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Chapter Two – Where I am now


I jumped out of the daydream I was having about a past life that now seemed so long ago to a smooth hand touching my shoulder, turning me round.

“What is it Elijah, you shook me out of my thoughts” I responded to my name very quickly, as I calmed down to the abruptness of being startled.

“The Elders are beginning to start Liwuanie, they are asking all who have been invited to join us down at the circle” Elijah responded, with a warm smile inviting me to take his hand to walk with him.

Elijah was the first elven ranger I had met at the borders of the Druida community. In fact, he was the first real elven person I had ever met, or seen in person. Elves were very similar to humans in terms of body shape. He was very tall, fair and muscular. The main difference between elves and humans was their tipped ears, which seemed hard to hide, at least on Elijahs head.

He was hesitant and withheld at first, but as soon as we got to know each-other, we became near enough inseparable. He took me to one of the Elders for questioning about where I’ve come from, where I’ve been and how I entered their land.

The Elder who asked was named Liandor. He was also of a tall nature, but was obviously older than Elijah. How old however, I will never know.

Once I provided all answers to his questions the Elder took me in without a second thought after I told him I believed I was the last human. He had explained that this elven community believed that life never disappears completely from the world and are in the mind-set that I have lived on for some purpose and was sure I would find out soon enough. What or when that is I have no idea.

Elijah led me around the Elder tree. One of the first things I learned here was the Elder tree was one of the largest trees in the world. The sheer size of this tree was amazing. It towered into the sky, had hundreds of thousands of branches. Looking up into the tree one would see lots of tree houses that the elves have created. The tree was bustling with life and seemed to be the heart of the elven community.

We headed around the vast Elder tree and walked down a short path that would soon lead to the opening where the ceremony would take place. Before we reached the entrance, Elijah stopped me and let go of my hand to turn me round.

“Aliana, I know there’s something you’re not telling me and I really don’t appreciate it. We’ve known each other months now, you’ve gained my trust and near enough everyone else’s here at the community, what is it?” he says worryingly, as if he already knows about my plans.

“Elijah, honestly, I am fine. Yes, there are always going to be things that I do not openly talk about, I’ve come a long way from a living world and this elven community is the first place I have felt alive and not alone again.” I expressed. “But, as you are the closest one I have gotten to, I will not lie. I will leave soon to continue on to find other humans and a meaning to why I have survived.” I sighed and continued. “I know there is a reason why and it’s waiting for me out there.”

I could see an array of emotions pass through Elijahs eyes, one I caught onto, most of all, was sadness. I know we had created a special bond, and we have been working well together. But everyone here knows I am not elven, and everyone, bar me in the community, is elven. Although I have been told they are open to outsiders, there are still things I would never be able to do here, such as start a family. One of the most forbidden rules is to start interspecies relationships, which would include any of the elves here and me. If one were to wish for this, they would be asked to leave.

“I’m not ready for you to go yet, I feel I have only just met you and you’re a vital part of our community” Elijah said nonchalantly, trying not to sound really upset, although his eyes and body movements told me otherwise.

“I know, and I want to drop this conversation for another time. We can pick up tomorrow if you want?” I responded, really not wanting to get too into this before the ceremony. “Anyway, you, nor anyone else has really told me what this ceremony is really for. Elder Liandor mentioned that stories will be told, but are ceremonys not for some sort of occasion?” I asked, intrigued about what this ceremony is about after just accepting the invite that was given to me.

Elijah clicked his tongue and rolled his eyes as if I should have known about this “It is the month of the Lunaris Solaris Aliana.” He sighed as he noticed I still had no idea what he was on about, which he would have been right, I was clueless.

I had went to a human school and when I was listening fully in class, our culture was more interested in teaching about human history rather than any history on other species.

“The month of the Lunaris Solaris is the month of the Goddess and God, the life and death of all living things, it’s what we live and breathe in our elven lives…..did you not have any of this within your Human community?” he asks quizzically.

I think back to some lessons in school which go over a God but I am unable to remember a mention of a Goddess. Most people seemed to brush off the idea of a higher being. In fact, most people disregarded religion altogether.

Elijah had noticed me in deep thought and smiled. “I’m going to miss you trying to think so hard with that small brain of yours” he chuckled.

I shoved him a little which made no move on his firm stance “Hey! That’s so rude, we all know the Elven rangers are assigned that post because they have next to no brain!” He was taken aback slightly offended in a mocking way while I laughed at the expression. “Anyway, no, I don’t believe we were taught all that much about any deity’s in school, I don’t think humans really cared.” I stated, then carried on with “It’s a shame, being here for the time I have, a lot of people could have used this to get through the last days.” I thought about how much I would like to have prayed for my parents and family, but shake these thoughts quickly.

Elijah carried on his original explanation “Anyway, the ceremony is to thank the God and Goddess for the next few years to come. It’s always been our tradition to do this when the Moon and Sun pass by each other. This happens every two years and has a very special meaning in our elven hearts.” He pondered a bit further, as if he was missing something, but then carried on with “I’m pretty sure I’m missing something, but I can’t remember. If I dwell on it, I’ll feel bad, so we should probably head in before I get scolded by one of the Elders.” We both laughed and then stopped abruptly in case someone was listening to him and came told him off.

Just as we had turned to head into the opening, we saw Elder Liandor who nodded in our direction, and then headed to the circle. Elijah tensed for a few moments, then had a long sigh. From my understanding, all elves are taught about the special days and dates in their lifetime when they are young, so they never miss out on them. If they were ever to forget about something, they are taught it for a whole week until they remember. This is the one strict rule I have been told I do not have to abide by.

I turned to Elijah once more. “I’ve never been in here as I had been asked not to and have of course respected these wishes. Is there anything I should be aware of before I go in” I asked hesitantly. I very much doubt there would be anything sacrificial going on as the elves, from what I have seen so far are lovers of nature, but I wanted to be prepared in case.

Elijah noticed my hesitation and took a wild, but correct, hit at my thoughts. “We’re not going to be killing anything if that’s what you’re worried about. You should know better than that” He said whilst raising an eyebrow.

My shoulders relaxed after getting that confirmation and I continued, “I do know, sorry. I just wanted to be prepared, anything else I should know or be prepared for?”

He smiled “The Elders will be thanking the Goddess and God and will ask us to do the same, together. Once this has been done, the Elders would usually go into our history and will also go into the history of some other races/species, which by the way, does include humans” he winked at me, whilst I rolled my eyes at him, knowing he was provoking my lack of knowledge on other species and their history. “When done, there will be a large feast for all and then some Kuirvier, which is a special celebratory drink matured just for this day.” He said, whilst licking his lips obviously thinking of the drink to come.

“Ok, I trust you, thanks for the information. I think it’s best if we start heading in now so we don’t get told off for loitering” I say to him as we turned to follow after Elder Liandor into the entrance.

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