Chapter 4 Broken angel
"Do you see your target?"
"Crystal clear,"
Dante looked through the lens of his sniper. Two buildings away in a tall skyscraper, his eyes perused a crowd of people gathered at the roof of extravagant decorated building. The bright candles and chandeliers were brightening the whole building making it look sun itself.
He tilted his head and positioned the gun ever so slightly scanning over seemingly random people at the sky touching building. The pregnant builds as scope jumps from person to person until the aim landed on his target, a man with light blonde hairs and trimmed same-colored goatee.
"Be sure to not to kill him but kill his son along with his wife. I want to give my condolences to him afterwards,"
"Then it's better that I kill him...." Dante muttered in his deep, slightly cockney accented voice. He aimed his sniper and paused for five seconds before pulling the trigger. He tilted it again and pulled the trigger again.
"Tidy as usual.."
Dante sat back against the edge of the bed in the empty hotel room as he unscrewed the bottom of the sniper.
"I'm proud, Dante.."
Dante heard Silvio saying in the earpiece as line went off before he could reply. He grabbed his bag before deconstructing the rifle back. He opened the black case laid on the bed and assembled the pieces back in. He removed this black gloves and placed them on the bed before unzipping the bag.
He changed his clothes wearing white shorts sleeved dress shirt with contrasting dark grey pants and secured the pant with leather brown belt.
Without spending another minute in the room, he immediately grabbed his bag before putting on shades and exited the room.
Dante immediately rushed out to elevator and ran his hand through his short black hairs before waiting for elevator to reached the down floor.
With ping of elevator, he walked outside the hotel before checking out and entered the car waiting for him right outside the hotel. He sighed as driver drove towards the mansion.
He was successful, again and he had made Silvio proud, again. Silvio and he were more like brothers than partners. The great mastery that he had in sniping was due to teaching of Silvio. Silvio was one good fucker with guns and Dante seemed to learn this from him. Silvio had turned him in a battle machine. Instead of football, he played with guns and snipers.
His life had been tough but it has it's own flavor. His phone rang as he looked at the screen and immediately picked it up.
"Dante! My boi'!" A high pitched voice resonated from other side bringing a small smile on Dante's face.
"Hey, pops! How are you?" He heard a deep on other side before he heard shuffling.
"marcire in questo buco infernale," Dante heard his father groaning as he again heard shuffling from other side.
"che cosa sta succedendo?" Dante frowned when he suddenly heard woman's voice from other side.
"Ah...I'll talk...to ya later, sí? His father sadi before the call went off. Dante kept his phone close to his ear for a second before looking at it strangely, thinking what was his father upto but then he shook his head as he recalled the last time he visited to check on his father.
He was fucking the nurse.
A small smile crepted on his face and he threw his head back on the soft cushioned seat of the car and closed his eyes. And then suddenly he remembered something.
He immediately pulled out his phone again and dialed the number before placing it on his left ear. The bell rang.
One time.
Two times.
Three times.
Four tim-
"Hello? Ruby speaking."
"Ms. Ruby, it's Dante, Dante Adios."
"Oh! Yeah, I remember! Your girlfriend's admitted in here. Oh! What was her name?! Yeah...Sadie Quinton, and if you're calling to ask for her then I must tell you, she's alright but still unconscious."
Girlfriend? He already wanted to contradict her statement by stating 'she ain't anyone to me!", but he let the warm feeling invading his heart.
"Yes, my girlfriend. Can you do me a favor and tell me when she'll be conscious? I mean I'm out of city for a few days, so...you know what I mean, right?" He tried to sound as less doubtful as possible.
"No problem, dear! I'll let you know." With this he ended the call and again sighed in relief.
He thought as warm smile played on his lips.
"You can't kill him, boss"
"And I'm not killing him!"
"Dying from cardiac arrest or heart attack still count as you killing him..."
"Oh! Come on, idiota! It's just a bloody hand! This figlio di puttana can still live without one hand, si."
Micah casually leaned back against the cemented wall of the old warehouse as he watched Silvio lingering over the bleeding man curled up in a fetal position laying on the ground.
"Now listen and listen good, cazzo! If I see your hairy ass anywhere near this city then consider your limbs gone along with your head, sí?"
The man groaned in pain, his vision blurred as he tried to look up at his assailants. He cried out in pain when he felt someone grab his head and yank him up.
"I asked you a fucking question!"
"Y-yes!" Liam barely managed to muttered before Silvio landed a hard punch to his nose.
Michal watched the whole scene boredly. He was used to it, seeing Silvio killing people like killing mosquitos but now it didn't affected him anymore.
"Call Romano, ask for that Sammy boy!" Silvio growled as he watched Liam's unconscious body laying on the ground with pool of his own blood surrounding his.
"Sure, boss," Micah nodded before turning around to call Romano, the family doctor.
Silvio watched as Micah walked towards the exit as he dialed the number.
When Micah returned back inside, he walked up to second man laying on the ground and nudged his body with his shoe.
"Mm....this one's dead,"
"What?!" Silvio blurted.
