Chapter 2 2

In a large dimly lit conference room, two people were talking distinctly until all of a sudden someone burst into the room.

"What's going on Andre? I thought I told you not to disturb me!!" Daniel Hamilton slammed his hand on the large table, creating a loud bang.

"Sir, I'm sorry to burst in like this but Felicia Watson has escaped from the room she has been kept," he explained

"What do you mean Watson escaped? Do you know what will happen if she goes to the police with all of the evidence she has? That witch knows about all of our projects and plans. How could you let her get away?!"

"Calm down Daniel. Now, you listen here. Look for Watson before the police do and in case they do, notify Munachi and tell him to eliminate any threat. We don't know who she might have encountered with already," Simone commanded.

Felicia Watson was not of importance, however to the Six Feathers she was. Having worked under them for so long, all of the secrets of the feathers were with her and if anyone were to find anything out, the feathers would for sure be done for.

Daniel walked to Andre and pointed a gun to his head. "Listen here Andre, you make one more mistake, I'll make you watch as I put a bullet in your family's head right before I do the same to you. Understand?"

Andre shivered and bowed his head.

"Take our best hitman and no mistakes this time!!" Daniel ordered.

Andre bowed his head yet again and left the conference room.

"Listen, Daniel, we have to call a meeting with the feathers. The president is refusing to approve our project. We need to do something ASAP!" Simone explained.

"That stupid president is biting more than he can chew. We put him there and now he thinks he can reject our project after all we've done for him? Alissa will soon visit him," Daniel stated.


At LGPD (Langose Police Department) headquarters, a woman with tattered clothing burst into the station and sprinted to Lara's desk.

"Help! Help me, please! My name is Felicia Watson and they are after me!" The woman trembled in fear and continued to look behind her to see if anyone was watching.

"They are going to kill me. Please save me," the woman cried.

Lara and her colleague walked to the woman to try and calm her down but she continued to scream and shout.

"Calm down, Felicia, and tell us what happened," Lara said calmly.

"There is no time! They are everywhere! They took away everything from me by killing my family and now they are after me!" She sobbed.

Lara tried to grab her, yet the hysterical Felicia pulled away. "Listen we can help you but only if you tell us what exactly is wrong," Lara told her. "Who did all of these things?"

Felicia stepped away from Lara and her panic began to worsen. She looked up and saw a CCTV camera pointed directly at her and let out a scream.

"They are everywhere! You can't help me. No one can!!" The woman ran out of the station without looking back.

"I'll go after her, send back up!" Lara yelled to her colleagues and ran after the woman.

Felicia ran into the street and continued to look all around her as she ran. Pedestrians fled the streets from the fear of her being a madwoman.

As she continued running and looking everywhere but in front of her, she ran into a blue car and fell straight to the ground. The driver quickly stepped out of the car. None other than Yomi jolted in his seat. He was driving Jeremy back from his firm before a lunatic had run into his car.

"What's going on?"Jeremy asked as he stepped out of the car.

Yomi followed and checked the woman that was lying on the ground to find that she was still breathing. "She is fine, let's take her to the hospital."

Lara ran to the scene and met the woman.

"LGPD!" Lara shouted and quickly showed them her badge.

Felicia opened her eyes and stood up immediately.

"Calm down, I won't hurt you! I'm only trying to help," Lara explained.

"They are everywhere! They are everywhere!" Felicia shouted and began to run again until a bullet pierced her neck. A gaping in its wake quickly filled with blood and spattered out as she fell to the ground. A pool of blood formed around her and soaked into her clothes as she grasped for her last breath.

"Get down!" Lara pushed Jeremy down to hide behind his car along with Yomi. Loud gunshots and screams from innocent pedestrians filled the streets as unidentified men dressed in black fired bullets at them.

Within minutes the street that was once filled with people, became deserted.

Lara grabbed her speaker from her chest. "We have a 10-71! One woman down, I repeat one woman down! Back up! I need backup!"

"What is going on? Who are those people?" Jeremy inquired as he covered his ears. His nosiness took the lead as he tried to stand up to view the shooters but Lara pulled him back down.

"Get down, idiot! Stay close to the car or you die! Those people are somehow related to the woman!" Lara shouted over the continued gunshots.

She took her pistol from her tightly fitted jeans and brought herself to her knees as she peeked out merely enough to fire back at the men who almost looked as if they were painted in black. She pushed Jeremy to where she was sitting and changed her position, shakily. She wasn't used to the crazed violence, definitely without her back up.

Yomi carefully peeked at the shooters from where he was hiding.

There were too many of them. Yomi knew that there was no way that Lara could fight them all off by herself, so he brought out his own pistol from his pocket. The gun served as a protection gun in case anyone tried to attack him or Jeremy. After years of being in the military, handling a gun was a simple task for him.

He began to fire back at the shooters, alongside Lara.

"There are too many of them. At this rate, we are going to die!" Jeremy shouted.

Lara pulled out her walkie-talkie once again and signaled for Yomi to cover her. "Here cover me while I call for backup again and when this is over we are going to talk about why you have a freaking gun!" Lara rested her back on the car and requested back up.

"Did you not get my first call?! This is Lara Johnson requesting for back up, do you copy? Yes, I'm at Land Road. Can you not hear the shootings? One down already. Bring back up now!!" Lara placed the radio back on her chest.

The shooters were shooting at them rapidly as if their entire existence depended on it.

