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Chapter 2 Waking Up

Reader's POV

Aaron woke up feeling like he had a splitting headache.

This feeling is actually not new to him, from when he was a child when he first encountered such a situation until now, he has slowly gotten used to any sight he would see when he woke up.

He may also wake up anywhere, in bed, in the toilet, or in the forest.

Because of this he rarely drank any drinks containing alcohol, and the feeling after drinking was very similar to the feeling after the onset of the disease.

But also relatively, like the short term loss of memory after drinking, he will have a hard time remembering what happened before.

He sat up from the ground, feeling the pain coming from various places slowly moving his arms and legs. Fortunately, there were no fatal wounds.

This result made him breathe a sigh of relief in his heart.

However, when he stood up to look around, a mess of bodies made him finally realize that everything was not as smooth as he thought.

Did I make a trip to the slaughterhouse or did I hold a trapping contest?

He thought as he stared in shock at the huge bear in the pile of bodies.

And it's already outrageous to have a few bears, so why would a little thing like a rabbit appear?

The night is already late, the moonlight shines out of the ground a bloody, he stared at the bloody thought for at least five or six minutes before he finally came back to his senses.

There were no people from the community there.

It seems that the manic period has passed peacefully this time.

At least he didn't hurt anyone in the pack, right?

But it has to be said that since becoming the Alpha of the Blue Moon Pack, his rage has become more and more severe, once just an emotional outburst, but now he has become murderous and aggressive. At times there are even more outrageous impulses.

He knows he has this problem and tries to be in control every time to make sure he doesn't hurt others or himself, and if he can't control it he will find a place to fix it, until this time.

This time when it started to get out of hand he realized that the situation could be even worse and almost immediately chose to leave without expecting to go here.

Here ...... looks to be out of Blue Moon's territory.

No wonder there are so many animals ......

He thought to himself with a sigh. "It's a good thing we didn't meet anyone else."

This idea just popped up, he suddenly turned his head towards the side to look over.

There was really a person lying there!

This person also looks very familiar. Long hair dark red, hot body, who else can it be if not Ava?

Aaron bent down to examine her, his eyes moving warily from her claw-marked neck up to her lips.

Her lips seemed to be stained with blood, I don't know if it was someone else's or her own, and they appeared to be plump with some tiny bruises around her lips.

He stared at those wounds for a while, probably remembered something, the knot in his throat unconsciously moved, and finally simply reached out and picked her up.

He was quite surprised when he picked up Ava's weight, very light, waist is also very light, and his memories of that tough fighting look is not like the same person.

He remembered the other man raising his eyes as he slammed his fist at him, and the pupils that stared dead at him were amber, like rum in the sun.

"Throw her out, what is she playing dead for?" Aaron's wolf said gruffly in his head. "Don't think that's going to make us even."

Aaron doesn't really want to deal with annoying people who only have fighting on their minds.

But he continued to talk in his ear. "Ha, I can tell you, this she-wolf is as tough as a rock, and it's not even necessary for you to ......"

Aaron has always felt that this guy usually doesn't talk because he really talks too much when he's fighting. He just pretended he didn't hear anything and wasn't going to let go at all, hugged Ava, stepped through a field of moon and blood, and headed out of the forest ......

Ava's POV

I woke up first to the aroma of cedar, which made me think I was still lying in that wretched forest, with danger still around.

But it was soft underneath me, and I reached out and grabbed a corner of the bed sheet. This immediately made me realize that I was not lying outside, but in a house, in the bed of some unknown person.

You know, when you wake up and realize you're not where you were, then you can never be sure of safety or danger until you meet the next person. I kept my eyes closed, while keeping my ears alert for any movement around me.

The door was pushed open, and tiny footsteps accompanied by the scuffling of clothes sounded, all the way to my side.

Suddenly, a hand was placed on my forehead, the palm delicate and soft. I still lay still and let the hand rest there. It was a hand that belonged to a woman, but it was a little small for an adult.

I quietly opened my eyes, and I saw a little girl.

She didn't notice I was awake at first, but only after she took her hand away did she realize I was looking at her and almost jumped up and screamed.

I just woke up, I don't even know where I am now, and I don't know if she's going to get into more trouble by shouting out, so I almost want to jump on her and cover her mouth. The good thing is that she quickly quieted down and looked at me from a distance of half a meter.

I noticed she was clutching the corner of her coat, a sign of a child's nervousness and shyness.


