Chapter 4

"Are you okay?" Ella immediately asked me when Sir entered the room. I turned to him and answered.

"Yeah it's okay why?" I answered him a question.

"Because I'm the one who's nervous for you Jessica. I'm sorry because I didn't call you right away, I thought Sir Uno arrived at 10 am. It looks like it's too early so I didn't find you right away because of nervousness." Its a long explanation to me. I smiled at him.

"It's okay, it's not your fault why Sir Uno arrived so early? Besides, I haven't been fired yet." Uno. Is Uno his nickname or not? Because if it's his nickname I'm sure his name is high but if not and Uno Sebastian is the only weird name. After all, isn't he Uno so maybe his brother's name is Dos? Then Tres if there is? But it's okay, it's not hard to write and it's cool. I guess?

"Really sorry." Ella said again. Arg why is he weird?

"Wait, is that really Sir Uno's attitude?" I ask here. Just curious.

"Which one? The rugged one? No and yes." It answers me. What? I do not get it.

"What do you mean?" I can't understand him. No and yes? What kind of answer is that?

"No. Because he's not rude when he's in a good mood but he's always really quiet so your first impression of him will be that he's a rude and cold person." Its a long answer to me.

"And yes because?" I ask here.

"Yes, because I've seen him angry once and he's scared to get angry. Then when he's not in the mood or maybe he doesn't like what you're doing, he'll suddenly scold you and preach to you." He answered me again. Ah so it means it just depends on his mood.

"But what if he's not in the mood all year, does it mean he's also rude all year?"

"Haha yes, maybe he'll grow a horn when that happens." Ella laughed. I also laughed at what we were saying. I can imagine his face would be ugly if that happened.

After Ella and I talked, she said goodbye to me first because she said she still had work to do. I went to my room and did nothing but lie down and sleep.

I woke up when I heard a faint knocking. I approached it and opened it. Ella greeted me with a smile.

"Come on Jess let's have dinner." It's in me that I just nodded.

Before I ate, Manang Rita ordered me to deliver a tray of dinner for Sir Uno.

"Isn't he eating here downstairs Manang?" I will ask. Doesn't he have legs so he can't come down here to the kitchen and eat?

"Not ija. Uno hasn't eaten here in a long time since then." Answer it. Why? Why is he so important? I know I also sometimes deliver a meal to my room but it"s because I"m sick. My parents are strict so they didn't spoil me. Oh speaking of them, I don't want to remember them.

I didn't speak anymore and I delivered his dinner to Sir Uno's room. I knocked three times and I started to get nervous again. Shoot I still can't forget him calling me a stray cat. Me? Stray cat? I don't like cats so why did I become a cat? Annoying.

It didn't answer so I did nothing but turn the door knob and I was surprised because it wasn't locked. I just shrugged and entered.

Sir Uno opened up to me asleep. He seems to be asleep, what should I do? Will I wake him up? He might get angry and go into beast mode. But it's a pity that Manang Rita cooked it and she also had to eat.

I set the tray down on his desk and slowly approached him. I gently tapped him to wake him up.

"Sir Uno, wake up to eat." I said here and tapped him again. I stared at his face. His chinito eyes, fine nose and pinkish lips are just white. Obviously he is not a pure Filipino.

"Sir awake." I said again but it still had no effect so I shook him hard.

"Sir, please eat. Maybe your food will get cold." I said and I still didn't stop him until he was thrown back on his bed.

"What the fvck ?!" I immediately walked away because of his shout. Shit I'm mad ata.

"What ?!" I jumped because of her scream. I looked away from him because he was topless. I may still sin.

"Because you already ate dinner Sir Uno." Stooping I said. She was able to tweak her hair.

"Can't you see I'm sleeping? Your a disturbance!" It shouted again. The courage to get angry. I'm the one concerned about health and feeding him, he's still acting.

"Sorry." I can only say.

"Get.Out." It tries to calm itself. I feel like a fool who can't move because of fear. He is serious. Ella's judgment of him seemed wrong. His throat!

"I SAID GET OUT! NOW!" It shouted again so I hurriedly left. I could no longer explain the rapid beating of my heart due to nervousness. Your so dumb Jessica! Of course he will be angry because you broke his rest. Argh I'm really stupid! What if he kicks me out?

Weeks passed and that was still my routine inside the masonry. But it increased again because I was now the food delivery man for Sir Uno. Although I'm still nervous because I've heated his head twice but I still tried to be kind so that it doesn't increase.

When I finished sweeping, I went straight to Sir Uno's room to clean up. I knocked first and as always he didn't answer the knocks and the door was open so I entered.

