Read with BonusRead with Bonus

Chapter 2 : Interview

Audrey's POV

My alarm woke me at exactly 5 am and I am in good mood because today is Interview day! I start my day by getting a bread from Sedie's pantry for my toast and an egg from her fridge oh and also a water

I cook my food and after that I take a bath and whatever we girls do in our bathroom. I open my luggage to see what outfit should I wear for my interview. My wardrobe is so vast note the sarcasm

I can only pick one outfit which is my uniform at the diner which consist of a black skirt, a black flat shoes, a white short sleeves polo shirt.

I looked at the mirror and comb my shoulder length black hair. I adjusted my eyeglasses and fix any wrinkles that can be seen on my clothes. I put some lip gloss on my lips so I don't look like dehydrated.

My brown eyes are twinkling from excitement. This is it! This interview will make or break my future here in LA. I look at myself at the mirror one last time and grab my bag made my way out of the apartment.

l asked Sedie about the transportation here and how can I reach the place for my interview. She told me walk 5 blocks then there is a bus station. I need to get off the bus on the third station and across the street the tallest building is the company im applying.

You might wonder why all her instructions has no street name or anything because I am bad at names. There is a big chance that I'll get lost if she told me names instead of numbers.

I can describe LA' s transportation in one word


There are so many people! Yellow, White, and Black taxis everywhere! The traffic is not moving at all. The people all walks fast as if hell hounds of hell is chasing them.

When I am watching them it gave me a feeling that I was late for work which thankfully I am not. Their phase gives me the impression that every second counts in this place. Compared to me I was walking like I have all the time in my hand.

I went out on the train station and look for the tallest building and I was not dissapointed. Standing in front of me is a 100 floors sky scraper that has silver steel on the corner with a name Ford Corporation There is only one question in my mind as of the moment. How can they clean all their windows outside the building?

I look at my watch and check the time. I have one hour to spare. As I walk near the building there is 4 revolving doors and 4 automatic glass door. What-the-actual-fudge? How many doors does a building should have?

I enter the building and there is a guard on each door. There is a machine in front of the guard that scan the ID's of the employees. As I near one guard He stops me and ask for my business. Business? What business?

"I dont have business Sir but maybe someday. Instead i have an interview"

The guard in a suit looked at me like I am insane and call someone on his one piece earphone. Wait. Isn't earphones comes in pair? Why does he only have one? I look at the other guards and they also has only one earphone? Does the company have small budget because they let their guards share 4 pairs of earphone and cut the cord and distribute it to them? but I can not see any cord. weird.

"You can Go in Maam. Take the elavator and pres number 10 look for Miss Madeline"

He click something on the machine and the door automatically opens.

I thanked the guard and made my way through the reception. The wall is painted in light brown with grey and so many colors. There is a chandelier at the center that sparkles brightly. All of the employees here are immaculately dressed. All in a business suit.

I look out of place in this place but that does not deter me and charge my way through the elevator and tell the elevator lady to press number 10.

This elevator doesn't have music instead it talks. "10th floor" (Ting!) See! It talks!

Why is it everyone is looking at me? A voice startled me.

"Mam its your stop. 10th floor"

"Im sorry and thank you!" I went out of the elevator and approach the blonde receptionist. I smiled at her and ask "Good Morning! I am looking for Ms. Medal I am here for a job interview"

The blonde look at me for a moment as if processing what is happening and she suddenly smile. A professional smile.

"Certainly Mam. Do you mean Ms. MADELINE I nod not sure of the name. In my defense in my dictionary Medal and Madeline are somewhat the same.

"Whats your name mam so I can inform Ms. Madeline"

"Audrey Finley"

She dial something in her phone and press something in her tablet and told me

"She's been expecting you. Please follow Emma here. She will guide you to your next destination" I did not notice that there is a girl standing beside the reception desk. She has green hair and a resting bitch face. That is all I can say.

