Read with BonusRead with Bonus

Chapter Six

(Derek's POV)

"I've talked with The Pillars about the incident at Treleau High. Unfortunately, that thing wasn't sanctioned. Not even a warning," one of the Elders, Marcus, said putting enough distaste on the word 'thing'. A few strands of his long black hair fell over his daunting coal black eyes as he scowled, crossing his arms over his chest, bunching up his taut biceps as he sat stiffly on his chair. His define cheekbones and strong jawline made his inhuman beauty refinely menacing. His predatory face, to back it up, redefined the definition of terror.

The Elders weren't a big fan of them since the dawn of time. We were taught to loathe them, seeing they were the most soiled, degraded and worthless beings that ever existed.

I fought a snort that was traitorously escaping from my lips as Marcus blabbed about how loathsome they were and what not, but I guess he heard me. Sometimes, having advanced hearing was an inconvenience. It was a never ending cycle, hearing the same lines over and over again, and I had grown tired of it. Don't get me started with the humans. He sees them as source of nourishment and abstinence, nothing more, nothing less.

"Is there something you would like to add, Derek?" Marcus sneered.

I shook my head, struggling to compose myself from his absurd ranting, "Nothing, Marcus. Please continue."

The Elders consisted of five powerful pure bloods; mainly Marcus, Rockilian, Talon, Connor and lastly, me.

Talon's a handful of us all. He had short dark brown hair, spiked in different directions. His piercing brown eyes was a death trap for the ladies. His trademark smirk was his most prized physical attribute, thus dubbed him the womanizer of the Elders. Though he may have mastered the art of undressing a woman in five seconds flat, his cunning nature and ingenuity comes in handy on dire situations.

Rockilian was the curious one. For him, the saying, 'curiosity kills a cat' was pure hogwash. Anything that had to do with puzzlement and mystery was worth scrutinizing with the aid of science. He had short light brown hair, parted elegantly to the side. He had warm brown eyes and a straight nose. His lower lip was fuller than the top. But don't let that gentle look fool you. He can be vicious if he wants to be.

And of course, Connor. The dopey one. He was Talon's best friend and sidekick. Out of all the Elders, his calm demeanor was something Marcus frowned upon. His pale blue eyes were usually droopy, as though he had short hours of sleep. He had short wavy dark brown hair, straight nose and pink lips curled up in a smile that said 'Chill out. Relax.'

It was of course, to be an Elder, you have to be pure. Yes, born as a vampire not converted. Converted ones were classified as rogues because of the impurity of their blood. Being an Elder was also inherited or passed down specifically from a family member until such time he choose to step down, the next in line will fill in the spot, continuing the course of heritage and time.

Vampires have clans. In human lingo, it was more like a club or an organization but for us, a clan was like a crest representing lineage and history, thus for every Elder comes with a clan to represent and continue to thrive for the very survival of our kind.

Marcus was the most powerful and stubborn of the lot. He refused to accept a certain clause of the Sacred Laws of Coexistence which we created and followed together with them about coexisting harmoniously. He said it was a big joke. As he said vehemently, humans should be locked up in a laboratory for blood supply, and their horrid race should be eradicated from the face of the earth.

The others, Rockilian, Talon and Connor just tolerated Marcus just because it would be wrong to go against each other. We tried to make him understand that we need to adapt with the modern times. The dark ages were just too chaotic for us, aside from Marcus, who enjoyed every minute of it, and every time we remind him, he turned the other cheek and ignored us.

"Those creatures should be exterminated once and for all!" Marcus roared, slamming his fist on the wooden table.

I had enough of this. Talon, who was sitting beside me, sensed my frustration and anger. He held me back by gripping my arm, holding me in place. His brown eyes pleaded for me to calm down,but I just shot him a dark glare and yanked my arm off and stood up, "I've had enough of your immaturity, Marcus! You're like a broken record, and it's irritating!" I growled.

