Chapter 8
I returned to our classroom, and our Pre-Cal subject teacher arrived shortly after.
He instantly reminded us of the upcoming quiz and gave us thirty minutes to go over our notes.
I also didn't have anything else on my mind, so I reviewed even though I had already done so the night before.
Except for the three women I met earlier in the canteen, everyone of my classmates were busy studying.
I'm not sure how they do it; relying on someone to achieve a good grade.
Never in my life as a student have I cheated or copied a classmate the way they do.
Even if I'm not particularly bright, I won't be able to trust people.
When the timer ran out, everyone had one full sheet of paper to prepare with.
Someone ran about asking for papers, and another howled because hers was running out so quickly.
Mafiah came up to me.
One of the women I met in the canteen earlier.
She asked three pieces of paper and gave me a look that reminded me of what we had talked about for a while.
She smiled and returned to her seat when I nodded.
When the nerdy type next to me stared at me, she immediately diverted her gaze when I did as well.
Maybe she was just perplexed as to why Mafiah came up to me and requested because it was the first time someone had approached me.
The quiz began, and I completed it swiftly.
I waited for the appropriate moment to deal with Mafiah until one of my classmates asked about it.
Mafiah seized the opportunity and approached me right away.
"Can I ask for one whole again, El? Promise, this is the last," she murmured quietly, hoping no one would notice.
I gave her a blank piece of paper and nodded.
Her face was flushed with apprehension and wonder, and she gave me an odd look.
I cocked my head and smirked.
I took a step forward to face her.
"Just go back to your seat. Those are two sheets, and all the answers are already there," I said quietly, referring to the paper I handed her.
After that, I moved away from her and handed our teacher my work.
No one knew what I was doing in the midst of our quiz.
"Way to go, El," I murmured.
Our Pre-Cal subject teacher will be joining us shortly.
It's time for us to take a lunch break, and Mafiah approached me as I expected.
"Come on, El! Let's go!"
"Um, is it all right?" I asked shyly.
"Why not? Just a reminder, El, from now on," she said, pulling me up.
"You are a part of our circle, El," she continued, smiling.
In our section, Mafiah, Audrey, and Halisty are all exquisite.
They have a doll-like appearance due to their silky skin.
Obviously they are from a wealthy family lineage. It"s just unfortunate that they don"t lead the class. I'm not saying they are empty-headed because they are still here in section one but I can't feel their presence during the discussion.Also, I'm not implying that the other section is devoid of thought.
Every student has varied capabilities, and no one is unintelligent, in my opinion, because everyone can learn if they want to.
If you are willing to learn, you can learn anything.
Nothing is impossible if you believe in yourself.
We had lunch together, just as they had said.
I couldn't keep up with them because they were continually talking about stuff I couldn't understand.
I merely nodded and smiled every now and again.
I have never had a friendship in my seventeen years of existence.
Even if they don't know me, they all say I'm a great threat in their side.
They are of the same mind about me.
That I was a snob, a killjoy, and a jaded cynic.
I couldn't comprehend why people were like that back then.
Is it necessary for me to greet and pay attention to them?
Do I have to smile even if we've never met before?
I also tried to comply with their wishes.
Even though I hadn't known them for as long as they had been familiar to me, I noticed them and smiled, but I heard awful things said about me again.
That I am a plastic and close-knit person.
What position will I take?
Why is it that everything I do seems to go wrong?
Until I get accustomed to it.
I choose to disregard them.
I've lost interest in other people since nothing I hear or see is beneficial to me.
"Thank you, El, for your answers." Audrey expresses her gratitude.
I smiled.
"Thank you," I said, "I'm simply doing my thing as a friend."
Audrey stands out among the three; she was modest in comparison to the other two, but I knew her gut was the same as her friends' because she would not stay with her two friends if she were different.
Despite the fact that she is the quiet one, they share the same perspective on life.
"You may invite Ivan to join us for lunch tomorrow, and if he likes, he can invite his friends as well," Halisty suggests.
I was uncomfortable with the conversation she started, so I paused for a moment before responding.
"Oum, maybe I can't promise that," I admitted, my gaze fixed on her.
"Why?" she asked, her voice concerned.
"Ivan and I have no connection or any relationship at all, just as I stated earlier in our classroom; in fact, I don't know him and have no plans to know who he is. I'm not interested in anyone here, just stating the facts."
I said calmy while Halisty was unable to speak and simply continued to eat.
Halisty is the least attractive of the three girls.
Her hair is curly, and she wears more make-up than Audrey and Mafiah.
She's also the loudest, which is something I despise.
"You said you're not interested in anyone, El. Does it mean you're not interested in us?" Mafiah breaks the silence. "Well yes, at first not really." I fake my laugh. "I don't need a friend because I can stand at my own feet. But maybe they do." Audrey and Halisty both put down their forks as Mafiah frowned.