When I entered I did not find Sir but I heard the faint murmur of water from the cr so I think he is taking his bath. I immediately started cleaning but while cleaning I noticed something from under the bed.

A family photo.

I picked it up and dusted it because it was obviously old and full of dust. A woman in her 30"s and a man the same age as the woman and two boys. The one just frowned and then the younger one was smiling widely and obviously liked what he was doing unlike the other one.

I smiled because I immediately guessed that Sir Uno was the frowning boy because it was obvious. I caressed the picture frame that was no longer glass and had very little glass. I think it broke.

"HEY!" I was stunned by the loud shout. I looked at the source of the shout and I was suddenly nervous because of Sir Uno who looked very angry. It approached me and grabbed the picture frame I was holding. I was aroused because the force of his grip hit my index finger with a sharp glass.

"Don't touch my things! Why are you bothering me ?!" He shouted despite me being hurt because of the wound in my finger. Blood started to flow from the wounded part but I hid my hand behind my back.

"Sorry." I was so bitten on my lip for two reasons. First: because of the pain of my wound and Second: because of Sir Uno's frightening aura. I'm crying shit.

"Didn't I tell you to fix your manners ?! Or do you just want to leave ?!" It shouted again. No I don't want to run away.

"I'm really sorry Sir I just saw kas-" I didn't finish speaking because he shouted again. I still don't want to leave, I have no place to live. Aist why am I stupid? Do I really have no choice but to upset my boss?

"Shut up! I don't need your explanation! Now get out!" I could not move immediately because of what I was thinking. So I was surprised when he suddenly pushed me hard which caused me to fall. Alas for my wound. My chest began to tighten and I cried a lot. What's wrong with him is that he wasn't that angry at first. But I don"t think he really liked what I did especially since I think he had already buried that picture in oblivion. But why?

"Do it again and it will cost you even worse! OUT!" It shouted again so I slowly stood up and quickly ran to my room.

I met Ella on the stairs and she was shocked and immediately asked what had happened. But I didn't bother to answer. I'm too hurt to answer her questions. He was just the first person to sail me so hard. Why did he do that? Was he so angry with his family that every time he remembered it he was like that?

"Jessica." Ella calls me. I stopped sweeping and looked at it.

"Why?" I answer with him.

"Are you excited yet?" Smiling question it. Huh? Where? I gave her a confused look and it looks like she got what it meant so she just turned around.

"You don't know yet. It's a holiday tomorrow for all the workers here at the mansion. And I'm excited." She giggled. Vacation? Good and Sir thought of that.

"Everyone? As in everyone really? Even the guards?" I will ask.

"Yes, but it's only one week so we can celebrate Christmas with our family." Answer it. By the way, Christmas is next week and I think I'll celebrate it alone. I smiled bitterly in my mind. It's the first time though, celebrating Christmas without my family is kinda lonely but I think I'll get used to it.

"Where are you going for Christmas?" I asked him. He just raised an eyebrow at me as if my question was the most obvious question in his entire life.

"Of course at home with my family. Is that still being asked?" He replied. It's okay to be somewhere with her boyfriend but she doesn't have a boyfriend. Lol.

"You? Where are you going for Christmas?" He asked me. I suddenly thought. Yes or no? Where can I spend Christmas. Maybe I won't just go on vacation because there's no extra cost and I don't have anything to go to e. It's too late for me to come home to celebrate Christmas and then leave again.

"I think I'll just spend Christmas here." I said smiling. It suddenly wondered.

"You're not going home with you?" Ella asked. Where at home? Maybe when I go home I won't catch a Christmas party but an Engagement party.

"Not anymore. You know I don't have a family anymore." I regret the response. What a great actress Jess! You can now be given an award. Ella's face suddenly turned to a sad expression.

"Oh yes, I'm sorry. But is it okay for you to stay here with Sir? You just want to take us with you?" Worried its a question.

"Don't. I'm used to Sir's behavior so I'm okay here." I answer him. Ella didn't insist anymore so I turned my attention back to decorating the Christmas Tree.

After a while we finished decorating. I stepped back slightly and looked at the entirety of the christmas tree. Nice.

I suddenly remembered the times I hadn"t run away. That time we were still laughing because Mom and I were fighting over who would put the star on top of the Christmas tree. I smiled bitterly. Stop thinking about Gabby's past she's already gone! You're already Jessica not Gabby!

I put away my belongings and went to the storage room. Then I went to the kitchen to drink some water. Ella said goodbye to me first because she said she would do something else for her plan to surprise her family.

