Chapter 3 I got you

Sadie Quinn p.o.v

"Are you sure this is the place?" she asked him worry glazing her panicked mind. She knew not involving legal authorities in her sister's kidnapping would be regarded as action of her idiocy but she didn't had choice. Sam had filled her anxious mind with all the wrong possibilities which could result in her sister's safety.

They parked their car outside the vacant and rusty old warehouse. This was place where she would never thought of wandering alone in dark or even But life wasn't always about what you liked or not, it had it's own flavors.

She looked around breathing deeply to only finding silence and creepiness engulfing the whole area. Outskirts of the city were always referred to as best places to murder someone without anyone knowing for days or months or even...years. And exactly this thought was giving her unwanted chills.

"Yeah... they said they'll be here in.... Ten minutes." Sam said looking at his watch. Sadie was still mad at him for lying but now she couldn't do anything about that other than to trust him.

"You sure we shouldn't call police." She asked again. Her paranoid mind was telling her to grab car keys from Sam and run back to the city but at the same time she wanted her sister to be rescued.

"No! Sadie, they are dangerous men. They own the whole city, Calling police here will be too risky for us and....for Olivia."

She gulped down few remainant of her courage and decided to trust Sam one last time. After asking favor from Gerard, she spend her whole night battling with her thoughts. Her mind drifted back to deal she intentionally made with Gerard. She knew nothing was for free with him.

A life for a life. This was what he said before cutting the call and this sentence was giving her nightmares without sleeping.

Earlier this morning, she called Sam and presented him money. She was thankful that Gerard kept his promise and transferred the cash in her bank account.

She tightened her hold on case as she jumped startled as bright lights pierced her eyes with their intensity. She could hear the engine and opened her eyes as the engine of the van shut down.

She unknowingly moved closer to Sam as four bulky men stepped out of the vehicle. She looked calculatively at them. Their dress code was black and terrifying making her having seconds thoughts about not calling cops.

"Samuel!" A man with strange accent called while joining his hands together.

"Liam," the distaste and lack of curiosity was as clear as day. Sadie could feel Sam's anger radiating before she looked at the man.

She narrowed her eyes assessing him. He was not scary enough. The picture she had portrayed of mafia men in her mind included dark suit with a gun oozing out of their waist band and dramatic hat with a cigar in hand.

But this was completely different only wearing casual leather jacket along with stud shoes with lots of bands wrapped securly around his wrists.

He looked more like a street gang member rather than mafia boss.

"Samuel, we still on that deal?" The man asked ignoring angry glare Sam was throwing his way.

"Deal's a deal. I have your money." Sam showed his briefcase before he felt Sadie clutching his shirt from back. He knew she was terrified and probably was scared about this new ordeal.

"Fantastic!" Liam loudly clapped his hands as several men behind him laughed. Sam looked angrily at them before feeling Sadie's hands tightening their hold on his shirt.

"Your precious girl is in there," Liam pointed towards opening of the warehouse. "Safe and secure."

Sadie could hear sarcasm dripping his tongue as she feared for worst. She wanted nothing more than to slam the briefcase in his face and break his nose but she knew better.

Four bulky men against her was probably path to end of her life.

"First my girl, then the money," Sam muttered as Liam shrugged his shoulders and walked towards the warehouse. Sam and Sadie followed after him as three other men trailed behind them. By looking at bulge in their waists, she somehow knew there were guns secured.

The insides of warehouse were more scarier than outside. The cold air hit her bare arms as she regretted wearing her graphic tshirt. The word 'BRAVE' written elegantly on the shirt was ironic for her situation. But at least she was happy she decided to wore jeans instead of her previous choice which was unfortunately a dress.

She felt Sam's hand circle around her wrist as he gripped her hand in his before giving it a little squeeze, wordlessly assuring her that everything would be alright.

She hoped so.

The cemented and old walls of warehouse were making her questioning when was this built. If it seemed old from outside then it looked worse inside. The pungent and rotten smell was overpowering her senses and the dried stain marks on cemented floor was making her even more scared.

She scanned her surroundings trying to look for person she wanted to saw most. The trembling of her hands didn't went unnoticed by Sam while he himself tried to remain calm and composed.

"Where is she?" Sadie said as terror for her sister started to fill her mind. Worst scenarios played through her incredulous mind.

Liam immediately turned around hearing her voice as he looked behind Sam. Sinister small smile painted on his scar filled face looking at girl almost hiding behind Sam.

"Who's she?..." He asked without trailing his eyes off her. She remained glued to her spot without showing an ounce of fear even though her insides were shaking terribly. It was new for her to meet people with guns.

"She's....her sister," Sam sighed regretting bringing Sadie with him. He knew these men were never good with women and Sadie being an attractive and pretty girl was like cherry on top.

