Chapter Five
(Bryson's POV)
"Bryson! Were you even listening to me?" Ciara yelled.
I killed the engine and got out of the car, then slammed the door shut. I took long strides towards my house, like a raging bull who had seen a Matador flinging a red cloth. I was too furious to talk, too mad. I wondered, what the hell was wrong with me, snapping at Reagan like that? It was pretty clear that I had no business with what she does with her life and here I am, freaking out about her living with that douche of a guy named Drake... Dane... ah, hell. Whatever.
I heard the passenger door open and slam shut, followed by frantic footsteps. Ciara could be relentless at times. She doesn't know when to drop the subject when it was crystal clear that I didn't want to talk about it. I hate it when she does that psychobabble bullshit about 'couples should talk about what they are feeling' and all that mushy gooey crap.
"Bryson! Wait up!" she shouted.
I continued ignoring her then whipped the front door open with a bang. I left it open, then stormed off to the living room to cool down. I plopped heavily on the couch and leaned my head back, letting out a frustrated sigh.
"Great. Just freaking great." I muttered.
"Don't you dare ignore me, Bryson Tanner Weiz!" Ciara screeched, stomping her way in the living room towards the couch and folded her arms over her chest like a bratty kid in front of me.
I sat up straight, "Ciara, just leave me alone, okay? Please?" I pleaded.
She glared, "No. We are going to talk." She said, gritting her teeth.
I threw up my hands in the air, "What in freaking hell are we going to talk about, huh?"
She placed her hands on both sides of her hips and glared even more, "You know what I'm talking about. You acted like a jealous boyfriend when you snapped at Reagan at the school parking lot." She sneered.
I scowled at her, "I was not jealous, Ciara."
She rolled her eyes, "Oh, please. It's written all over your face. If you weren't, you wouldn't have reacted like that."
I gulped. She had a point though but still, I wasn't jealous. I think.
She smirked, "But I'm quite pleased that you called her a whore. I didn't know she would stoop so low like shacking up with some old perverted man and buy her gifts just to get in her pants."
Now that was hitting below the belt. How dare Ciara talk about her best friend like that? That was unlikely of her to be mean. She should know that Reagan was not a whore. I should know. Reagan never cheated on me. I was just so mad and upset that I couldn't help it. She was the sweetest, kindest, most beautiful girl I had ever met but I screwed up. I had no backbone to defend our relationship before, just because of that stupid Rebecca and keeping my family's legacy a secret.
I stood up from the couch and glared menacingly at Ciara, "Don't you dare talk about Reagan that way. She's your best friend and you should know better. How would you know that this Drake... Dane... or whatever his name, is an perverted old man, huh? You can be shallow at times and naive."
She gasped, "You called her a whore and now you're defending her? I am not shallow and I am not naive!"
"I was angry, okay? That's why I called her a slut. I didn't mean it. Yes, it's true you're shallow and naive Ciara. You assumed the guy Reagan was living with was her boyfriend."
"Because she said I love you back so I thought..." She trailed off, trying desperately to defend herself.
"See? There you go." I said, proving my point.
"Does it matter? God! Why are you defending her? I'm your girlfriend!" she cried.
I glowered at her, "Yes, you are my girlfriend, but you're acting like a frigid bitch."
She glared, "Freaking hell, Bryson!" she growled, her eyes glistening with unshed tears, "I can tell the way you look at her. You still have feelings for her! HELL, YOU STILL LOVE HER!" she yelled. By now, the tears flowed freely from her eyes like the rain relentlessly falling in a storm.
I grabbed her arm and held it tight, "Listen to me, Ciara. Reagan and I are over. She was my past and you're my future. I don't love her anymore. I love you," I said, fiercely trying to make her understand.
"She sniffled, "Really? You really mean that?" she croaked.
I nodded then pulled her in for a hug, "Yes, I mean it. I love you, Ciara," I murmured in her hair.
She chuckled then hugged me back, "Me too. I love you too."
I sighed, "I'm sorry for being an ass." I said, stroking the small of her back up and down. I felt her shiver from my touch, then relax again.
"I'm sorry too. I was over exaggerating it." She mumbled in my chest.
I pulled back a little and tilted her chin to look at me, "I think we should apologize to Reagan. It was mean of us to snap at her like that."
She thought for a moment, then with a hesitating nod she agreed, "Okay."