I washed what I was drinking and was about to leave when I caught sight of Sir Uno entering the kitchen.

Our eyes widened and I was the first to avert his judgmental eyes. I am still awkward because of what happened in the past.

I started to step on my feet to get in front of him when he called my name.

"Jessica." Calm he said.

All my hair stood on end because of that. What the heck? Why do I get goosebumps and he's not angry. Maybe because its the first time he called me with my name.

I slowly faced him while bowing. I don"t want to look him in the eyes.

"W-What's that sir?" I said nervously. Shoot maybe I'm at fault again and then suddenly he'll yell at me.

"Make me coffee." He answered and sat down straight in one of the chairs at the table. I secretly sighed in relief. I thought he would get angry again. He's a monster you know.

I quickly grabbed a cup and brew his coffee. I put in a single sugar cube and stirred it carefully. Hope he likes it. I'm not that good in the kitchen but I can still manage.

I handed him the cup while praying that he would not be able to spill my coffee mixture. He sternly stared at me once I took the cup of coffee I put on the table.

He sipped it while staring at me with matching height an eyebrow. But suddenly-

"The fvck with this ?!" He suddenly sighed after pouring out the coffee he drank. I knew it! The consequences are not really good. I bowed in embarrassment. I never brewed coffee in my whole life. I don't even drink them.

"The bitter! Are you killing me?" It's still attached.

"I'm sorry sir. It's my first time making coffee-"

"Damn it. Why did they even hire you?" No net complaint. Is it my fault I don't know how to make coffee? I only drank it once and it tasted bad.

The throat. He can mix it for himself e. Just lazy.

It stood up and disgusted to leave the kitchen. Serves him right. I don't regret what I did since his habit is as bitter as that coffee. And for the first time, I thanked myself for being ignorant in kitchen businesses.

I just shrugged my shoulders and put away the cup.

The next day Ella said good -bye to me and my other coworkers. He promised me that he would bring a suman which is his grandmother's specialty.

Even though I didn't know what the suman was, I just nodded. He said it was food made of sticky and it tasted so good. Suddenly I became curious.

I locked the gate after they did there farewells. I'm not sure if this activity is safe. I mean- not even a guard is guarding the house and it's dangerous. What if there are thieves? They're rich. Edi knows everything right? Sometimes I also don"t understand this family"s methodology.

I walk into the mansion and go straight to sir Uno's room to clean up.

I knocked three times but no answer and I'm used to it. Trip he really rob e.

I started cleaning her clean room. I don't think I'm still needed here. The cleanliness here. I only do a little broom and mop every day.

"And if I said I'm falling would you just reply, I know you are but what am I?" I sing weakly while sweeping.

It's so quiet here. I could only hear my own voice. Gosh its so boring to the point that I feel like a fool dancing and singing while wiping figurines.

I went to the cr after I finished my work. Naiihi na kasi ako and besides wala naman si sir Uno dito kasi may business meeting daw ito. So no one would be angry with me if I went to his bathroom.

When I entered I immediately noticed the scent on it. So manly and obviously expensive even air freshener. I was still singing while doing what someone who heard me should do.

"At last I can get in touch with you." A woman's voice. Wait girl? What is a woman doing here? Isn't it a thief?

"I just need them to get out of here Stacy." Answer of a man's voice. And its voice is sir Uno.

"It's Stephanie." The woman's answer was muffled. What the hell ?! I'm nervous shit. Who is that woman and why is she with sir Uno. Is she his girlfriend?

The other side did not answer and suddenly fell silent. When their silence lasted I was suddenly curious

I calmed myself down and slowly opened the door to peek. And there I saw two person kissing each other almost naked. My eyes widened because of what I witnessed. Shit its a porn! God forgive me for what I saw was such a disgrace.

I immediately closed the door and grabbed my throbbing chest. Shit shit shit! I banged my head so I could forget what I saw. What a scene!

Oh my god my virgin eyes! I'm not an ignorant so as not to know what they are doing.

I could hear their moans and curses from the other side. I covered my ears and thought of what-what. The time Trishia stepped on the poop. Lucas who slipped and fell into the ditch when we were camping. And Aera who had a fever because she was so scared when a cockroach entered her t-shirt. I miss them but gracious grace! Their noise still dominates.

I can't help but imagine what they do so I pinch my cheek every time.

After an hour- I think so, they are quiet. I also heard the door open so I was sure they were leaving. At last! I can go out too.

I got up from sitting and stretched my legs. I slowly walked towards the bathroom door when it suddenly opened.

"What the fvck are you doing here ?!"

Fck I'm so shocked, damn!

To be continued...

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