Lara's heart raced as she fired at the shooters who were getting too close to them. If her backup didn't hurry the hell up they could die. She stood to look at the position where the shooters were before firing. She didn't know one of the shooters had already targeted her. Before she could stand all of the way up a bullet hit her straight in the left shoulder. The bright red liquid emerged profusely and soaked her white blouse as she fell to the ground with a thud and loud groan.

"Fuck! fuck!! "She cursed as she grabbed her shoulder. Blood continued to gush out like water. At this rate, she was going to bleed to death.

"Are you alright? Fuck you are bleeding!" Jeremy exclaimed and grabbed a white handkerchief from his pocket to tie to her arm.

"Ouch, that really hurt, " Lara groaned out in pain as her face became pale and her vision became blurry.

"Where the hell is my backup?!" Lara shouted. "Officer down! I repeat, officer down!" She shouted into the radio.

The handkerchief seemed to do a great job in stopping the bleeding but it didn't stop the agonizing pain. She handed Jeremy her gun to help Yomi fight the shooters. "If you don't fight now we will all die. You have to make up for insulting me during the traffic stop," she joked as her head hit the ground.

"Hey, detective!" Jeremy called out her name. "Fuck this shit, Yomi, tell me the situation"

"We have 5 shooters. Two at 5 o'clock, one at 6 o'clock, another at 10 o'clock and the last one at 2 o'clock. I'll take three of them, go for the remaining two!" Yomi replied.

Jeremy adjusted Lara directly behind the car and stood up to face the shooters. The blaring shots filled his ears as they crossfire.

Yomi aimed and fired at the one who was closest to him. The shooter fell to the ground dead with a bullet in his head.

Jeremy laid back on the car as he heard the sound of footsteps coming closer to the car. He quickly jumped at the shooter and tackled him to the ground. He punched the shooter in the face and grabbed his gun from his hands. With anger built up, Jeremy hit the shooter with the back of his gun.

On cue, the sirens sounded and the police arrived in their purple and black vehicles. They jumped out of their vans and fired at the remaining shooters.

The shooters retreated after seeing the competition. A uniformed officer ran to the blue car and signaled for the ambulance attendant to pick Lara up from the ground. Another set of attendants began to cover Felicia's dead body.

Jeremy pushed the shooter that was knocked out to the officer as he proceeded to ask Yomi for his statement.

"Well, it all started..." Yomi began and revealed how it all happened to the officer.

Jeremy followed the attendants who carried pale Lara on the stretcher.

Yomi sighted him and left the office as he continued to ask questions. Jeremy helped the other attendants wheel Lara into the response vehicle.

"Hey, are you okay?" Yomi asked, checking Jeremy's body for any sign of injury. When he sighted the blood on his hand he gave him an inquiring look.

"Its blood from the detective, not mine." Jeremy gave him a satisfied reply.

"Good," was all Yomi could say.

Jeremy gawked at the dead shooter's body that was being wheeled into a separate response vehicle, then faced Yomi. "We need to find out who that woman was and who those shooters were but, for now, call Lisa to bring a new car to the hospital. I'll ride with the detective and make sure that she is okay," Jeremy said and entered the ambulance before it drove away.

As Jeremy left the scene Yomi placed a call to Lisa.

"Hello, Lisa..."


At the hospital, Lara was wheeled into the operating theatre room.

Jeremy paced the halls, waiting for a good result. He didn't want someone to die on his watch again. He kept pacing as he imagined Lara's death. His throat began to ache and a panic attack was beginning to set in. There was no one around to calm him down. He clutched the closest chair to him and struggled to breathe but fortunately for him, a hand touched him and freed him from the attack.

"Are you alright Jeremy? Fuck, thank God I came on time," a worried Yomi grabbed Jeremy and shook him vigorously. "Snap out of it Jeremy, it is not real," Jeremy let out a breath and held onto Yomi's hand tightly.

"Come. we have to leave now, Jeremy. You look like you are about to pass out, " Yomi said.

"I have to make sure she is okay!" Jeremy shouted.

"She will be. right now you are my priority, Jeremy. Come on, let's go home. Lisa will take care of everything here, " Yomi told him but Jeremy was feeling reluctant. He didn't want to leave without finding out if Lara was okay.

"But... " Jeremy stuttered, not able to form any words from shock. Yomi shut him up and led him out of the hospital and into the car. Yomi gave orders to Lisa to stay with Lara and to inform them when she got out of surgery.

"Yes sir," Lisa replied and walked into the hospital.

Throughout the drive to the mansion, Yomi's mind was on Jeremy. He wondered what would have happened if he hadn't come on time. He swore to protect Jeremy but he was already failing terribly at his job.

"You are starting your therapy session next week, no excuses," Yomi said.

Jeremy let out a groan and Yomi took it as a yes.

At Hamilton mansion, a gun fired and echoed throughout the spacious terrace causing birds surrounding the scene to fly away into the gloomy sky.

"I freaking told you not to make a mistake Andre. Now Farouk is dead and Jide has been arrested. How could you be so stupid? You fail at everything. Now tell me why I shouldn't kill your fucking ass," Daniel cocked his gun and pointed it at Andre.

Andre gulped and looked at the dead bodies of his friends. He grabbed Daniel's shoe and began to beg. "I'm sorry boss, give me just one last chance. I won't fail you. give me any task you want, I'll do it!"

Daniel hit him in the forehead with the back of his gun.

Andre fell to the floor as blood gushed out from his head, soaking his clothes.

"That's for making a mistake. The next time this happens I'll put a freaking bullet in your head. Call the police headquarters and clear the mess up," Daniel commanded and wiped off the blood from his hand.

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