Chapter 6 The crown prince
Eighteen years later
Grace was in her chamber when her maid... Joan, came to her! "Your highness; the crown prince seem to be missing. Joan utter her wiping on the ground at the moment as grace stood up. " What? How? How did that happen? The sunset had sent in already. Where could my son had gone to? "I have no idea your highness! I was told that he had gone missing since and.....
. before Joan could complete her statement, grace walk out of her chamber immediately in search of her son. Where could he have gone to? Her only son! Her only child for now which she was sure of until she found out that her two other child was Alive.
She went to his chamber searching for him but she couldn't see him. On her way to the king chamber, she had an encounter with Queen Maya, the second wife of the king. "Greeting to you may....." Your majesty!" Queen Maya shut her up with her finger as she quickly correct herself. " Greeting to you your Majesty! "Have you by any chance seen the crown prince? Grace ask as Maya smile. "Your son Zelda you say? Point of corrections grace, your son isn't the crown prince but.... Margaret child! I hope you are aware that you're the Fourth wives of the king? So who gave you such right of naming your son as the crown prince?
Queen Maya ask as she signed in frustration. Panicking and getting scared at the moment. "But my child was the first son of the King! My child senior Queen Margaret child and when yours so I don't get your point.
"Whether you get my point or not doesn't concern me okay? All I know is that your son cannot be the crown prince while I'm still alive. I mean he cannot be the next king if the real King die today. Well anyway, people can continue calling him the crown prince but at the end, he will not live to his title. Queen Maya utter and walk away from her immediately.
Queen grace ran to the king chamber immediately and ask for his son to be search immediately. "Was this all because of those panicking? King Alfred ask after hearing her speech. "Yes my king! Please tell the guards to search for my son immediately. She spoke.
"You don't have to worry okay? Your son will be back! You shouldn't be worrying on wherever he go to because he is a man! King Alfred utter as she clean off her tears. " But my king he's just Eighteen years old! He's still a child to me and I will always protect him! Grace utter as he scoff.
"You should stop behaving childish would you? Our son is a grown up man now and he knows how to take care of himself so you shouldn't be bothered about his whereabouts. " My king: I will appreciate it if you could send the guards to go find him as soon as possible. "You don't have to worry grace! Your son will come back to you.
Queen grace greeted the king and walk to her chamber immediately as she began to pray for the return of her son. She can't imagine how her life will be if anything happens to her son. She can't imagine it and she doesn't want to have such negative imagination because she knows what will happen if anything happens to her son. She will be nothing to the king and not only that but she will be mock and be a laughing stock to all of her mate including the people from the royal family. They will no longer have that respect for her again and unfortunately, they can even throw her out if possible.
But her being the crown prince mother, she gained lot of respect from so many people and everybody of course want to be friends with her. While some mothers went their daughter to get close to her son by using her.
A lot had happened during those Eighteen years she had given birth to her triplet. But she was unable to put an end to the killing of female child in the whole village.and now female child are greatly welcome in the palace but not every man accept them into their house but in such way,she was happy that she was able to prevent the killing of them. In other way,she was sad that she couldn't do the same for her other two girls which she took away and now she badly miss them.she badly wish she could see them again. She really wish to see them and see how far they've blossom into a beautiful lady.
Just then, the voice of her son..."Zelda" the crown prince echo in her ears as she face her view to the door immediately and saw him walking into her chamber. "Ohhh Zelda! She screech and went to hug him immediately. " Oh my son I have miss you so much! Did anybody touch you? "What happened to you? Where did you go to? Grace ask with concern written in her face as Zelda took a deep breath.
"I just take a wall around the village mother! There was actually nothing to worry about!