
I went looking for Jenny immediately after I left his room, informing her that I will be going home for a short while to pack a little stuff.

“You should at least have your breakfast before leaving.”

“Yeah, I'd love to, but I can't. I need to get going.”

I would rather not tell her the main reason I want to leave this early when I could have gone later in the afternoon or even evening.

First, I don't want Armani to change his mind because he initially said no. Plus, I am trying to avoid having contact with dad.

“Would you at least tell the boss to ask one of his drivers to take you home?”

I wonder if Jenny is oblivious to the issue going on, or if she just chooses to ignore it.

Or maybe, her boss is the type to bring home a strange person and introduce her as his wife. I mean, is that not the exact thing he did?

I went into my room to grab my purse so that I can take my leave.

I was stopped in the middle of the sitting room when a lady walk in and casually kiss Armani.

He pulls her back, and they begin to exchange spit. Gross, I try to walk away without getting their attention, but it was too late.

“Hey” Armani called out.

I looked at him with a questioning look. I mean, I don't understand a thing that is going on here. Just yesterday, after I have been told that my father sold me off to him, he introduced me as his wife to his workers and this morning, he has some little barbie all over him.

“Charlotte here has brought a few things that you would be needing for a short while. Once you have settled, I guess you can sort the rest by yourself.”

I look over at the so-called Charlotte and I sigh inwardly. Am I a joke to these people?

“Thank you”

“Is that how you show gratitude towards someone who saved your life?” Charlotte said rudely.

“Excuse me?”


“First off, I do not know who you are, and I guess we can skip the introduction part. I owe you nothing, I mean, what good deed did you do for me?”

“You are such a bitch, no wonder your father sold you out. You must have been a burden.”

"And who are you, if I ask?”

“Oh! I thought we are skipping the introduction part. I am Charlotte, Armani's girlfriend.”

“I see… So, you are one of those bitches who derive pleasure in fucking their boss.”

“At least I am doing it out of my free will, unlike you who have to spend the rest of your life with a stranger.”

That hit so bad.

I could stand the bitch insulting me, but I am afraid I will end up in prison if I lay my hands on her.

I walk out with pure anger. Heaven knows I'll transfer my aggression to anyone who tries to mess me with right now.

I didn't meet anyone at the entrance when I got home and had no intention of seeing any of them right now because so help me god if anyone tries shit with me, I do not mind stabbing them where they would not escape death and eventually go to the prison I spent the whole of my life like.

Anger, and fury, despite being the only emotions void inside of me at the moment.

I parked almost all the things in my room because every single thing I own means a lot to me.

I was struggling with the luggage as I try to push them down the stairs.

I manage to put them all inside my car and leave, but then, I forgot my favourite book.

I rushed back inside to pick up the books, and I met my father on my way out.

Anger consumes me.

“What are you doing here?

Don't tell me you ran away from your husband. I am wrong, right?”

I looked at the man I once considered my father in disgust.

“Lila!!!” He screamed.


Yes, I might be your daughter, but I am not a coward like you.

Running away? Nay, that is not something I'd do. And did I hear you say, husband?

Whose husband? Do you mean the cheat you sold me to that brought in a girl this morning?

You must be kidding me.”

“Did you just talk back at me?”

“You need to grow up Dad, you raised three children, yet none can look you in the eye to talk back to you. Is that what you call pride?

Ain't you ashamed of yourself?

Your wife can't talk to you, you create unnecessary fear in the minds of your children. You turn your children's backs against each other, turning one into your puppet, the other into your enemy and your only female child you have, what did you do to that one?

You destroyed her all thanks to your greed. And you are still demanding respect?

You would probably get your last respect when they are digging your grave.”

“Lila, what has gotten into you? Mom tried to stop me.

“Get your hands off me, mother. Haven't you done enough?

You ruin us, I am not blaming you for your past, but at least you could have corrected your presence so that it won't affect your future.

You took every bit of father's shit and that is not even my business, but us?

What did we ever do to offend you?

You treated us like scorn since we were little.

What did we ever do wrong?

You see us as the result of your past mistakes, but who's the account?

It was all your fault.

It all started with you. It was you who ruin our lives by getting married to a heartless man and staying married to him.

The whole thing begins with you. You mom!!!”

I said angrily, leaving all of them in shock.

I can't stand staying here for another minute, so I took my books and walk past them angrily.

It was at this moment I knew I can't go back to that house.

I won't have any man maltreat me all my life like my father did to mom.

No, not again.

History will not repeat itself with me.

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