Liam smirked and tilted his head towards side before looking her from top to bottom. She felt disgusted by Liam's stare and glared at him.

"BRING HER IN!" Liam shouted with a cruel smirk playing on his lips. Sadie didn't realised what did that smirk meant. The man behind Sadie and Sam nodded before walking towards dark end of the warehouse.

Liam's eyes on her were making her uncomfortable and she clutched Sam's arm for security.

She glanced at direction where the man went and waited as she saw his large bulky silhouette coming their way along with familiar face she wished to see soon.

"Olivia," Sadie breathed out and took a trembling step towards her before Sam pulled her back and shook his head in 'no'. She wanted to resist and went against him but the look he was giving her made her trust him one more time.

Now when they were in light, Sadie was finally able to see her sister but her heart clenched as she looked at her state.

Olivia's blue eyes looked at Sadie as panicked look covered her pale face. Sadie went ballistic as the man threw Olivia harshly on the ground making her groan in pain.

"What are you doing?!" Sadie snarled with renewed energy as she went to her before again Sam held her back. It pained him to saw Olivia in this state. He knew this was happened because of him.

"Let her go, you moron!" She snapped as he kicked Olivia in her stomach making her cry out loud. Sadie could see tired and exhausted figure of Olivia and that's when Sadie scanned her body. The clothes Olivia was wearing were torn and Olivia's hairs were scattered around her face. Sadie could see marks and long red stripes printed on her beautiful flawless skin. Olivia's pale face and bruises covering it were making Sadie thinking the worst.

What did they do to her?

"Olivia, look at me!....Are you okay?!" Sadie asked with strain in her voice. Olivia weakly looked at Sadie before looking down as tears streamed down her face like waterfall.

She didn't said anything to assure Sadie but her tears were telling everything Sadie needed to know. Her heart broke to know what her sister went through.

"There's your girl. Gimme my money'" Liam said casually pointing at Olivia. Sadie's eyes were glued to Olivia's face and she didn't realised when tears for her sister cascaded down her face.

"What did you do to her!!" Sadie growled as she jerked her arm out of Sam's grip.

Olivia looked at her sadly, tears swelling in her eyes, confirming what she was thinking.

"O! nothing much, we just....played...a little," Liam smirked looking at Olivia. Sadie looked angrily at him and before she knew, she had slapped him hard across his face. The stinging sensation in her palm confirmed how hard she hit him.

"YOU BASTARD!" She went to slap him again but this time Liam was fast enough to grab her wrist and twisted it making her scream in agony.

"YOU BITCH!" Liam growled landing a punch to her face. Sadie stumbled as she harshly landed on her butt. The pounding sensation in her head was making her question whether she should strike back or not. She could feel the sting and burn where he hit her.

"SADIE!" She heard Sam shouting as he rushed to her side but before he could reach her, a gunshot rang in empty warehouse and Sam's screams rang in her ears.

Liam rubbed his cheek before again raising the gun to shoot him.

"Wait!" Sadie panicked looking at Sam's legs which was crafted with bullet deep inside his leg. Liam looked angrily at him before pointing it towards her.

Her eyes widened as she sorrowed the thought of hitting him.

"I'm sorry! Please let us go," she pleaded with tears in her eyes. She didn't knew her actions would led their lives to this.

Liam raised amused brow as he grinned melaciously at her. She knew something indecent was cooking in his rotten mind.

"Why dear? You dared to hit me. I should've killed you along with your pathetic excuse of friend," he ominously smirked before crouching down to her level. She backed away as he raised his hand but instead of hitting her he gripped her hairs and a painful scream left her mouth.

"But there's a little twist..." He whispered bringing his mouth closer to her. She could feel his breath on her face as she turned her head backwards.

"You'll get privilege to be pounded by me before you die," he muttered as men behind them laughed out loud.

"And maybe I'll let you enjoy too, what you say boys?" Liam grinned as he looked at men behind her and started laughing like a maniac.

Sadie was fearing the outcomes as her breathing became abnormal.

"No! no! no!" She thrashed in his hold as tears streamed down her face. Sam's grunts and Liam's laughing was making her more panicked. Olivia was breathing heavily laying still on the ground as she watched her sister with helplessness in her eyes.

"Don't touch me!" Sadie snarled as one of the men grabbed her neck from behind. She struggled and thrashed as another one gripped her fragile arms between his hands.

"She's a feisty one," The men around her laugh at her attempts to break free. Whom she was kidding? There were far more stronger than her.

"LET ME GO!" She shouted. She felt her T-shirt being torn and cold hands collided with her warm body. Tears of despondency trailed down her cheeks and helplessness engulfed her.

"Damn, she's got a nice ass. I haven't fucked a brunette in a while," she heard one of them saying.

