Chapter 4: THE BOSS

Oliver, the secretary of the Director, walked in to announce the arrival of his boss and everyone straightened up, a hush falling over the crowd- partly to make a good first impression and partly out of curiosity to see who was the mysterious figure leading the business world.

However, to everyone"s utter surprise, they heard the firm clicking and clacking sound of high heels against the linoleum floor which echoed down the hallway and got louder and louder as they inched closer to the conference room.

In the deafening silence following suit, all heads turned towards the door just when the doors opened wide for the second time.

Minds short-circuited and eyes refused to blink when a tall, svelte figure appeared in sight.

Elegantly and formally dressed, the young lady with a fatal aura walked in, commanding an awe-inspiring respect from one and all present there.

And that is when the corporate world went topsy-turvy when it started glowing in shades of pink as all glass-ceiling limits smashed and the mystery of the boss of the global company was revealed.

The boss was so young ! And the much awaited boss who was a she, not a he !!

"Damn, my proposal starts with Sir. I hope she does not hold that against us," a company chief muttered under his breath.

Many were squirming with nervousness and many were cynical about her.

"She is a feast for the eyes but does she know what she is doing ? Are the Bradfords crazy to have sent her ? Where is the Chairman ? He should be taking these important decisions !!"

"That is charisma in human skin ! Who wouldn"t want to look up to her ?!" another business head slammed them.

She was young but experienced and ruled with an iron fist—all she had done was to listen to her trusted advisors. To heed the advice of those who had gone before her. Then own whatever decision she chose after mindful contemplation.

She was a picture of sheer beauty and authority. She held on her own in a male dominated geeky world and was still feminine. She knew herself and knew how to generate respect in the corporate world.

Her long, voluminous, ash brown, curled tresses fell delicately on one side of her face, displaying her milky white neck from the other side.

Alas for Leo, he could only see her willowy back but still could guess about the gracious and graceful aura of the young lady in command.

Leo wondered how long it would be, till her countenance would turn towards him ?

At this moment, Rachel took the center chair while others assumed their seats around the table. She had owned the room, the minute she walked into it with her personal swagger.

There were whispers all across the room, the topic of discussion revolving around only one person- the woman of substance, beauty with brains, an ivy college valedictorian and finally, one of the eminent business administrators at this young age.

But these comments were eclipsed by the overall rosy glow. Here was the representation they had all been clamoring for.

It certainly is the golden age for women in power ! Colour me impressed, Daniel thought as she walked by him.

She was the personification of the Greek mythological bird- the Phoenix.

The best metaphor to describe how she chose to take care of her career, a secret baby and herself !!

She didn"t fall into the grave and just die — she made a choice that she was going rise like a phoenix from the ashes. This time more stronger and capable.

A whiff of a soothing, familiar scent had Leo"s mind running into overdrive before his eyes matched with the image with that of his brain"s.

The mere glimpse of her, sent an avalanche of memories crashing down in Leo's mind. He was shocked to see her and more so that the final decision was in her hands !

All of a sudden, his world spun around and he felt trapped in the devil"s palm.

From a gawky, studious teenager to an accomplished, self-assured, beautiful young woman, Leo could not believe his eyes when he saw Rachel"s amazing but magical metamorphosis.

Long time friends and now bitter exes, she was smart, self-possessed, and wasn"t here to take any nonsense from anyone. Sure, her character developed into a more emotional, more vulnerable woman along the way, but she never let it show in the workplace and never let it get in the way of her work.

Sensing prying eyes on herself, Rachel turned her gaze to the side only to find a familiar face looking at her.

The face that had been her nightmare for years, the face that had wreaked havoc in her life and finally the face that her secret child had replicated.

A tornado of awful thoughts spun her head, first in disbelief, then in shock, and finally, in anger.

"What a ghost from the past!" Rachel's subconscious exclaimed horrified.

Rachel clung to her senses as she scrambled to regain her footing.

She couldn't afford to look weak when she knew her success in business administration and her financial independence had inspired thousands of young women who looked upon her and were working against all odds like her to live a life of dignity.

Focusing her attention back on the file in her hand while sitting, Rachel was acutely aware of the fact that Leo was still watching her like a hawk.

"Right ! Everyone has arrived now, so let us get started immediately," Oliver announced and that helped Rachel slip back to Director mode instead of the young girl who looked up to Leo for everything.

Darting a quick glance towards him, she felt her heart rush and a fire settle in her chest. Damn, he still looked so good, even better and made her feel like an adolescent with a fierce crush.

Getting a grip on her rioting emotions, Rachel addressed the anxious crowd.

"Good Morning ! I"d like to extend a warm welcome to all distinguished dignitaries present here. I will keep this meeting brief as I know you are all busy people," Rachel started before she looked back at the letter in her hand and turned it over with her long, slender fingers as she opened it. "The countdown timer has just run out. We have called this meeting in order to announce the company who has won this tender," she paused for a moment and watched the entire hall which had fallen into pin-drop silence. "Unfortunately, every company won"t win every tender that they bid for. But it doesn"t have to be a negative experience," she spoke with a smile and like a true leader to soften the blow.

"We would prefer if feedback is provided by your esteemed global conglomerate in case a company loses the bid," a CFO of a reputed firm interjected.

"Be assured that as a buyer we will provide feedback to all the companies who participated in this bid. We, at Bradford Global Inc. would share all details privately to the concerned parties. It could be that you compromised the quality or won on the quality side but lost out on the price. It means that you can provide a more competitive quote next time," Rachel replied. "So let us see who is the winner of this bid, shall we ?"

Opening the envelope, she announced the winner of the bid.

"And the tender goes to .... "

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