Read with BonusRead with Bonus

Chapter 5

It had been a long, long time since she had eaten like this, food that was hot, warm, and carefully prepared. The mashed potatoes were soft, with some grains of sea salt, so that they could be called food, yet the dried up bread and the broken husks, could not be compared in any way.

The first lesson they learned was called "obedience" when she first learned of this place a long time ago, not long after she arrived at the Suppressor store.

She was trained with many beautiful Suppressors, who starved for many days and there was only some clean water to drink, it is said that there was no dirty water because of the fear that they would be sick, then could not be sold at a good price.

In the middle of the night that day, they were taken to meet the shopkeeper, after having been starving for a long time and for the first time they were meeting the shopkeeper. He was a perfectly ordinary-looking man, nothing special like all the men you can meet on the road, even with a slight smile, which helped them relax a little.

The shopkeeper sat at a table with some very fluffy bread baked on it. His eyes searched through the Suppressora and finally looked at a soft-faced and purple-eyed female Suppressor. Then he waved kindly at her and told her in a gentle and conciliatory tone that she had been hungry for a long time, and he told her to come to him and have a little something to eat before she received the training later.

At his reassurance, the young girl showed a slightly more relaxed mood as she slowly walked to the table and reached out for a slice of bread under the encouraging eyes of the shopkeeper.

In fact, she did get it, but when she got it in her hand, the gentle and gentle-looking shopkeeper suddenly changed his face and took out a child's arm-thick electric baton from under the table and hit her hard.

She immediately let out a scream that changed pitch, like a young cat scalded by hot water, sending chills down Norma's spine and subconsciously covering her mouth, not daring to make a sound. She watched the scene with wide eyes, all the Suppressors almost shivering as they cowered in the corner and watched the Suppressor get knocked out by the electric baton and immediately pass out.

The shopkeeper got up with his electric baton, and he resumed the expression that seemed to be so amiable. He told everyone that Suppressors are not worthy to come to the table and eat with their masters, they are slaves and pets. If they violate, then they would end like the beating Suppressor.

Norma remembered that day at all times. The face of fear was etched into her mind and the scream was a big source of her nightmares.

When he brought her mashed potatoes, she was actually really scared, would that be a trap? Would she be beaten and tortured just like that Suppressor?

She didn't dare to think that much, but she was too hungry again, that hunger feeling had been following her all these years, she hadn't smelled the aroma of such food for a long time, but the fear inside her made her enjoy the delicious food while constantly sparing her mind to pay attention to her master.

She had to admit that he was a very aggressive man who had a kind of perennial dominant aura. He sat in the chair, even just looking down at the watch, the side of the face had a magic to make people palpitate with excitement.

As she ate, she watched his movements. He watched her eating with a cup of hot milk, with complete patience, and he looked at people with such concentration that it was easy to drown in his eyes. He didn't show any impatience as she hurriedly finished her food, and although he didn't say much, it put Norma's mind at ease a little.

After she was finally able to speak, he looked very happy, that happy with a little smug, so that Norma also could not help but purse her lips, unconsciously a little bold. .

She subconsciously thought, "Maybe, he...doesn t like too cringing Suppressor?"

Ethan was sitting next to her, they were very close, which should be the normal range between Suppressor and the master, but no one realized that it was already a very close, very ambiguous distance for a man and a woman meeting for the first time. Ethan was looking down at her, whose breath filled the room, and which was that extremely lively sweet aroma. Ethan hazily thought, the smell was very much like a donut in a bread kitchen.

He reached out his fingers, stroked the girl's ear hair and said with a smile, "When we get home, I'm going to change your name, your current name doesn't match you."

He winked, it was a friendly smile, "My name is Ethan, of course, and you're so nice to be called master, you'll keep it up, won't you?"

His tone was a little commanding, and although it was a question, Norma couldn't say no. She was Ethan's commodity that Ethan had bought, and although he seemed slightly more temperamental than the other owners, he was also the master, and Norma had to learn to obey his words.

She nodded and once again tried to say the word master clearly. Ethan was more than satisfied that she called master with a serious look, like a smart puppy, which gave his heart a strange sense of compassion.

Ethan stood up and took Norma's hand, which was different from the previous touch-and-release, and for the first time he really held the girl's hand.

Her hands were soft, as soft as her personality, obviously having endured a lot of torture, but one could clearly feel the tenderness from her. Her fingers were cold, but there was a little heat in her palms, reminiscent of puppy pads.

