' I thought you would never call for me.' A deep male voice said, cutting her short of her thoughts. She turned her back too see Mackie, he still had on the same shirt he was when they met in the morning.
' I was starting to think you weren't real.' She said and stared at her bare foot, cold from the waves.
' I am, Anny. We met this morning and I tod you my name was Mackie and not young Master, remember.'
' But you acted like this never happened.'
' I never did Anny, I tried as much as I could to be informal with you.'
' Hmmm " She heaved, " I was scared you would never come.' She sounded sad and lonely.
' Of course I would show up Princess, I told you to think of me anytime you wish to see me.'
Only her Father called her Princess. Was her mind playing a trick on her? Was it an effect of loving someone? Was it because she thought of him all day?.
She needed answers.
He lifted her face up and held it in the right palm, it was soft compared to how the male's palm texture should be. He brought her face closer to him and met her lips halfway with his, gently doing tricks with his upper lip. She felt her strength leave her, her leg wobbling. She felt a whole new different sensation, one she wished would never stop.
' I missed you.' He whispered in a sexy manner.
' I missed you too Mackie. I feel so alone here, so far from y true family.'
He held her tightly and closely to him, Well you have me now Anny and forever, I will always be right by your side.' He said assuringly, patting her on the back.
She really wanted to believe it, wanted to take his words for it but she couldn't. This was nothing but a dream, a mere fantasy. They could never be together and he could never love her.
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
' You look unhappy lately my child, what is wrong?' Number 2 asked, setting the dinner fr the large reunion their Master was holding.
' Hmm, I am okay Mamito.' She lied, wanting to cover up how hurt she was. It found it heartwarming that Number 2 cared but she knew it would be a foolish thing to confess about how forbidden fantasy love with a wolf whom barely noticed her.
' Don't lie to me My child.' She held her hand, looking into her eyes. " I can see sadness written in your eyes. Pour it out Child, it is better to share to ease the burden that let it eat you all up.' Number 2 assured.
' I am fine Mamito, I promise.' She lied and faked a smile to make it look real. She really wanted to confide in her but she had better not.
' It is well child, anytime you are ready to ease your heart, I will be right here.' She said and continued her work.
She heard their Master's car drive alongside some others.
Oh no! Not today please.
She pleaded in her head.
This wasn't the right time to have their barbarian rite. She wasn't ready to see the pains and hurts other pets went through.
How she wished for a better life.
She heaved.
As usual they crawled beside their Master, waiting for all to be over with. Annabel noticed Master was not alone, he had a young man beside him, one whose face was new to her.
Who could he be?
He looked quiet but had an unexpressive face on, his mood could not be predicted. Like the other wolves, he looked handsome too especially like Mackie. As her thought drifted to him, she ranksacked the whole room with her eyes trying to fish him out. He was no where in sight, not in the front of the room none the midst of the others.
There he was, sitting at the corner of the room, siping a content in the glass he was holding. She couldn't make out if it was wine or blood. He looked saf and unhappy like he was bothered by something. Their gaze met and she saw a glitch of pain in his eyes, they looked like they were pleading to her for help.
Why would he want her help? Why would a werewolf want the help of a mortal, an human and an helpless pet? Maybe she misunderstood it.
' Attention everyone.'' It was Master speaking, standing on his feet's with a glass of wine in his hand. He looked happy, beaming from ear to ear. Everyone settled, the murmuring subsidied and they all had their attention on him. " Thank you, thank you, hmm hmm." He cleared his throat, " As you all know that my only son Alac has been gone for a while now. He left to be a better version of himself, left his town some years ago to make us proud by joining the Wakakie Armies. It is with great joy and pride that I tell you today that my son has made us proud, he led the war and brought home victory. Finally Ala is back into our midst. Stand up my son and say your greetings to our people.' He said then turned to the young man by his side, gesturing him to get up.
His son? This was his son?.
When he had mentioned his son, she had thought it would be a teenager, maybe one in his tenths not a grown up man with full beards, a broad chest and killer smile.
' It is nice to be back, nice to be in the midst of my people again." His deep masculine voice ordering for attention, which he got. " For so long, I longed to be home again, longed to be by your side but every time I would tell myself '' get up Alac and make home proud.'' this were my motivation and this words brought me victory.' He ended his speech and bowed his head.
