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Chapter 6

Luna stilled upon remembering the announcement party that happened last week. "Ohh... Right. I forgot about it also," she said.

Celestine was just listening to her friends talking about her soon-to-be marriage, but she, herself, did not even know what to feel. But it was okay with her; she didn't see anything wrong with marrying Grant off.

Celestine"s thoughts were interrupted when Luna looked at her with a teasing smirk on her lips.

"What?" Celestine asked indifferently when she felt uncomfortable about Luna"s stare at her.

Luna continued to play her eyebrows before she spoke. "So, you are marrying Grant Sunday, huh?" she said while playingly raising both of her eyebrows. "How does it feel?" she asked.

Celestine looked at Luna confusedly, even though her face did not look confused, and then spoke.

"What do you mean by how it feels?" she asked. "I do not even know what I am feeling," she added.

Luna and Lunalyn took a deep breath and sighed because of her answer. Ever since they were little, the twins have already been aware of Celestine"s condition, that she feels no emotion—no, she cannot determine any emotion.

A silence filled the three, but Lunalyn managed to speak. "Bestie, what do you think of Grant? What is he to you? " she asked.

"A friend," Celestine answered right away, without even batting an eyelash. She replied that because that was the only answer she knew.

Lunalyn sighed, so it was Luna who spoke next. "Do you like him?" she asked.

"As a friend," Celestine answered again right away, then she looked at her two best friends and spoke again. "I know you are asking me if I like him romantically or not. I have read some books about it," she added.

Luna and Lunalyn were shocked as if Celestine had caught them. They wanted to know if she had a feeling for Grant, and she just could not determine it because of her condition.

The three continued to walk until they reached the playground for kids. They are still at Paradise Island of Luna, as this playground has been their favorite place ever since. Luna and Lunalyn sat on the swing while Celestine sat on the bench near the swing where the twins were seated.

Lunalyn was now moving her swing back and forth slowly when she looked at Celestine and spoke. "When is the wedding, by the way?" she asked.

Celestine looked at one of her best friends and answered, "After one and a half years," she said.

The twins stopped swinging themselves and looked at Celestine with shocked expressions on their faces while Celestine was analyzing those expressions to determine what it was.

In Celestine"s thought, the twins" eyes widened, their lips were in o" shape, and they stopped swinging themselves. Therefore, she thought that the twins were shocked because of what she said.

Celestine always does that kind of practice. She observed, analyzed, and utilized all her learning from her therapist to determine other people"s emotions by observing them. The only downside is that she could evaluate others" emotions and expressions, but she could not decide on her own emotions, as she could not observe and analyze herself. That may also be why she is still confused most of the time and looks so cold to other people.

Celestine came back from the reverie when the twins howled at her.

"What??" Luna and Lunalyn said it simultaneously. They are really twins. They have the same expressions and reactions.

Celestine nodded, confirming what she had said earlier. "Yes, the marriage will happen after one and a half years. It was written in the rules of the Roaring Lion Culture of Catorse."

Lunalyn gaped at Celestine and asked, "What do you mean?" The twins looked curious about the rule of the Roaring Lion Culture of Catorse.

"Written in the Roaring Lion Culture, if a certain daughter and son are placed in an arranged marriage, it is a must to give them freedom for five months and live together for one year in the same room," Celestine said to the twins.

"What the..."


The Milty twins—Luna and Luna, were shocked to know that it would take one and a half years before the marriage between Wilheim and Millstein would happen. They thought that after the announcement party last week, the wedding would happen right away after that, but they were wrong.

"For real?!" Lunalyn asked Celestine with widened eyes and parted lips. "I thought after the announcement, after weeks or months, it is wedding time. Hmm," her parted lips turned into a pout as she said that. "I thought I am going to attend a wedding already."

Luna smashed Lunalyn"s head playfully and said, "Crazy! You even forgot about Celestine"s soon-to-be marriage, and now you will say that?"

Lunalyn just rolled her eyes and plucked her tongue to her twin before she looked at Celestine. "What are your plans in your five months" of freedom?" she asked even if she knew what Celestine would answer.

"Stay in our house and read my books," Celestine said, and Luna and Lunalyn already expected that answer.

The twin sighed because of their only best friend"s innocence and naivety; it was time for them to step in and help her.

When the twins were busy thinking about how they will help Celestine, on the other hand, Celestine was being thought what books she would be reading for the five months of her freedom before the wedding. She had lots of books in mind already. She even had a plan to buy more books at one of her friends also—Dwaien.

But before Celestine could even dive from her world, Luna and Lunalyn interrupted her mind by telling her that she would not waste her time reading books and staying at home.

"But why? I want to read books," Celestine said with no expression on her face, so the twins could not determine if she was irritated or not.

Luna and Lunalyn shook their heads as they would not let Celestine waste her time just by reading some books. They have to prepare Celestine for her upcoming wedding and make her pretty when she has to stay with Grant under the same roof.

"Girl, you need to enjoy your freedom and also use it to ready yourself, not to read some effin book.

"But I could learn something from reading books! I can learn lots of things from it!" Celestine retaliates.

To be continued...

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