I tried to keep my voice as soft as possible, not wanting to scare this sensitive and delicate looking little girl.

It worked and she stammered in response. "Hello to you ......." At the same time a small step was taken and there was much less fear in her eyes.

"What's your name?" I said. "I just woke up and I'm still a little dizzy, did I just scare you?"

"No no." She scrambled and waved her hands. "My name is Caroline Adis."

Caroline Adis, the name I was mumbling in my mind. No one I know has the last name Adis.

"Caroline, so, where is this?"

"Blue Moon Pack," she answered me.

I didn't expect to wake up to the Blue Moon Pack. I was shocked and thought about the fight I had with the crazy wolf before I passed out, and vaguely felt that things were going a little wrong.

"Do you know the man who brought me back?"

Caroline tilted her head at me as if she didn't quite understand why I was asking her that, but answered anyway. "Yes, he's our Alpha."

I understood what she meant, of course Alpha knows everyone doesn't he?

What's more, their Alpha of Blue Moon Pack is known for his high combat power, even the other wolves know this man's name.

I leaned over the bed and smiled at her and waved my hand. Caroline saw that I had no more questions, turned and walked out, and thoughtfully closed the door for me.

"I didn't think this would make it to the Blue Moon Pack," I lamented to Fog. "I thought it would take a lot of work."

Fog is never on the same page as me, she said. "It's good to be there, but what are you going to do with this injury?"

I was glad that she would worry about me and was about to answer her that it was okay for ten days and a half, when she continued. "If you leave scars, how will you be able to mate with other good werewolves in the future."

Something like touching does not exist for her at all.

I decided not to listen to some of her theories about mate and turned my gaze out the window.

A large clump of forget-me-nots was blooming outside the window, and I could smell its fragrance wafting in through the window as the mountains rose and fell in the distance. I remembered that I had fallen asleep to this same scent a day earlier, but that was back when I was in the Bright Moon Pack.

One day ago.

I was coming out of the room in a rage.

I guess I shouldn't be angry, although I always am, for a variety of reasons.

The moonlight was too bright and the hot cocoa not sweet enough, the sound of the shotgun too shrill and the woodland grass not soft enough, the big night belonged to the meeting was pulled, or Kate's skirt was torn through a big hole by a thorn bush ......

I wondered why she was the only one whose skirt was torn that way, but she always replied. "Oh sister, they always leave me at the end." Or maybe it was. "It doesn't matter, I'll get a new dress anyway won't I?"

God, do you know how much time I had to spend chatting with Mrs. Tamela for your new dress?

But seriously, she did look so beautiful in that dress that no one in Luna would take their eyes off her.

Is this perhaps why her dresses are always ripped?

I don't know.

In fact there was much more I didn't know. As I was slowly walking down the stone steps of the conference hall, a glass flew out of nowhere and shattered at my feet. The shard of glass splattered on my ankle, which hurt a little, but did not hurt.

Fog whispered in my ear. "Nine o'clock, Ava."

I turned my head to look and a hot figure flashed by, laughing as she wrapped her arms around my neck.

"Hey Ava, cheer up."

She burped as she said it, and I could smell the rum, which didn't smell very pleasant mixed with the smell of roses on her. "Today is an important day, what are you doing with a bitter face?"

"Emma," I had to rip her arm from around my neck. "Have you seen Kate?"


She stood up shakily and looked around. "Oh, she was just here, saying something silly about how the fifteenth anniversary of the establishment of the wolf pack was important or something. Stop it, what's so important about it? Not to mention we've got a bunch of rouge here, don't we?"

She said she was going to jump on me again, and I hastily avoided it and continued on my way.

In fact, she's right, everyone knows about the gang rouge, and today's meeting is exactly for that.

The gang rouge is six months ago, the leader of the Alpha called Bloodthirsty Demon Wolf, formed by their wolf pack called Blue Moon, extremely strong combat power, fierce and vicious fight.

There is no doubt that the presence of Blue Moon Pack is a threat to Bright Moon Pack, but our wolves have sent out many informants to poke around, only to return unsuccessful or simply missing.

That's what everyone has been busy with lately, but it doesn't really matter to me, it's Kate that really worries me.

She wasn't at today's meeting, and when we said we would have dinner together in the evening, she didn't show up, let alone contact me.

She has been in a very low mood lately and I am worried.

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