Marcus whipped his head at me and narrowed his eyes into slits. The entire room became dark, and eerie reflecting his current mood. Marcus had this transparent way of showing his emotions by changing the room's atmosphere and ambience. It was one of his gifts. Every pure vampire had one, except for the converted. They only had strength, agility, advanced hearing and speed. No gifts at all. For other pure blood vampires below us had gifts too, but minimized from two to three, but not quite powerful. For us, our gifts can maximize to eight.

I kept my guard up and unleashed my gift to retaliate, one of the several ones I had. The room became uncomfortably cold like thousands of needles pricking relentlessly to your skin. I had Marcus surrounded with cold mist, frost was forming on his body, making him cringe.

"I don't know what's wrong with you, but I am tired of hearing your intense hatred towards their kind. This is the 21st century, Marcus. Deal with it. If you can't, then the door is wide open for you to get the hell out!" I roared. The frost was now circling around him, making him frozen to the spot.

The room was tense, and the rest just sat there, unmoving, with smoke coming out of their mouths due to the cold I have induced in the room.

Suddenly, the frost and icicles started to melt around Marcus' body, then his eyes turned orange. The room became misty due to the contrast of fire and ice.

He glared. "You have no right to talk to me that way, Derek. I am more powerful than you. If you try to go against me, I assure you, you won't survive." He warned.

My eyes changed from my normal dark blue to ice cold blue, "Don't encourage me, Marcus. I might give you the fight of your life. I know your techniques. Aggressive moves are your biggest flaw."


I diverted my glare to that person who interrupted us; Rockilian.

He stood up from his chair and cleared his throat, "Stop it. Both of you. This is not right. We shouldn't be fighting. However, Derek is right, Marcus. We should at least try to coexist with them seeing its the 21st century."

Marcus scoffed, "You of all people should know that they are not worth coexisting Rockilian. They prance around as if they own the place. It's ridiculous! I say we kill them all!"

Talon sighed, "Can you both simmer down with your abilities?"

I took a deep breath and calmed myself down. Slowly, I could feel my energy drifting away, then with a final heave of air, I was to back normal. Marcus did the same. We both took our seats and continued with the meeting.

Connor spoke, "I will talk with them about the girl who attacked the human. It was unlikely for their kind to provoke an innocent, unless there was a reason."

I rolled my eyes, "The human has a name, Connor. It's Reagan."

Marcus snorted, "That pathetic ward of yours, Derek? Why do you insist of taking care of that girl? She's food, not some charity case."

I can't take this anymore. "I have to go. This meeting is pointless," with that I stood up, then rushed out of the room before they could protest for me to come back.

Marcus has gone insane with his convictions. At first, we thought it's just some phase he is going through with adjusting with the modern notions this century bombarded us. We were used to tradition, but it won't get us anywhere in terms of surviving. He insisted to uphold tradition like an iron fist, but the rest of us, to hell with it. It is time to leave the dark ages, and welcome the new world.

The clans, however, were a different story. It was like a melting pot of disagreements and squabbles, but the law was absolute. So were the Elders.

I was far enough from the meeting room, so I stopped walking then leaned my back on the wall to gather my thoughts, but the gods weren't kind to me. A voice which I prayed so hard to never hear again called out for my attention.


I groaned and propped myself off from the wall to see the very girl that I didn't want to see again. Miranda, my ex-girlfriend. Seeing her opened unwanted wounds from the past. She had the biggest part of it and most of that entire arrogant vampire she married. My brother.

"What are you doing here, Miranda? Shouldn't you be happily playing housewife with that arrogant pure blood?" I said with much disdain.

She made a 'tsk' sound with her tongue and sauntered towards me. She stopped a few inches away and smiled sickeningly sweet, "Now, now, Derek, don't be too harsh. One of the Elders, Marcus, requested for your brother and I's presence. He said he wanted to talk to us about something."

"For what?" I asked curiously.

She shrugged, "I don't know. He didn't say anything."