"You literally smashed this head into the wall, you shouldn't be surprised.."
"Fucking burn 'em down! I promised myself I won't freaking kill anyone, at least not today but these motherfuckers keep messing with me," Silvio muttered as he kicked the body with his shoe.
"What did Romano said?" Silvio asked.
"The boy's okay. Bed rest." Micah muttered before dragging the dead body in the middle.
Silvio nodded and walked towards the exit.
"Make sure to not make mess of my warehouse!" Silvio shouted as he walked towards his car. He get in and started the engine as it revived.
His phone rang snapping him out of his silence and he groaned looking at the name before picking it up.
"What you need, Miranda?" He asked annoyed.
"You baby. I need you to come over." She whispered seductively into the phone making Silvio rolling his eyes.
"I got shit to do, Miranda. I don't have time for fuck." He said and heard her sigh.
"But you never declined me." He could heard her whining on other side as his annoyance grew ten folds.
"Consider it as first time and don't bother me again!" He snapped before cutting the call and threw his phone back on the passenger's seat as frustrates sigh escaped his lips.
"Bloody whore,"
"You're finally awake," A too soft, too-familiar voice said. Her eyes slowly opened as painful sensations pounded in her head. It felt like her whole body was aching.
"Water?" Same voice asked as she looked to her right and groaned as bright rays of sunlight blinded her vision. She felt warm and soft pair of hands positioned at the back of her neck as she was lifted up. She didn't protested as same hands placed the glass of water near her mouth and she greedily gulped down. The soothing sensation made her sore throat smooth.
She looked around hazily as the white walls of the room came into view. Olivia's worried and relieved eyes scanned Sadie's face which was loaded with nothing but the look of confusion. Olivia felt her heart clenched as she looked at her sister.
"You okay...?" Olivia asked carefully enough not to sound panicked. It took moment for Sadie to adjust her vision as she looked towards soft and fragile voice of her sister.
"A..are you okay...?" Sadie answered her question with another as her eyes roamed on Olivia's tearful face, coated with sadness. Olivia manage to have a half smile as she nodded her head but Sadie didn't seemed to bought her like and grabbed her hand.
"Tell me, Lia..." The perturbed look along with anxiousness was scarring Saddie to death. She just wanted to know how truly Olivia was, no lies.
Olivia sighed in defeat knowing Saddie wouldn't leave her till she knew the truth. Olivia's eyes moistened as she looked at Sadie.
"I-I don't want t-to talk about i-it" Olivia muttered as tears flowed down her eyes. Saddie didn't asked anything after that nor did she tried to. She knew Olivia was hurting and asking more would hurt her more.
"Okay..." Sadddie whispered and patted the space next to her.
"Come here," she said and Olivia Scott closer to her. Sadie immediately engulfed her in her arms and placed a gentle kiss on her forehead.
"I'm with you, nothings matters more than you, you know that, right?" It took everything in Saddie to not let her heart cry but she failed, she failed to hide her emotions and let the sorrow ness engulfing her.
"You're everything I've got, Sadie," Olivia whispered into her hair making Sadie's heart clench.
"I won't let anything happen to not now, not ever..." Sadie whispered hoarsely as tears welled up in her eyes.
"How's Sam?" Sadie immediately asked as fear washed over her. She remembered Sam getting shot and his painful screams.
"I-I don't know. The man who saved us, took him with him before admitting you in this hospital. I tried to ask him about Sam but he shrugged dme off by saying 'it was not my business'." Olivia shrugged off as Sadie's brows knitted in confusion.
"Oh.." Sadie whispered as she remembered being landing in stranger's arms when she fainted.
It was his name. She remembered it clearly. She wanted to thank him for helping them but she also didn't wanted to do anything with mafia.
"Oh...wnd on emore thing. Why didn't you told me about money? You borrowed it from Gerard, don't you?" Sadie sensed hint of annoyance in Olivia's voice before she breathed out.
"I had to do that..." Sadie looked anywhere but her as she avoided the direction where conversation was going.
"No, Sadie! Why did you asked from him out of all the people!" Olivia scoffed but calmed when she noticed the pessimistic look on her gloomy face.
"I-I didn't mean it like that, you know asking Gerard for help will land you in his cage, right? He'll force you to do things that you don't want you do," Olivia gently grabbed Sadie hand in her as she rubbed small circles on back of her hand.
"I know Olivia, but....your life is important than mine. I've promised father I won't let anything happen to you." Sadie's voice was tensed.
"Oh! For fucks' sake...He's not even your real father! Why are you doing this!" Olivia immediately regretted her words as she saw Sadie's tearful eyes.
"I-I did-"
"You're right....He's not my father...." Sadie breathed out a sshe trie dto control her tears but failed miserable when the dam of her emotions broke.
"Sadie, I-"
"I..I need to rest. Can you leave me...alone," Olivia knew she had fucked up and she knew now she couldn't took back her words. She gulped down and nodded her head before existing the room, leaving Sadie with teary eyes and broken heart.