

The room reverberated the increased thumping of my heart. A tear dropped down my eyes as I folded the last of my clothes and placed them in my little suitcase.

Suzy wasn't home yet. She'd stopped by the coffee shop on our way back from school. Now, it was just me against them.

My quivering hands grabbed my suitcase and I headed out of the room. Downstairs, I met Delta Faggot waiting to escort me over to the mansion.

The man wore a pathetic look as he watched me drag myself down the stairs.

“I'm really sorry, Daisy. If only there was something I could do,“ He rubbed a hand on my elbow with a comforting smile.

Other times I would have tried for a smile, no matter how faint it was. But now, I just couldn't bring myself to.

Tears brewed in my eyes fast enough to drop before I could reach for them.

With my head bowed, I walked past him and into the chilly evening. The mansion was illuminated with different hues of light. The one path that led to it was tiled, and had waterfalls at its sides.

Delta Faggot led the way and soon, we were standing at the huge door of the mansion.

The door opened, revealing a bowing Mrs. Faggot. “Go right in, Daisy,“


“Yes. You've been requested to come in alone,“ Mrs. Faggot said the words like she'd been forced to.

I froze. The door was ajar, beckoning me to walk through it. I couldn't bring myself to; not when I knew what fate awaited me inside.

“Ma'am,“ I flinched, grabbing her hand as she walked past me. She paused on her tracks, looking up to meet my teary eyes.

“I'm sorry, Daisy,“ She slowly released my grip on her hand.

“At least walk me inside, please,“ I said in a rush, choking back my tears. The look in her eyes crushed whatever gleam of hope I had going.

“I'm really sorry, Daisy. But this is where I get off. Don't keep them waiting.“ She intertwined her fingers with her husband's and they both walked away.

The deafening silence that followed made me wanna scream out loud. So many times I've been left to deal with situations alone, but this was one of the few times I wished I wasn't alone.

Staring at the door once again, I tried to brace myself. I mean, what's the worst that could happen?

Like on cue, Alpha Logan walked out in all his glory, shirtless and in yoga pants. His sleek gold hair was disheveled and dripping droplets of water.

I tried so hard not to let my eyes stray farther than they should, but it was impossible not to drool at abs like his.

It was a brief drooling moment. With his hands in his pocket, he was watching me with a silly grimace on his face. It was a look I'd never seen on him. Something ticked off inside me.

My eyes flickered back my tears and a weird emotion clouding my vision. My chest was thumping harder but not in fear. Seeing him shirtless triggered a wild nerve in me and it was rousing a great tide of emotions - emotions I've never felt before.

“You were standing out here longer than necessary,“ He broke the silence, taking slow steps down the stairs till he was standing a few inches away from me. “So I took it upon myself to come usher you in,“

My legs took quick steps backwards before I realized they did. As usual, my head was bowed and I was trembling. To top it all, his alluring scent was messing with my head, leaving me with little to no sense of reasoning.

“I'm sorry, Master. I didn't mean to make you come out here to get me,“

“I chose to. As a matter of fact, the wait was killing. All afternoon, I've done nothing but count the seconds till you get here,“

Huh? What was he saying? His words had no logic to it, except, he was trying to express just how eager he was to torture me more. Still, his tone lacked the venom and hoarseness that usually accompanies it.

Still thinking of a suitable reply, he took another step closer and I flinched.

“Take it easy, Omega. I'm not gonna hurt you, yet. I'm having quite a day and for once, I lack the urge to make you whimper,“

“Thank you, Master,“ I said, taking more steps backwards as he took a step closer.

Alpha Logan would never want such proximity with me. If he could, he'd banish me from earth just so we don't share the same planet. This sudden quest for proximity was getting me uneasy.

He laughed– a husky, enchanting sound. “Look at me,“

“Huh?“ I couldn't believe my ears and I wasn't about to get fooled into doing something I most certainly would pay for.

“Look at me!“ This time, he said the words with so much force and authority that would make anyone shudder.

Slowly, my head came up and I was looking into his eyes that had taken a blazing, dark shade. To my dismay, he maintained eye contact. Seconds past and I was still staring into his eyes without getting smacked for doing so.

“How would you like it if I don't scar your body anymore but take on your heart instead?“


“Yeah,“ He chuckled, “I was shocked too. When I saw you through the window in those sinful black undies, I realized just how much of a package you are,“

His words were almost gibberish to me, making little to no sense. Still, it brought about a tingling sensation.

“Then the thought came, ridiculous at first. But now, it makes perfect sense. I mean, I live for torturing you. But it doesn't have to be as physical as it has been. Let's take it to a whole new level,“

“A whole – new –level?“

“Yeah. I toy with your body in the most sinful way and in return, you get your heart fluttering for me. Don't get me wrong, I wouldn't want an Omega getting her heart fluttered by me. It'll be disparaging, to say the least. But it's inevitable. No way in hell I'm gonna get as sinful as I plan on and you won't have your heart yearning for more. Typical with girls, werewolves and humans,“

My mouth went dry from too much gulping. Up to this moment, I barely understood a thing. Except for the fact that I was indeed wearing matching black undies. And of course, the mortifying reality that he'd seen me in it. Damn!

“You don't get it, do you?“ The corner of his lips lifted in an uncanny smile. I nodded, hating myself for being so outright dumb and oblivious of so many things.

I hadn't realized how intoxicatingly close he was until I paled from the feel of his warm breath on my cheek. “You're daft and offensively stupid, quite alright. So I'm gonna spell it all out for you. Had a talk with the guys and I told them I.GOT.MY.DIBS.ON.YOU. It's not gonna be like a mate-bond or any intense shit. Just as superficial as ever. You, me, underneath the sheets, taking each other through horizons of ecstasy,“

“Say what?!“

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