"Where's Darren? The last time I checked, you and my brother were inseparable." I asked.

She shrugged again, "Must be somewhere else. The moment we got here, he wandered off the mansion not telling me anything." She said nonchalantly, but her eyes told otherwise. She looked bothered.

I smirked, "Trouble in paradise, Miranda?"

She glared, "No. We are happy and contented, thank you very much."

"But your eyes say otherwise." I taunted.

She smirked smugly, "You're just jealous because I married your brother and not you."

That hit a nerve. I narrowed my eyes to slits and responded in a low menacing tone, "Don't even go there, Miranda. You have the gall to flaunt your so-called happy marriage in my face. If I remember correctly, you married him in front of me, Miranda. A day before our wedding. It's a good thing a friend of mine told me to go to that church, or I would have married a cold-hearted, two timing bitch."

Yes, she married my brother a day before our wedding. I was too blind to see that whenever nobody wasn't looking, she stared at my brother with such intensity. My friend had caught her countless of times, and confronted her about it. She denied the accusation, but my friend was convinced that she had a thing for my brother and as for him, he went behind my back and returned her feelings.

My friend tried to convince me that she was a cheating whore, but I didn't believe a word he said. Miranda was a sweet loving lady, and it was unlikely for her to do such a thing. A day before our wedding, he literally dragged me out of the mansion to go the church where our wedding was going to be held. The moment I opened the double doors of the church, my whole world came crumbling down.

There she was, at the altar, in her wedding dress that she was supposed to wear on our wedding. She was kissing my brother, Darren, sealing the vow of matrimony. I immediately went down on my knees crying so hard, seeing the love of my life marrying another man. When she pulled back, she tilted her head and saw me. I was expecting a look of shock but she just smirked then went back to kissing Darren.

Life has this masochistic way of kicking your ass to the curb.

Miranda snorted, "Your friend was a busybody. He shouldn't have interfered."

"He was only helping out and I'm glad he did," I said to her in a hard tone.

She placed her slim hands in front of my chest and stroked it up and down, "Derek, you know you are the only one for me. I can't help if I love your brother but I love you more."

"You can't have two people at the same time, Miranda."

She stared at me intensely, "But I love you more."

"Then why did you do it? I loved you Miranda, so much that when I saw you both at the altar, my whole world crumbled down on me like a shattered mirror."

She smiled softly, "See? I know you still love me."

"I said loved, Miranda. Loved. Past tense." I corrected her.


I pried her hands off my chest, "It's a good thing that we didn't get married, though. If I did, I would have had a horrible married life with you, seeing you are capable of such infidelity," then I smiled, "Besides, I'm happy now. I have something to look forward to every time I wake up in the morning."

She took a step back, shocked, "You're in love."

"Not really. I don't know yet, but it'd be good to feel something." I said.

"No matter how much you deny me Derek, whoever she is, she will never be good enough. I am the only one who can give you everything."

I stared at her straight into her eyes, "That's where you're wrong, Miranda. The day you married my brother was the day I realized; you were never good enough," then I spun around to leave.

"Where are you going?" she yelled.

I glanced over my shoulder and smiled, "To where my heart leads me to." I snapped my head back and walked away.

I was outside Reagan's school, leaning on my car. I thought, what am I doing here, anyway? I should have gone straight home and read a book or something, but instead I went here. So much for talking big about making my heart lead the way.

Sounds preposterous, but the feeling is warm and welcoming. That must mean something.

I could see students wandering around the courtyard, eating their lunch since it's noon. I could see a couple of girls looking at me, sending me flirty glances then giggled amongst their friends. I shook my head, amused with the gesture of it all.

I took out my phone and dialed Reagan's number. After three rings, she answered, "Whaddup, dork?"

I smiled, "Hello, little one."

She groaned, "Again with the little one."

I chuckled, "Where are you right now?"

"Um, heading to the lunchroom. Why?" she asked.

"I'm right outside."