"But don't worry, that was my previous perspective; everything has changed."
The three of them inhaled deeply, but Mafiah's gaze remained fixed on me.
"Is there a problem?" I asked, a smile on my face.
She shook her head and continued to eat.
Among the three of them, Mafiah is the most attractive.
Her body, as well as her face, was flawless.
Her curves, butt, and chest are absolutely perfect.
She is irresistible to any man.
When it comes to physical features, she is the polar opposite of myself.
To me, it's unremarkable.
I'm merely pretty because I'm white, as I've heard from them.
Also, I don't have a curved body; instead, I'm thin and have a flat chest.
I wonder, is Mafiah is Jas"s standard when it comes to women? "You haven't told us anything about your family, El, and we're interested in knowing more about you."
I'm not a really into of Halisty's mouth timing.
She had previously brought up the topic of Ivan, and now she has brought it up of my family.
"There's nothing special about my family, Halisty; my mother died." I paused for a moment, uncomfortable with the situation.
"And my father is a captain of the seas."
Unlike them, my family has no fascinating background.
Mafiah comes from a family of actors and actresses.
Audrey is a politician and a lawyer.
Halisty's newscaster and director.
I have nothing in comparison to them.
In fact, I'm not sure if I could still be termed a family because the only family I have does not support or love me in any way.
I've never felt his love before, and I'm desperate for it.
Mafiah started asking questions, "You don't have any siblings?"
"I don't have anything," I said quickly, wiping my lips with a tissue.
They didn't ask again, which I appreciate and we got ready for the afternoon class after we finished our lunch.
I saw five boys we could meet while walking down the corridor.
And can you guess who it is?
Ivan and a friend were the only ones there.
I don"t know but I"m not really happy with that guy. Does he know me first for him to play with? There are so many women in the university why did he choose me? Yes, I cannot deny the fact that he is handsome but he is an arrogance! What will you do to a person with a good appearance if his or her behavior stinks? Is he the so -called famous in this school? Are their standards that low for a men? So cheap!
"Hey, El!" Halisty's hand wrapped around my arm at the same time. "Introduce us to Ivan's friends, please."
"Tell to them to that we're your friends. Invite them to come with us later, I'll throw a party." Mafiah whispered. I ignored them and just kept walking. Is that how they want that men and they are ready to party all of a sudden? Money has a great power! As we approached, Halisty and Mafiah's grip on me tightened until Ivan's group stopped in our path. My companion also stopped so without warning I removed their hand holding both my arms. They also tried to introduce themselves without being asked."My name is Mafiah, and she is Halisty, and Audrey. Frie—" I didn't finish what they are talking about and turned my back on them. I can't pretend that I feel okay with that Ivan. He"s a plague in my life and I don"t need him so why would I waste time for a nonsense like him?
Ivan's group did nothing but give me way as my three companions chased behind me. Halisty is always calling my name; obviously anger because I humiliated them. I sat down in my chair as soon as I entered the room.
The three of them followed me even into my seat.
"Why did you humiliate us?" shouted Mafiah, enraged.
My classmates' attention was quickly drawn to her loud yell.
I took a deep breath and turned to face them.
They deserved it! "There's nothing wrong with what I did."
"Isn't it wrong in your perspective, that you insulted us as your friend in front of them?"
I cocked my head and smirked.
I'm trying to keep my calm, but it's difficult.
"Well, no, Halisty, that's not wrong. First of all, I said I have no connection with that person, so why would I spend my time introducing you to them? If you want to do it, go ahead; just don't use me as a weapon. Second, friend? Really? Who are you kidding? Me?" I pretend to laugh.
"What's going on here?" we all shocked as our subject teacher arrived unexpectedly at GEN.MATH.
"Nothing, Sir," I replied, exchanging glances between Halisty, Audrey, and Mafiah.
"I just explained something to them."
"Okay," he nodded and look at the whole class. "Class, return to your seats; I'm going to announce your score from our PRE-CAL quiz," he continued, as my classmates returned to their seats.
Even Halisty, Audrey, and Mafiah go back to their sit without saying anything to me.
Our teachers teach both PRE-CAL and GEN. MATH, which is why he was able to announce our score from our quiz results earlier.
All of them were listening nervously at our professor while I'm excited for something revelation. I knew those three were nervous because I had been called and they are not. I got a perfect score so I can be called first. It's almost halfway through the score but they're still not called and I know that they're sweating now because of the uneasiness.
"Sir!" Halisty yelled, interrupting Sir's announcement.
Our lecturer asked, "What, Miss Feller?"
Audrey had already dragged her down, thus she couldn't finish what she wanted to say.
"Nothing, Sir. Don't worry about Halisty." Mafiah said to Sir so he just nodded at her. They did nothing but listen to the scores and accept that they only got one correct answer. I felt relieved and just hope they learn not to underestimate me because they can"t beat me in any way.