Chapter 8 8

The cries of the people could be heard, help!!! Help!!! Help!!!. We are people too, we don't deserve this pain just because we are weak"

" The park airline flying to carbuja this morning has crashed, there was no survivor. The 157 passengers including the pilots and the air hostesses all died as the plane crashed this morning. No one knows what causes the crash but according to the forensics on the scene, it was concluded that the crash was a result of a bomb blast on the plane. The deceased in which one of them was Kenneth Kennedy of the KK group was identified to be one of the victims at the crime scene. We sympathize with the family of the deceased and we urge everyone to stay calm and wait for the president's speech. Here are the names of the deceased, Kenneth Kennedy of KK groups 57 years old, Katherine Johnson 32 years old, Chloe Johnson Blake 5 years old...... "The reporter continues calling the names of the deceased. meanwhile, Lara who was in her office watched the news and broke down into tears. Her sister and niece were gone.

? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?? ***********

Earlier before the crash.

"So what are you gonna get for aunty when you get back from carbuja?"Lara asked her niece Chloe who was busy playing with her teddy.

"I'll get you lots of chocolate aunty Lara"

"Awwwwn you are such a darling Chloe. aunty will be waiting for her chocolate"Lara pats her head and turned to face her sister."do you have to go to carbuja Katherine?" Lara asked her sister who stared at her daughter.

"I have to go for her. She has to see her father after all these years. She deserves to see him even though he isn't a good father"Katherine replied.

Lara sighed and hug her sister. "I can't stop you cause you are doing what's best for Chloe. You guys should make sure you send me videos of you on the plane and also send me videos when you are in carbuja"

"Of course sis, I'll do anything for you"Katherine laughed and hugged her again. Lara turned to Chloe who was still busy with her teddy. "You too Chloe send your aunty lots of videos and I will be waiting for my chocolate "Lara smiled and hug Chloe tightly. "I love you both "Lara confessed and wave to them as they walked away.



Lara broke down in tears as she watched the news. she still talked to her sister that morning. Her sister didn't deserve to die. she was never going to see her and Chloe again.

"I can feel the pain of the families of the deceased "one of the detectives said.

someone shushed him and pointed to Lara. "Her sister is one of them"the detective muttered but Lara heard them.

She sobbed silently at the news she was crying so hard that she didn't notice someone at her table.

"Lara, I'm sorry about Katherine. Why don't you take the day off"Kayla one of her colleagues suggested? "I'm sorry. should I drive you home? "

"It's okay! thank you Kayla "Lara grabbed her cell phone and her car keys that were laying on her table and walked out of the office into her car. she entered her car and hit the steering wheel like a thousand times. "Why!!! Why!!! "She wept. "Why did you leave me, Katherine!! "She cried. she grabbed her phone and stared at the wallpaper of her phone. It was a picture of her, Katherine, and Chloe. "Why?" she whispered to no one In particular. she watched the last video Katherine and Chloe sent to her on the plane and burst into tears.

"Hey aunty Lara, I'm going to miss you. I promise to bring you lots of chocolates right mummy?" the camera showed Katherine's face. "Right, Chloe and I are going to bring lots and lots of chocolate, byeeee". The video ended and Lara burst into another round of tears.


Jeremy raised his head from a file he was reading as Lisa lead Lara in.

"Detective" Jeremy called her but Lara burst into tears and fell to the floor.

Lisa rushed to her side and patted her on the back. "Are you alright? "Jeremy asked and signal for Lisa to leave the office. He bent to Lara's level and embraced her as she cried in his arms.


"Good job Andre" park pats his back as he walked to take his seat beside Alissa for the feathers meet.

"Well KK chairman is gone that's calls for celebration feathers" park raised his glass and they all do the same. "To conquering our enemies!! "He cheered and they all drank his wine.

"Park since it was your plane that's crash the media would soon be flooding your door"Simone commented as she sips her wine.

