
Not as bad as he thought?

What is that supposed to mean?

I looked over at my father, who have a proud smile on his face.

“Of course not, he smiled.”

“ Come over here” the young man commanded.

I look at my father once again, and he gave me a tight smile.

I do not know who this man is, but he looks scary. He has a cold aura which screams run for your life!!! But I dare not move an inch if I want to avoid facing my father's wrath.

I glance over at the man once again to study his appearance.

He has hazel eyes, the proper masculine physique, a perfect face cut, with an impressive height of 6'2.

I don't know who he is, but I am certain he is not good for me.

“Is she not aware of the reason she is here?” He asked coldly.

“ Of course, she is.”

“If so, I would like to ramp up the deal tonight. I will have the money sent into your account, and she follows me home, right away.”


What deal? I finally voiced out.”

Father looked at me like he wants to murder me.

“What is going on?

What deal are they referring to?

Why won't I be going home?

I panic as I thought of these questions.

“ What deal, I asked again.”

“Did you not say she is aware earlier?” the young man asked, totally ignoring my question.

“Well, she is about to,” Father answered.

“Aware of what?” I try my luck again.

“That you have been sold off.” Michael who appear from nowhere answered, smiling arrogantly.

“Wait, what?

Did you say s- sold out?” I stuttered.

“Yes, princess, you heard me right, he mimics.”

Currently, I couldn't control the stream of tears that threatens to fall as I cry my eyes out.

Just when I thought I could go back to my normal life.

“Stop this melodrama, Lila, father shouted.

That man over there, Armani, is now your husband, and you will be respectful towards him. He now possesses full over you, so cut your trap and accept the reality to make things easier for us all.”

“Wow!” Armani muttered, completely taken surprised by my father's greed.

How can you do this to your daughter, I cried out?

“I know what is best for you, trust me, you can't get yourself a better man like Armani. He pats my back then say, consider yourself lucky.”

Armani, who seems to be getting bored with the whole thing, declares that it's time to take his leave,

He leads me into his car.

It is a brand-new Ferrari. Everything in here screams money, but that is the least of my concern right now.

He stopped the car in front of a penthouse.

This house is like a dream come true.

Mere looking at it from the outside, it looks like a castle. If my father sold me to this man, then I am not surprised that he is loaded. Throughout the drive, he did not utter a single word to me.

He left me to my misery. I already know this man is not good for me, but right now, I can only pray he is not worse than my father.

The moment he parked his car, he walked inside, totally ignoring me.

I followed closely behind him, seeing how I am left with no choice, and he introduces me to his workers as his wife.

“This is my wife, he said.

Jenny, he called out a woman who looks like she is in her mid-forties, have you cleaned the room I asked you to?

“Yes, sir, I did as I was told.”

“Good, take her into her room and attend to her needs. I will be in my office if you require me, he said and walk away without giving me a second look. What a nice introduction, I grumbled.

“Hi, the maid from earlier greeted.”


“I'm Jenny, I am responsible for cleaning and cooking. Do not hesitate to call me if you require anything. For now, let me show you your room.” She said with a big smile.

I followed her upstairs and damn, she was lying when she said had prepared the room.

Every damn thing in this room screams luxury!!!

Even though I grew up in a wealthy family, I can tell that our tastes differ, or maybe the richer, you get, the higher your standard.

“I will excuse you now.

Have a good night's rest, I will show you around tomorrow.” She said.

“Thank you, ma'am.”

“It is Jenny, dear, you can call me Jenny.”

“Good night Jenny.”

She took that as a cue to take her to leave, leaving me alone to myself and my heavy thoughts.

I cried my eyes out.

It was at this moment I know how lonely I am. How miserable my life has become. All along, I thought all I have to do is endure it all until I get married to the man I love, then, I will be free from all drama and I will stay away from my forsaken family. Who am I kidding? Jokes on me, I smiled bitterly.

I guess there is never an escape for me.

All night long, I couldn't close my eyes, I kept on thinking about what Michael said.

“You have been sold out.” It keeps on ringing in my head like a bell.


All these things still look like a dream to me. No, it has to be a nightmare. Once I wake up, it will be all gone.

But who am I deceiving?

My whole life has been misery, all thanks to my mother's foolish mistake when she was younger.

Presently, I hate her more than anything in this world. Even much more than my pathetic father who sold me for money like my life, dreams, and future means nothing.

I mean, who am I to blame besides a woman who made the biggest mistake of her life by falling in love.

It will end someday, maybe not now but sooner.

I tried to calm my thoughts but my brain refuse to work in my way as it keeps on reminding me of the difficulties I am going to face ahead of me.

This will not be my end, I muttered to myself, that is if I survive this one.

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