I follow her and she directs me to enter a room knocking on the door first. I heard a voice inside says "Enter"

I timidly step into the room and directly on the door there is a big desk with all sorts of office supplies and a bronze plaque that tells me that Madeline owns this office and she is the Head HR. I look at the smiling face that is staring at me. She has brown hair that is fix in a bun and she is wearing a black suit and slacks. I can not tell what her eye color because I suddenly got nervous.

"Have a seat Ms. Finley" I sit on the chair in front of her table. "So how is Los Angeles treating you?"

"The weather is fine and the people are moving like flash" I answered "Are you aware of the description of the Job that you are applying for?"

"Uhm... no. But I know it will be awesome" I chuckled.

"Okay. Your responsibility is to separate all the documents and mail in the mail room and deliver it to all the recipients inside the whole building. We are the largest corporation but we are using snail mails instead of Emails. Strange isn't?" I nod because I don't know what the heck are Email is.

"We do use technologies like Email and such but our CEO Mr. Cross-Ford believes that every document you save on your computer should have a hard copy just in case someone will hack our system. So Ms. Audrey are you up for the job? I know it is quite overwhelming but maybe in time you can grasp this job"

"Sure. No problem. Where do I sign?" I enthusiastically answered

"Really? You are not curious about your salary?"

"I am but whatever amount it is I am sure it is enough for me"

"Okay. Here is your contract and read it carefully. At the end your salary is written"

She give me a 5 pages of long bond paper and read it carefully. Basically the contract says

-I should not divulge any information to other company

-At the end of my shift I should distribute all the papers to its proper owner

-I am not required to wear business suit. I can wear any clothes as long as it is appropriate and comfortable

-I should respect every staff and in return they should also respect me

-Use of mobile is allowed as long as you finish your work and you are on a break

I am now currently reading about my salary when I double read because I am not sure if I am reading it correct. $5,000 per month Am I dreaming? Hallucinating maybe? This is too much!

"What is too much?" I did not realize I say it louder than I intended "My salary it is too much" she looks at me like I am out of my mind.

"Personally in my opinion your salary is small because you have a hard job but if you think it is not enough please tell me now so that I can revise it and raise your concern to the management "

"No you don't understand. It is enough really. I just live a simple life. No need to raise my salary."

"If you are satisfied with your contract you can sign at the end of the paper" I signed it immediately and place the paper on her table.

"It looks like we have a deal Ms. Finley". We shake hands and close our deal. "You need to open an account so that the company can send your salary every month." That got my attention. It is impossible for me to open an account because I don't have a birth certificate. Heck I don't even have a legal ID with me if you count my High school ID.

"Can I just receive it in cash?"


"I don't have birth certificate. You see I grow up in an orphanage. I don't even know if my birthday is true"

" Okay. No problem. I'll inform the accounting department about your dilemma"

"Thank you" I smile at her.

"No problem and welcome to our company"

"My interview is done?"

"Yes. Actually you are the only one who is hired on the spot for this job. I like your aura and it seems like you are a hardworking and an enthusiastic person. You give off that vibe. So this interview just confirm my suspicion that you are perfect for this job.Be here at 9 am sharp and report to me. Your duty is from 9 am to 5 pm with 1 hour break. Am I clear?"

I salute her and say "Aye aye mam!"

"I'll take my leave"

As I open the door I bumped into someone but I did not look who it is. I just mutter a sincere sorry and made my way to the elevator. I smiled briefly to Ms. Receptionist who is standing and looks stressed for a moment and waved goodbye. Before the elevator closed I can hear a cold voice that exudes authority that cause goosebumps in my arms and ask Ms. Medal something. All I can understand in their conversation is "Sir"

I'll find the owner of that voice soon enough. I went home with a smile on my face and thank god that I make it through the interview without a hitch and pray for a continuous blessing in days to come.

Wait a minute? I think I forgot something.

thinking ongoing......loading.......processing.....

Oh my fudge! I forgot to ask Ms. Medal how they can clean their windows from the outside!

What a bummer. I'll just ask her on monday.

How you guys doin'?

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