There were cheering, calling his sweet Ames because he had made them proud and some even came out with gifts of different sizes to mark the day a blissful one.
Master patted him on the back, ' Thank you for bring glory to my name, my Son. In return, I got you one of the finest pet in Blood town.' He said and pointed to Annabel.
He looked and accessed her with his eyes, trying to penetrate and see through her skin. She could feel his cold eyes on her.
' Number 6, meet your new master.'
She didn't want a new master. She dreaded being fed on. She didn't want scars on her precious neck and he sure looked scary.
Annabel knelt beside her new Master's seat, far from where the others were. She wanted to be with them again, be among them since they were now like her new family. She had learnt to bond so well with them. The rest of the party had no effect on her as she had already lost interest in it.
Welcome to your new life in your new world Annabel.
The tiny voice said.
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
She laid up most nights as she she could not sleep in her new Master's room. He had her sleep on the floor unlike her old room, the cold was too much for her. She was freezing halfway to death but she had no mind to voice out or reach out since he acted toocold to her, treated her like she was lifeless and had no feelings. He had her leash tied against the tiny metal hole in the room, in an attempt to prevent her from escaping.
Why would she want to escape? Where would she run to if she did?.
I miss my old life.
She whispered and sobbed till she drifted off to sleep.
A leash landed on her bare back and she turned in pains, opening her eyes only to see her new Master holding the pet corrector leash.
He had hit her but why?
She held onto her back as the pain continued.
' I don't know what you have been doing in this house and I don't want to know but one thing that I know for sure, is you never disturb my sleep.'
' O....Kay Mas....ter.....' She stammered, she was more afraid of him now.
' Shut up.' He landed another on her. '' If I don't ask you to speak, you don't speak. The next time you disturb me with your silly nightmare, I will make sure you sleep outside in the cold. Do you understand? " He watched her angrily as she kept quiet, " Speak.' He ordered.
' Y....es...Yes....Master.' She said knowing deep inside that this was going to be a whole new tough journey for her, a brutal one.
It was morning the next day, the pets and Masters had gathered to have breakfast, it was a law in the house to always have breakfast with the others at the table. Annabel crawled down with her Master walking ahead of her, he proceeded to sit at the end of the table and signaled her to eat from a different new plate. Unlike before, she now had to eat all alone. She watched with tears piling up her eyes as the other pets enjoyed their food, beaming with an hint of joy. She caught Number 2 stealing glances of her, ever since the new Master came, she had been seperated from them and was always locked up in his room. She even barely spoke with her Mamito anymore.
' Eat it all up, I have to feed on you this night.' Alac said and focused on his food, a pile of well cooked and garnished meat.
It was going to be her first feed, she was terrified it was going to hurt especially since it was going to be from this monster.
How she wished Mackie would give her, her first feed instead? Maybe he would be gentle.
Annabel looked at Mackie and he constantly avoided her gaze anytime their eyes met. He also pretended she was never in the room. He certainly looked like he was hiding something and just when she had thought the worst happening to her was the worst of all, Mackie decides to ignore her and not show up in her dreams.
How worse could this get.
She said.
She had being moody and quiet all day and felt drained and tired from all the emotional trauma she had to go through. She found it easier to sleep that night been though it was uncomfortable but she was used to it. She laid her back on the floor, cuddled her hands between her thighs and dozed off, smiling from a sweet memory from her old life.
She felt a pain from her sleep, something in her neck, draining the last of her strength. It was so painful and tears ran uncontrollable down her cold cheek. She flung her eyes open and saw her Master on her, his fangs deep on her neck. His eyes changed from being light to being so red, full and thirsty for blood. It stinged so bad and she felt dizzy from giving so much blood out, he fed on her like this wasn't her first time, so rough and hard.
' Master, pleaseeeee.' She muttered silently out of plea, she was starting to blank out. She felt as though her spirit was about to leave her body. He fed on her for few more minutes then left her to go lay on his bed, he left her wringing in pain and couldn't even treat her word.
' Get yourself together Pet, I have to feed on you everyday so get used to it.' He said then went to bed, feeling nourished and at ease.
Oh! How he missed the taste of blood.
He thought.
She couldn't believe her ears, how cruel was he to feed on her everyday, how more cruel could he be.
She sobbed.