I smiled, "I love you," then crashed my lips on her soft pink ones. It was tender and sweet, which held a promising feeling, but I couldn't help but compare it to Reagan's emotion-filled ones. I was about to deepen the kiss when someone interrupted us and might I add, rather rudely.
"Well isn't that nice. Two people sucking faces like there's no tomorrow."
I broke away and saw Rebecca leaning on the living room wall with an evil smirk on her face, "What do you want, Rebecca?" I asked, releasing Ciara from my arms to face her.
"I was passing by, then I saw you guys here and hallelujah! God granted me my own personal porno." She gestured her hands for us to continue what we were doing, "Go on and make it hot and steamy like what we did two years ago." She smirked.
Anger seared through my veins. I could feel my body started to shake like a volcano ready to erupt. I unleashed ability, making the room static and hazy. With that, I teleported, then appeared in front of Rebecca. I could feel my eyes turn electric blue, and without warning, an invisible force threw her off across the room, slamming her to the wall with a crack. Before she slid down, I teleported again towards her, then grabbed her neck on a choke hold, "Don't you ever mention that again!" I growled, "You betrayed our kind by consorting with those leeches, you whore!" I could feel my nails extending into claws, ready to rip her into shreds. She was gasping for air, prying my hands off her neck desperately.
I raised my hand, and all of a sudden I was thrown back and pinned down to the ground by an invisible energy. I tried to move, but it was futile, like I was shackled tightly to the ground.
"Enough," a deep voice bellowed.
I tilted my head and saw my father, Maximillian, with his hand held up with its palm facing me. I guess it was him who threw me back and pinned me down. I took deep calming breaths and I felt my energy simmering away, until I was back to normal.
"Are you calm now?" my father asked.
I slowly nodded and he released the invisible energy from my body, so I was able to move. I stood up, and Ciara rushed over and fussed if I was alright.
"Bryson. Rebecca. In my study. Now." He said and left, not bothering to wait for us.
I gave Ciara a kiss on the forehead, and headed to my father's study. I could feel Rebecca following me, and when I reached the door, I knocked three times, then father beckoned us to enter. I opened the door, then we both got in out at the time, and Rebecca closed the door behind her.
Father pointed two chairs in front of his elegant cherry wood desk, "Sit." He ordered.
We did as we were told and looked at him, nervous on what he had to say.
He began, "Didn't I tell you not to use your abilities inside this house?" he said in a hard tone.
"But father, she started it." I said then glared at Rebecca.
She glared back, "No, I didn't! You were the one who went on a rampage!" she growled.
I stared at her in disbelief, "You provoked me!" I retorted angrily.
"NO! I-" but she was cut off by my father.
"ENOUGH THE TWO OF YOU!" he roared.
We immediately shut our mouths, sinking deeper into the chair.
Father took a deep breath and sighed, "Bryson, I'm really disappointed. You of all people should know that you can't just unleash your abilities like that. What if someone got hurt? What if Ciara got hurt? Don't make me doubt you, boy. You are the heir, the next in line to continue our legacy. You should be responsible with your actions." He finished, glowering at me.
He moved his attention to Rebecca, "And you, why did you hurt that human in school? One of the sacred laws of coexistence: humans are not to be harmed, unless they pose as a threat to our kind, and she was not a threat." He snarled.
Her eyes widened from its sockets, "How did you know?"
"One of the high ranking Elders of the bloodsuckers and our very own Black Watchers informed me."
"Damn it." Rebecca cursed under her breath.
"You know our actions are always being watched to prevent chaos. This is the 21st century, not the olden times. We need to coexist in a civil way for the sake of our race, as well as the humans."
Rebecca scoffed, "Yeah, right. That's so pathetic."
He clenched his jaw, "I understand that you have a rough history with us, Rebecca, but it doesn't excuse the fact you betrayed us before, but we still gave you a second chance. I suggest you use that chance wisely or you'll regret it in the end." He warned.
She gulped and slowly nodded, not able to speak.
Father turned to me, "I heard Reagan's back." He said. He adored Reagan like a daughter. He liked Ciara, but not as much as Reagan. My mother was a different story; she despised Reagan with a passion. She said that she was not good enough for me, and a nobody compared to Ciara, who she thought was a darling and a good match for me.
I nodded, "Yeah. We bumped into each other at school. She knows about Ciara and I."
He frowned, "How did she take it?"
"Surprisingly well."
"I see. Have the girl over for dinner one of these days. I miss her terribly." He said, smiling.