"We can change that." Liam's cruel voice filled in her ears and panic consumed her as she felt a squeeze on her ass.

Liam's eyes were shamelessly raking over her body as he bought a hand to her cheek. He softly caressed her before he heard her angry scream as she wiggled her face away from his hand.

He gave a wicked grin as he raised his hand and the men behind her stood up. She looked expectantly at him as more tears strung her sore eyes.

She struggled to scramble away from him.

"Try not to make this too hard for yourself, darling," he said wrapping his arms around her waist and hosting her up. Sadie looked pleadingly at him to let her go.

The panic in her mind blocked her ability to think. Liam's hands on her made her felt disgusted and repulsed by his touch.

"You don't have to do this, please! Let us go! Don't do this please!" She cried desperate to get out of his grip. Liam sighed shrugging his shoulders and digging his fingers in her waist before he leaned in and whispered in her ear.

"I should've killed you for slapping me," he said darkly. "After I've fucked you, that is..."

The sinister look in his eyes scared her to death.

"Raping a woman wasn't your thing Liam," Sadie jumped as unknown voice thundered in warehouse. She tried to look behind Liam but failed miserably due to Liam's tall statue.

She felt Liam's hands tensed around her waist as he slowly loosened his grip. She stumbled upon her steps and landed painfully on the ground letting out a gasp.

"Butting in my business wasn't yours either. What happened to 'no interference' in other's business, huh?" Liam groaned before fully turning around.

Dante tilted his head and looked behind Liam to saw trembling girl looking his way with terror dancing in her eyes.

"It's nothing personal Liam," Dante shrugged his shoulders and motioned for his men to stay behind as he stormed towards Liam.

"It sure feels personal!" Liam gritted clenching his fists.

"You just ruined my fun!" Liam muttered angrily as he looked towards Sadie. Dante didn't missed the cruel smirk that managed to plant on Liam's face.

"I have a deal," Dante said gaining everyone's attention. Liam groaned in frustration and shook his head.

"We can discuss this later," Liam licked his lips looking at Sadie. "First I need to tame this one.."

"Silvio won't be delighted." This seemed to catch Liam's attention as Sadie saw color draining from his face upon hearing a name.

"H-he's here." This was first time in an hour Sadie saw fear glazing his voice.

"Fortunately, yes. But you know how he gets when things don't go according to him." Dante knew Silvio's name was enough to held Liam on leash like a obedient dog. This was affect Silvio had on everyone; terror and anguish.

Liam was visibly scared by the look of panic on his face. Liam was very well aware of what disappointed Silvio could do. There was one time when Liam unfortunately witnessed Silvio's anger when Silvio chop his chef's fingers only because his coffee was two minutes late, to say it was pleasant would be understatement.

Liam was not ready to lose his limbs, not yet.

"What i-is it?" Liam stuttered as beads of sweat formed on his forehead. Sadie looked terrified at Dante wondering who this man was. She was scared of Liam and Liam was scared of Dante and by the way they were talking, she concluded this Silvio person was far more dangerous than both of them.

"Leave them and Silvio will let you go." Dante said pacing around assessing every single inch of the werehouse. There were total three men with Liam and three victims. If it wasn't for Samuel calling Dante earlier than Dante knew they all would be dead by now.

"What you talking about?" Liam looked confused at Dante. Dante held back a laugh at Liam's clueless expression and stepped towards him.

"The boy over there," Dante motioned towards Sam. "Is part of Nostras now and every member of Nostras is familigia." Dante looked at Sadie's trembling form and an unknown emotion flickered in his heart.

"I d-didn't knew." Liam stammered.

"Now you know. Take it as advice from one friend to another that Silvio will chop off your head if he'll come to know about bullet you put in his leg." Dante looked at Sam's unconscious body.

"I-I'll leave the city." Liam rushed and walked away as Dante stopped him.

"That's a smart choice." Dante smirked as he watched Liam's panicked self rushing out of the werehouse along with his men trailing behind him like dogs.

"T-Thank you." Dante turned around upon hearing soft amd fragile voice. His eyes trailed down her body as he shrugged his jacket off and crouched down to her level.

"Easy there," he whispered as she flinched away as he put his jacket over her body covering her torn T-shirt.

"Olivia." She breathed out looking at her sister as she immediately stood up but her steps halted as enormous pain erupted through her head and she stumbled before Dante grabbed her arm, stabilizing her.

"She'll be alright. You're bruised," Dante didn't knew why was he feeling sympathy for this girl. She was nothing special nor she was an exquisite beauty but still his heart clenched seeing her angelic face covered with bruises.

Sadie's head spinned as her surroundings become blur. She felt an arm steading her before she lost control over her mind.

"Calm down, I got you," she heard Dante mumbling before darkness engulfed her.

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