"Come on, let's show you your room." He naturally walked ahead, Norma pursed her lips, there was some struggle and hesitation in her eyes. Suppressors rarely have their own rooms, most live at the feet of their owners, some Suppressor's so-called "room" is even just a cage.

But she didn't say anything, she still followed Ethan obediently.

The situation should not be worse, at least compared to the abominable wolves, Ethan has been considered one of the most gentleman inside.

The door to the room was next to the closet, a small door. After pushing the door open, Norma could see that it was a room of about 10 square meters, with a small bed inside and a whole half wall of the closet, which was now open and holding some girls' clothes, and her eyes skimmed over these clothes, and it was obvious that her own nightgown came from here.

"I had it prepared on the way here, do you like it?" He looked at Norma with a natural look, "Of course, at home your room will be bigger, it's too late today, not much can be prepared."

He looked happy and continued with Norma, "After that you will have a display rack dedicated to collars and I will make you some with jewels, you are so beautiful, the jewels will suit you."

Norma was a little less than happy, but then she seemed to realize something was wrong.

Other Suppressors... Did they live like this too? He seemed like he's very skilled, had there been another Suppressor before?

So, would he be that good to them too?

Her mood was slightly lower, even she couldn't say why, and to distract herself she forced her eyes to move elsewhere. She noticed that the bed in this room actually looked very soft, and not only that, there was a very comfortable and soft looking quilt with a very large and soft pillow in a light and very soft pink color.

Would that be the bed for her to sleep in?

She couldn't believe it. There were glass bottles on the cabinet next to the bed, scented candles that could be lit before bed, and Ethan walked over and lit the candles.

A very familiar aroma filled up, a very cold and cold floral fragrance, unable to say what kind of flower fragrance. But such fragrance was very dominant, which soon filled the room.

Norma's eyes widened and she jerked her head back to look at Ethan.

It's the smell of Ethan's pheromones! She had smelled it in the car and also Ethan's jacket. That jacket wrapped around her ragged and wretched body, and the floral-scented pheromones inside soothed her.

Ethan watched her react and immediately smiled. he rarely showed his pheromone taste to others, but he had read quite a few studies that the taste of Alpha pheromone could soothe his Suppressor. It was her first day sleeping there, she might sleep better if she had his pheromone at night.

He did not feel in the least that his actions were really somewhat ambiguous. He rarely prepared such fragrances, of which he only had a few himself. He did not often do those things, and there was really nothing necessary.

But thinking of Norma's emotions, he subconsciously ordered someone to prepare the fragrances.

Norma subconsciously let go of the hand she was holding and took a few steps back, standing in the corner, a position of fear.

Ethan looked back to see that it was the mansion's servant, who was currently carrying a tray of assorted tools. He frowned at a cursory sweep.

Norma naturally saw that the tools included not only auxiliary blood-sucking tools, syringes, the latest type of auxiliary blood-sucking collar she had just seen downstairs. There were even some sexual torture devices, of which there was an egg-vibrator revealing a luscious feather tail that made Norma shiver.

Would Ethan do this to himself? Did he have these tools brought up?

Norma couldn't help but shiver, and for a moment she couldn't tell if it was more terrible that she was about to face all this pain, or if it was more terrible than the person who hurt her was ultimately Ethan.

Ethan did not say anything, in fact he has always been like this in front of outsiders, rarely revealing his true inner thoughts. He whispered to the servant to put down the tools and leave, the servant had also followed the family for a long time, naturally understood the heir that cold and proud nature, very respectfully put down the tools, then gently retreated, and also closed the door of the room when leaving.

He seemed to be suggesting that Ethan enjoy the "meal".

It was so horrible that Norma looked at the tools and shivered while thinking of the Suppressor who had been struck by the shopkeeper and passed out, whose panicked and frightened expression and tone-deaf screams deeply impressed Norma.

There were also those Suppressors who were sent back every year to return or to be re-conditioned, and they were all worn out day by day under such tools to live.

Would it finally be her turn?

Would, Ethan, who looked gentle and gentlemanly, also become such a "master"?

The more she shook, the more she was afraid. Long-standing warnings and education from the Suppressor store kept her from making a sound.

Do not dare to resist, do not dare to make a sound, do not dare to escape.

It was a Suppressor's destiny and the beginning of Norma's life of misfortune.

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