I frowned, "Do you think that's a good idea? What about mother? You know how she feels about Reagan."
He waved his hand not bothered with it, "It will be fine."
I shrugged, "If you say so."
He stood up from his chair and headed for the door, "I'm glad we sorted that out. Now, if you'll excuse me, I have a meeting with The Pillars," and with that, he walked out of the room leaving Rebecca and I alone.
After a few tensed moments, Rebecca abruptly stood up and stared at me with hatred, "This ain't over, Bryson," then she walked off.
I scoffed, "You won't be lucky next time."
(Reagan's POV)
I hate waking up early. The need to rush yourself was taxing and annoying. I wanted to go back to homeschooling. It was simple and drama free. The best part of it, I get to procrastinate a bit. Insert evil laugh there, ladies and gentlemen.
I walked down the stairs, letting out a big unladylike like yawn, and then rubbed my sleepy eyes. With last two steps, I hopped then landed with a soft thud, heading towards the kitchen for some grub.
I heard voices coming from the kitchen. I recognized the other voice was from Derek but the other one, was familiar but couldn't put a name to it. I decided to eavesdrop a bit.
"Do you think she will be safe, though?" the deep velvety voice asked.
"Yes. I told her she will be." Derek said out of exasperation.
"But dude, look what happened to her yesterday and you're saying she will be fine?"
"I got it under control, Cooper. I gave her the neck--" I didn't bother to listen more, like snooping the rest of the conversation, because I was barreling towards the kitchen squealing.
The moment I saw him, I jumped into his arms and squeezed him tight, "Cooper! Oh my god! When did you get in?"
Cooper was Derek's best friend, as well as mine. I met him two years ago, when he came to visit Derek. He was a big teddy bear and a doofus; short raven black hair styled in a faux hawk, baby blue eyes that held a playful twinkle when excited, and lips always curled up in cute smile. But I was his favorite best friend, much to Derek's dismay.
He hugged me back tightly, "Hey, kiddo! God, I missed you!" he said, twirling me around and I giggled like a little kid.
He stopped spinning and let me down on my feet and pulled away, "Whoa! I didn't know you had twins, Cooper." I said dizzy from the spin.
He ruffled my hair and chuckled, "I arrived around 5am. I wanted to wake you up and surprise you, but my douche of a best friend here," he paused, giving Derek the stink eye, “told me not to. He said you need your beauty sleep."
I walked over to Derek and wrapped my arms around his waist and looked up at him pouting, "You're such a Debby Downer, Dee."
He tapped my nose once and smiled, "You needed your sleep, little one. I can't have an idiot," he glared at Cooper, who just gave him a sheepish look,"disturb you from your slumber."
I laughed, "Yeah, yeah. Whatever." I said then pulled away from him.
Cooper walked over to me and checked my arm. His jaw was clenched tight and his eyes narrowed a bit, "Does it hurt?"
I shook my head, "Not that much. It still stings, but it's tolerable."
He gave me a stern look, "If something happens, call us immediately, you understand?"
I rolled my eyes, "Its just a scratch, nothing big. Sheesh. "
"Reagan Lila Alden, do you understand?" it was Derek's turn to warn me.
I looked at them both as though they had gone crazy, "Alright. Alright. I'll have you both on speed dial. I'll include the police, FBI, CIA, Coast Guard, Secret Service, the WWE wrestlers and UFC fighters. You happy?"
Derek and Cooper didn't find my sarcasm amusing.
I groaned, "Ugh. Forget I said that."
Derek clapped his hands and started pushing me out of the kitchen, heading for the front door, "Chop chop, little one. Time to go to school."
"Wait! Wait!"
Derek stopped, "What?" he asked.
I turned around and flailed my hands all over my body, "I'm still in my pajamas, dork."
His mouth form into an O shape and smiled sheepishly.
I rolled my eyes, "You're impossible, Derek."
He chuckled, "Just go get ready, Reagan."
I giggled and headed for the stairs, climbing two at the time then he yelled, "I love you, my little one!"
"I love you too, and I'm not little!" I yelled back when I reached the top.
Cooper piped up, "Hey! What about me? Do you love me, Derek? We shared a passionate kiss when I got here, and had a wonderful, hot and--"
"OW! What the hell did you do that for?" Cooper whined.
"For being an insufferable idiot, that's what." Derek said.
I shook my head and entered my bedroom, shutting it close behind me.