

The morning proved to be a complete hassle as I tripped yet again on the glassy stairs and plopped to the floor.

In a painful wince, I picked up the weirdness of a map Suzy had sketched for me. I pulled up the straps of my backpack which had slid off my shoulders in the fall.

My messy ponytail seemed to have gotten even messier. I brushed the stray hair-strands backwards with my fingers. This was definitely an affirmation on how much of an inauspicious day it is.

Looking up, nothing laid ahead except a huge, glassy door. Suzy had said I was to walk through it. For a second, I wished she was here to guide me in person. I was too much of a klutz to pull this off in one piece.

I turned to the direction she'd run off to, wishing she'd pop out and salvage the moment. But as much as I wanted it, I knew it wouldn't be possible.

Waking up to an extremely demanding morning, we had to prepare an insane quantity of dishes because the 'four horsemen' demanded we do.

As much as we all knew how ridiculous their request was, we still obliged.

We ran like crazy from the resort to a bus stop, and waited half an hour for the bus. Suzy was losing her nuts over a class she was about to miss. We barely alighted from the bus before she took to her heels.

Now it's just me, her poorly sketched map and the door which seemed to be calling out to me. With a deep breath, I went through it, now standing in an empty hallway. Slow steps took me half the hallway and to the door, which had The principal written on it. Gotcha!

I turned the doorknob and walked in, letting out a low gasp at the interior decor. Humans sure knew how to create beautiful arts in the form of houses, offices and even roads. Everything I saw since I arrived had a way of taking my breath away.

“Stare much?“ A voice had my head in place, and I was forced to look at the only human in the room. She took off her glasses and leaned back on the chair. She had an enfeebling look and I was weak to my knees.

“I'm sorry,“

“Daisy Vince, right?“

My eyes shone and I nodded vehemently, “Yeah, that's me,“

“Did you lose your glasses on the way?“

“I don't wear one,“

“I'm sorry, I thought you did. Your getup, more like a nerd's. Again, it's my unsolicited opinion and I'm sorry for whatever discomfort you might have felt,”

I quickly glanced at my getup and it saddened me just how much she was right. With an overly baggy top and a jumper, I looked like I came from the circus. My worn-out sneakers accentuated my awful look in every way. Crimson from embarrassment, I bowed my head.

“Here's your map and a key to your locker. I hope you have a great stay here in Lawrence high.“

“Thank you, Ma'am,“ I picked up the items and turned to leave, careful not to trip.

I made it out the hallway and with Suzy's map, I started down a lonely, seemingly secluded hallway. She'd sketched this map to help me take a route which would be clear of the 'four horsemen'. According to her, they never take this route so I was safe.

It was a struggle following a map with lines so zigzag, but I forced myself to stick to it.

I got to a flight of stairs and carefully took each staircase. The rumpling within brought me to a halt.

Giddily, I called, “Lily?“


I resumed walking. “OMG, I'm glad you're awake. You won't believe it. I'm at a highschool, and it's so beautiful. Also, I've got this key and a map, and right now–“ A forceful push cut me off and I lost my balance, rolling down the stairs and back on the hallway.

My body stung like hell and it took every ounce of self-restraint not to wail.

Their alluring scent filled the hallway, and my heart ceased beating. I scuffled the ground for the map from Suzy. Scanning through it, I wondered if I'd followed it wrongly.

I got the map snatched away from me, and when I looked up, I was staring at the 'four horsemen'.

“Look who showed up,“ Beta Jakes smirked, shredding the map. “How could that slimy Omega come up with such a ridiculous map?“

Jake was a golden blond who fancied piercings like his life depended on it. His long legs held more gorgeousness than they needed.

“Once again, you're doing it all wrongly, Omega.“ Drake tsked with a taunting smile. “The right thing to do was to come pay homage to us, not try to avoid us,“

Beta Drake had always carried a rainbow cut, and wore clothes with different, flashy colours which synched with his hair. Shorter than Beta Jakes with a few inches, he still passes for 'tall'.

“Look how stunned she is. Yeah, we understand. You didn't think we knew about your arrival, did you?“ Beta Charles chuckled.

Beta Charles was mostly silent if he wasn't joining the bullying. An introvert, but a jackass too.

His baby-pink cut gave him such a nice, gentle aura. Amongst others, he had the most angelic looks. Too bad his insides are rotten.

And then he spoke, and as usual his voice held more hoarseness.

“She underestimates us. Make me wanna clobber her,“

And that was Alpha Logan. With his neck-length hair in a golden hue, he had more gait than an actual Greek god. His abs seemed to have grown bigger, bulging through the shirt he wore. Every inch of his face was meticulously sculptured. No flaws, none at all.

Last time I checked, he was never without a hairy coat. But my eyes drifted to the coat draped on Beta Charles' shoulder and I knew nothing changed. Same attire, hotter looks, greener eyes, more fierceness. At 19, Alpha Logan had a physique of a grown man. An intimidating, smouldering physique.

“If you were gon' take on a futile attempt to avoid us, then you shouldn't have allowed my Dad to convince you into coming,“ Alpha Logan squatted in front of me, tilting my head to meet his eyes. I quickly shut my eyes. “You look so pathetic already. What you gonna be like when I'm done with you?“

“Alpha Log–“

“It's Master Logan!“ He barked, numbing the side of my face with an excruciating slap. “I don't care if my Dad lets you address him as Alpha, with me, it's different. I'm your master, and you sure as hell will address me as such,“

“I'm sorry, Master.“ I bowed my head to the floor, whimpering silently.

“I still find it a mystery why your Dad took a liking to her. She's the lowest thing after dungs,“ Beta Jakes snorted.

“I don't care. Right now, she's miles away from him. Inches away from us. Clearly, the odds are against her,“

“Please, have mercy on me,“ I was in a feat of sobs, rubbing my hands in plea. Cries of pains filled the hallway when my hands got glued to the floor under the sole of a shoe.

“These hands made such disgusting meals this morning I thought I was gonna puke,“ Alpha Logan stepped harder on my hands. “Might as well mar them since you've proven they're good for nothing,“

“I'm sorry, master, but I didn't prepare the meals alone,“

“And that remains the only reason why some of it was edible. But I could tell which ones you prepared, and take my words for it, they were a disaster,“

“Guys, we need to go or we're gonna miss the whole class. Principal Betty would come breathing down our neck if that happens,“ Beta Charles spoke.

“Like that would change anything,“

“Still, let's get going.“

Alpha Logan scrunched my hands for the last time and stepped off them. “I'll be seeing you soon, Omega. Brace yourself.“

Guffaws and whistlings from them got indistinct and I knew they were gone.

I sat up with endless wince, taking a long look at my shrinked fingers. So much for trying to avoid them.

Grabbing my stuff and following the only map I had now, I dreaded what awaited me. In a shuffle, I headed for my class.

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