She went silent for a bit.

"Reagan?" I asked.

There was no response. Did she hang up? I checked the phone screen but the call is still connected.

I held the phone back to my ear, "Reagan?" I asked again.

No response.


I heard pounding footsteps and without warning, someone threw their arms around my neck and squealed, which threw me off guard. I looked down and saw Reagan grinning like a kid in my arms.

"Derek! Gosh what are you doing here?" she shrieked.

I chuckled and hugged her back, "I got bored so I went here to see you." I lied nonchalantly.

She untangled herself from me, still grinning, "Good thing you're here. I was all by myself, you know."

I frowned, "Why? Don’t you have any friends?"

"Ummm..." she drawled, unsure what to say.

"Reagan? Is something wrong?" I asked, but she wasn't able to answer, because someone called out her name.


I flicked my eyes and saw a girl with copper colored hair, followed by a guy who I never would have expected to see again heading over to us.

Reagan spun around and groaned.

"Do you know these people, Reagan?" I asked her while shooting daggers at the guy who's also glaring at me.

She nodded, "They are the people I'm telling you about; Ciara and Bryson."

Bryson. So you are THE guy who broke Reagan's heart. What a small world.

The girl stopped in front of us, who I assume was Ciara, and gave Reagan an apologetic look, "Reagan, I know you may hate me right now, but I would just like to apologize for the way I acted yesterday."

Reagan glared, "Save it, Ciara. Apologizing doesn't cut it."

"Please Ree, we're really sorry right, Bryson?" she pleaded and jabbed Bryson by the ribs, wanting him to respond. She glared at him, and he gave her a sheepish look then gave Reagan an apologetic look.

Reagan glared at Ciara, "If you really mean it, then you need to work hard to prove it to me."

Ciara nodded, "Anything," then smiled.

The air was tense all of a sudden. Reagan was shifting on her feet then she finally spoke, "Um... Ciara, I would like you to finally meet Derek. The guy I'm living with." She looked me and smiled.

It was as if Ciara had just realized I was there. Her eyes went wide and she had that weird glint in her eyes which I find strange. She stuck out her hand for me to shake and spoke, "Hi. I'm Ciara. Pleased to meet you."

I took her hand and smile, "Nice meeting you, Ciara." I said politely. She didn't let go of my hand yet so I gently yanked it off from her and dropped it to my sides.

"Is this the Derek you're living with, Reagan?" Bryson piped up.

Reagan groaned again, "Oh, god. Don't start."

Bryson held up his hand in defense, "Hey. I was just asking."

She sighed then introduced us, "Derek, this is Bryson and Bryson, this is Derek." She said, darting her hands back and forth.

He stuck out his hand for me to shake and I took it.

'So you're the Derek that Reagan is shacking up with. I'm shocked. It's definitely a small world' he said in my mind.

I smirked, 'I could say the same thing, Bryson.'

He also let out a cocky smirk, 'Does she know you are bloodsucking leech?'


'Why? You scared she might ran away?' he asked tauntingly

'I will tell her soon.'

He scoffed, 'Yeah, right.'

'Pretend that you don't know me, Bryson. For the sake of Reagan.' I gripped his hand hard, which he didn't flinch. I'm impressed.

He glared at me and I glared back. If he tries to pull a stunt, I will rip his head off without a second thought.

"Uh guys, I'm feeling the testosterone level here." Reagan muttered.

I let go of Bryson's hand and looked at Reagan, "Want to get some lunch outside school?"

She nodded, "Sure, but we need to be quick though. I only have thirty minutes left."

"I think I know a cafe that's near here, so we should be fine." I said while taking her hand, leading her to my car.

She glanced back at Ciara and Bryson, "I have to go guys," and waved.

They waved back, and then Bryson shot me again a dark glare which I returned without a problem.

'If you hurt Reagan, I'll kill you, bloodsucker.' Bryson said in my mind.

'I could say the same thing to you.'

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