I drove out of my father's house in a fury, but then it hit me, I can't possibly go back to that man's house. Going back there is like giving him the right to treat me however he likes. If not, where would I go?

Then, it pops into my head.

Isabella!!! Yeah, I will be going to stay with Isabella for a little while, until I can sort out myself.

I dial her number and she picks up on the first ring.

“Hey girl, is it okay if I stay over at your place for a while?”

“Of course, you don't even need my permission before you get your ass here.”

“On my way, girl.”

Isabella is my best friend. She is The only friend I ever had since I was little.

We have been friends from middle school to college and even until now that we are both graduates.

She is the only person who understands my situation. She knows how it is with my family, and she has always been supportive. I love that girl.

I parked in front of her apartment and knock at the door, turns out the idiot is not around.

I still remember where she keeps her key because I crash in her place once in a while, luckily for me, she still keeps a spare key there.

I unlock the door and make myself comfortable while I wait for her.

It didn't take long before she gets here, and we hit off from where we left off.

“Girl!!! She screams. I am so happy to have you back.”

“It feels good to be here again, I smiled.”

We begin to gist and fill each other with the things we had missed from each other's lives. And that is how I told her the main reason why I left home and how my father sold me to some billionaire.

“He what?” Bella shouted,

“Girl, I have never felt so stupid in my entire life. For the first time in my life, I couldn't think straight. I felt lost and I was just confused.”

“Well, it is a good thing you left home. Your father should be arrested for human trafficking, or what other category can we classify this offence?”

“I wish I can have that man arrested.”

“You probably should before he does something worse in the future.”

“I don't know how to go about this, I confess.”

“Don't stress it, we will figure something out.”

We stopped talking about my problem and Bella begin to gist me about the men in her life. She seems to be enjoying the moment, and I am happy for her.

One would probably think she has it easy because of the way she carries herself, but it's all a facade. She has her issue too.

She had a tough childhood, making her depressed for a few years, but I am happy she is fine now.

We spent the day watching movies, sniffing our noses into popcorn as we eat like gluttons. It didn't take long until we slept off.

I woke up to the sound of my phone.

Who is calling me this early in the morning?

I reached out for my phone to see 34 missed calls and 17 messages.

It was from no other, apart from my father, and a number I am not familiar with.

I didn't bother reading the messages, knowing he would probably just threaten me.

I was still on it when the number called again

“Hello” I answered

“Finally, thank goodness, I thought something happened to you.” the voice said.

“Who is this?”

“Armani, your father told me about what happened yesterday and I had expected you to come home, but when you didn't, I panicked.”

“Oh, well, am fine.”

“That is a relief. When are you coming back home?”

“I am afraid I don't know what that means.”

“Lila, he called out gently. I understand you are furious right now, and you probably don't want to have anything to do with your father. But I am not him. You can't keep hiding with whosoever you are with right now.

You need to come home, where you belong.”

“I'm afraid not,” I said and hung up.

My conversation on the phone must have wakened Bella because she is sitting on the bed already, expecting me to hang up and tell her what is going on.

“Who was that?”


“Doesn't ring a bell. Who is he?”

“The same man I was sold to.”

“Is he threatening you?”

“Nothing of such. He is begging me to come back home.”

“Has he gone nut?

Which home?”

“His place”

“So what did you tell him?”

“Chill, girl, I am not that stupid. Of course, I hanged up on him but before then, I told him I won't be going back.”

“And I expect you to keep to your words.”


Even though I just give Bella my words, even though I am not so sure of what to do, I just have to reassure her knowing how overprotective she is when it comes to me.

She has always been protective since we were in high school. She would say, if I can't help you deal with your family problem, I should at least protect you outside from stupid people.

I so much love that girl.

After having our breakfast, we decided to go out shopping and go to a club in the evening. It's been a long we had real fun.

We went shopping first, and we almost picked up all the beautiful dresses in the store.

“Bella, we will go short on funds if you keep on taking everything,” I warned.

Bella is the worst person to take with you for shopping, especially when you are broke. She doesn't know when to stop.

Even after everything we have taken, Bella still insisted on getting a different dress for tonight.

“Girl, we are not going on a date for the love of God. We are just going to the club.”

“Doesn't mean. You should always look your best.” She smiled cheerfully.

I sigh, knowing I can't win the argument.

I followed her advice and pick a beautiful black dress for myself so that we can leave here before it get dark.

After shopping for how many hours? I lost track of time at a point. Anyway, we are back home.

I took a quick shower and Bella helped me with my makeup. She is an expert.

She did her makeup too and put on the dress we picked from earlier, making her look beautiful as ever.

Bella has long black hair with ocean blue eyes. I find everything about her beautiful, starting from her height of 5'8 and seductive long legs.

She looks petty with her slim stature but hell, when she finished dressing up on days like this, she looks like a goddess.

What I admire most about her is that she is not one of those girls who go around with only looks. Bella is smart, witty, and confident. She is not one to easily mess with.

Once we are done, we ordered a cab and Bella told the driver to go to some new club in town. She knows all these things because she is the outgoing one among us.

We got to the club and I saw the name written boldly, A Star. What was the owner thinking when he named this place?

Bella and I went in, and we begin to sway our hips almost immediately to the jam.

Bella asked me to wait for a table, while she gets us drinks.

I was on my phone replying to chats from friends that were starting to get worried over not seeing me when I felt someone gaze at me.

I looked in the direction, and it was not apart from Armani.

“Shit!” I muttered.

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