"Well, I'll do what I gat to do Simone. I will act as if I feel sorry for the death of the passengers" he replied laughing.

"You are evil!! "Alissa commented. "Olusola won't know what hit him. he is going to make a speech soon. I wonder what he has to say".

"Some yada yada felicitation to the deceased and their families. he knows what happened when he goes against the feathers. "Munachi said.

"Let's give the assembly a taste of who we are tomorrow. Andre the poison "Daniel requested.

Andre drops a bottle that contained a blue liquid on the table. "This is a poison that eats your lungs out made especially for people like olusola, it takes like 2hours of pain before the victim finally dies but it has an antidote. Andre. "He called and Andre dropped another bottle on the table. "This is the antidote, like the poison it works faster, and a few minutes after taking it the pain disappears like it wasn't there"

"Wow, incredible. Have you tried it on someone? "Munachi asked.

"Yup, the first victim of this great poison was the young lady who accused my sons of rape" Daniel explained. "Alissa you are going to feed the president and the assembly this poison"

"Woah, Woah feed them? Are you insane Daniel? It's the freaking purple house if I'm caught I'm done for "Alissa trailed off.

"Have a little faith in me, Alissa. we have an insider at the purple house, once I instructed them they'll do what I requested"Daniel told them and they stare in disbelieve.

"Well that's good I must say that's why you are the leader"Simone gave him a thumb up. He smiled and continue his talks.

"Once the president approves the project then our mission has begun".


Jeremy took Lara to his home and lay her on his bed. He didn't know what happened that made her cry like that but he knows that whatever it was, it was really bad.

"Sir you need to see this"Lisa knocked on the door of his room.

"I'll be with you shortly Lisa "he replied. He covered Lara with his blanket and proceed to walk down to the living room. "What do you want to show me, Lisa?"Jeremy asked.

Lisa pointed at the TV and turn the volume up.

"Good evening good people of mecianda, following the park air crash that happened this morning, the CEO of park airline and the president of mecianda have released their speech."The camera show president olusola as he began his speech. "Good evening good people of mecianda, I stand here this evening to address the issue of the plane crash that occurred this morning, I sympathized with the family of the bereaved. The government is ready to support and help with the funeral arrangements. I urge you all not to be sad and take care of yourselves. Good evening "The president finished his speech and another shows park young in a different place.

"Good evening fellow meciandians, I felicitate with the family of the bereaved that died this morning. the park is going to support you all with everything I can. We don't know what causes the plane crash but like the forensics concluded this could be the case of a bomb blast. we are trying and investigating this matter. Please accept my deepest condolences. The funeral ceremony is going to come up in two weeks at Carbuja because the plane was about to reach carbuja when it crashed. Thank you all and good evening. "Park finished his speech and the camera return back to the reporter.

"A plane crash? Is this how to offer condolence? "Yomi touches his head and groan.

"Sir I think this why Miss Lara cried. I think her family could be part of the victims of the crash"Lisa informed.

"I'm not sure until she wakes up," Jeremy said.

"I'm here" Lara announced and they all turned to look at her.

"Were you here all along? "Jeremy asked.

Lara walked to the living room and sat on the couch. "Well I guess so, I heard everything they said. My sister and niece didn't deserve to die like that" she sniffed.

"I'm sorry about your loss Lara. I'll get you a cup of tea. Come on yomi let's go make a tea"Lisa pulled yomi to the kitchen.

"Kitchen? Really? "Yomi muttered as they entered the kitchen.

Sitting in the living room, Jeremy listened as Lara talked about her family.

"She was my backbone when my father died and when I was lost she stood by me. "Lara sobbed as she tells her story. "And Chloe. She was a bright child, it's really sad that I won't see them again"? she cried.

"Everything is going to be fine Lara" Jeremy assured and embrace her as she cried.


Thanks for reading everyone.

This might be a fictional story but this is happening in the world today...

I feel Lara's pain, losing her remaining family to a crash... ?

Let's go catch some bad guys????


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