Read with BonusRead with Bonus

Chapter 1 : It Begins

Audrey's POV

"The sun will come out tomorrow bethcha bottom dollar i don't know the lyrics but I know that there is a word tomorrow"

Ok. I know. I am not a great singer but who cares. No one can hear me except me. Maybe Mrs. Booker can hear me but I bet she's sleeping. Old people loves to sleep and my other neighbor might be overdosed for all the stuff he is using.

I am currently packing my bag because I am going to Los Angeles for a job interview. Yes! You heard me right! I am moving for a job interview. What Job? I am not sure. I just pass my resume in the mail but I know whatever it is it will be awesome!

I already packed last night but I am double checking all of my belongings just in case I might miss something. As if I have many things. All my belongings fit in one large trolley and a backpack. I look around my room for one last time this has been my home since I was sixteen.

My home since I was kicked out of the orphanage and work my ass off everyday as a dishwasher to pay my rent and my bills. My home sweet home for 5 years since Im almost 24 now. Wait. Hold on a minute 5 plus 19 is 24 right? ongoing mental breakdown Nevermind.

Dragging my bag in the hardwood floor is easy provided that the hallway has no cracks or no litter in every available space on the floor and No body lying on the floor either. Literal body dead or alive or both.

Who am I to complain? All of the people who are renting here have the same background as I am or in so much worse situation than I am.

After trekking for 10 minutes It feels like it. I got out of the building finally and I am on my way to the bus station to go to LA. My taxi is waiting for me. The driver is such a gentleman I can say that.

He popped the back compartment and waited for me to load all my bags and after I finish loading my bag he grunted and told me to close the compartment. What a sweet guy (note the sarcasm).I went inside the taxi and close my eyes. I might vomit If I open it. Motion sickness sucks.

Arriving at the bus station after 20 minutes and paid for my fare. I unloaded my things and thank the driver for his excellent service and made my way to my assigned bus and loaded my things again with the help of the attendant thank God and made my way inside the bus.

I chose a window seat. I have motion sickness but I still chose this seat. I really want myself to suffer every freaking minute. I lulled myself to sleep hoping if I wake up I am in LA already embarking on a new journey.

After 2 Nauseating hours I have finally arrived! Armed with a city map and my self confidence I am now looking for my apartment that I have reserved ahead of time. My roommates name is Sedie what a strange name.

Apartments here is much more expensive triple of my previous rent but no biggie I save all my money so that I can afford my rent for at least 6 months and as for my food I did not think that far ahead yet. Maybe my roommate can spare me some bread? Yep. Thats how I roll.

After walking for 30 minutes I have finally reached my destination. I entered a three storey redbrick building that somewhat witnessed all the world war that ever happened and went up to the third floor. Muttering sorry everytime my trolley will make a noise while going up the narrow stairs. The inside of this building is like going on a horror house. Lights are flickering. Cobwebs and dust all over. I can hear noises that I am not curious enough to find out what creature is creating that kind of noise.

Finally I've reached the third floor and looking for door number 6 is not that hard because it is the only door that is painted with white paint there is some chipping on the paint but who am I to complain?

I take a deep breath 3x and gather all my courage to knock on the door. I knock 3 times and wait for the person to open the door. I here someone saying "what" and "wait" before the door opened and boy I am not expecting what I witnessed

Sedie is a girl with pixie cut black hair with brown eves. She has a nose ring and she have tatoos all over her right arm. I know staring is rude but I cannot help it. I did not expect that she will look like this. I smiled so wide I am sure she can see my dimples and shouted at the same time hug her

*weird side activated*

"You are so awesome! Are you Sedie? Oh my gosh! Does it hurt when you were inked? Can I have one too?!"

I can see that she is startled when I suddenly hug her. She's like a unicorn in my world. Very rare but in all fairness she hug me back. After 5 min of me blabbering like an idiot I let go of her.

"Hi nice to meet you. Come on In!" She told me with a bright smile. She help me carry my back pack and as I enter the room I look at the apartment that I will be living indefinitely.

It is uhm... Animalistic? No not that word...minimalistic!

There is no big furnitures just a couch on the side there is also a flat screen TV. The kitchen and breakfast bar is adjacent to the living room and there is 2 doors that leads to another rooms I think. The paint is beige in color. Wow. I think my $200 per month is not enough to rent this place.

I did not notice that I am gazing around the room with my mouth open wide. I just heard someone cleared her throat to get my attention.

" Do you like it?" Sedie asked. I nod my head vigorously and tell her "Are you sure $200 is enough for me to live in this place?"

"Yes. Im just looking for a room mate so she can look after this place if I am gone on a trip or something. $200 doesn't even cover half of this rent but I just want a companion to talk to actually. " She told me shyly

"Aw! You are so cute!" I tell her as I attempt to pinch her cheeks but I retracted my hands automatically because I remember that we just met literally 10 min ago.

"I can show you your room. It is all yours. You can design it whatever you like. " She led me on the door that is near to the kitchen. The room is empty but there is a single bed on the far right corner. Thats it. This room is so much better than the room that I lived before.

I face Sedie and ask her that is something that makes her laugh out loud.



"If you don't mind asking. Uhm. Do you have food? I am kind of hungry" Then at the same time my stomach make itself known. She look at my stomach and burst into uncontrollable laughter.

I did not expect her to be amused by my question. What? Im hungry!

Hope you guys like the first chapter:)

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