm Mackie.' He said to the pets, waving slightly.
None replied for fear that Master would deal with them for speaking to his guest. Only Master had the right to speak and be responded to.
' Well I do hope we get along well.' He said again, confused that none replied. The pets at his place had the right to talk and they didn't have to crawl all day. He wondered what more barbarian acts they had to put up with, absurd laws were ways of Werewolves showing power.
' Trust me, I am a nice one.' He said and smiled, staring at them as they crawled to a room and flung it open, gesturing him to go in. Mackie walked ahead and waved them a smile in appreciation.
' I am Annabel.' She said captured by how friendly he sounded. Number 1 squeezed her hand silently, signaling her to speak no further and dragged her alongside with the others to their room on the end of the mansion.
' What was that all about Number 6.' Number 1 scolded, frowning at her.
' I just thought it would be nice if we at least responded.' She was confused by how angry they got, all she did was say her name.
Wasn't that what humans did?. Humans? Oops! She forgot she was no longer one.
' It is a rule here to never speak to strangers especially Master's visitors. You almost got yourself killed.' Number 3 chirped in.
She stared at Number 2 as she sat down silently in a corner of the room.
Why wasn't she saying anything?.
' Mamito.' She pleaded.
Number 2 took a deep breath and let it out, ' Hmmm ever since the love between a human pet and the Omigos brother happened, all Masters laid down the law to avoid something like that repeating itself. You would have been killed Child, that was a very risky one you pulled there.'
Killed? For replying a kind greeting? Can this ever get more insane, the whole rules were just too inhumane.? They are not humans Anny, they are monsters, blood thirsty ones.
She reminded herself.
' Okay Mamito, I will be more careful now, I promise.' She said and hugged them, happy that they cared enough to not want her killed.