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Chapter 3 : Work. Work. Work.

Audrey's POV

It is monday now. My first day at work! I woke up bright and early. As usual I help myself on Sedie's food supplies. I told you she doesn't mind!

I am now wearing my yellow hoodie (yellow is my favorite color) my pants and for my shoes i wear white sneakers.

I put my mini wallet on my bra and I am good to go! I also bring my walmart ecobag containing my purchase yesterday.

I asked Sedie yesterday to accompany me to walmart to buy some stuff and I bought some colorful sticky notes and colored markers so I can easily label the documents.

I arrive at my office with 30min to spare and scan my Id to the scanner thingy near the door. I waved and smiled at the guards and they just nod at me in return.

If your are wondering My ID was delivered 2 days ago. I stuck like a sore thumb in this company not just because of my clothes generally it is because I am me.

Went to Ms. Medal and started my work. Let me tell you. The mail room is bigger than my home but it is organized as hell. The system is there will be a girl name Sophie who has a brown hair at the printing room that sorts and bind the document.

There is a duplicate copy of each document so he stores it in another room. There is another guy whose name is I think Olivia who has a blonde hair who is tall she who delivers the said documents here in the mail room and now I should sort all these documents and deliver it to the rightful owners.

Just 3 person to do these jobs. I asked Olivia and Sophie why they don't hire many people to do these jobs and she told me it is easier to monitor if someone leaked some information to other companies and it is easy to point out who because there is only three employees who handles each documents. That make sense.

At exactly 9am Olivia delivers the 1st batch of documents. I enthusiastically recieved all of it and label it carefully.

I write various compliments on each sticky notes so it can somewhat make them smile even just a little bit. It varies from good job, be happy, more power and you're doing a great Job.

My method is from 9am to 11am I will sort all of the documents and then 11am to 12pm I will deliver it to its proper owner, lunch time and then start labeling again at 1 to 4pm and then deliver it again. They told me it is not necessary to deliver all the documents in the same day so there is no problem if it is delayed for a few days.

There is a specific a elevator that is assigned to our department so it will not be a hassle to go up and down.

12:00 N.N. Lunch Time

It is already lunch time and I went down to the cafeteria at the 2nd floor. The whole 2nd floor is like a mini food court there is all sort of restaurant that offers varieties of food.

Sophie told me the CEO specifically wants every employees to take a lunch break it doesn't matter if he/she is currently doing something. She told me the CEO once told them in a general meeting that people are not productive if they are hungry. It create more problems if the employee works in an empty stomach.

It doesn't matter if they have overtime from 5pm as long as the workers eat at lunch or during work. The awesome part is this stores can deliver food at your work station during working hours.

I bought a burger with large fries and large drink and I also bought some chocolate sundae. I sit with Olivia and Sophie since I only knew them. We ate lunch silently with some mini conversation here and there. I learned that in the printer room there are 10 printers and the good thing is it doesn't print another batch of documents if the printer detects that there is still papers on the board.

So it means it is easy to bind each documents without mixing up with other papers. We finished eating and went back to our specific rooms to continue our Job.

A few hours later..

At exactly 4pm I started delivering the 2nd batch of document in each department. There are a different department on this company all I can remember is Accounting, HR, security and I forgot the other departments. I'll just ask Olivia on what floor should I go.

Maybe I can memorize all these departments maybe Never. I smiled to all the employees while giving them their documents. Some smiles and some just flat out rude or ignore me. I pay no attention to them. Maybe they are tired and stressed.

As days and months pass by I am enjoying my work. I did not even realize almost 6 months has passed by. My friends is still Sophie and Olivia. I learned that they are a couple. You did not see that coming! Me too! I'm so happy for them but I am the only one know their relationship. In fact they are living together for almost 3 years! Would you believe that? In the office they have a mutual understanding that they will be civil and ignore each other and they don't act like they are the stereotypical gay women.

They act like straight women. And also i learned that Olivia's name is Olivia Aban, Aliz Sophie Miller is Sophie's full name. One day I asked them what is the CEO is like and they told me all the things they know. He is Hot. That is the 1st phrase Olivia uttered. And I believe her.

I asked her to describe the CEO and she blurts out the following words: blue-grey eyes , black hair, tall and fit as hell, a jaw line that can cut a concrete and scary as fuck. He is uhm..what is the word. Intimidating. In his description i am scared already.

I know that the CEO's office is located at the 99th floor and her private chamber is a level above it. They warned me that Mr. CEO is young maybe 26 or 27. They don't really know her exact age. The Boss is a strict person especially on work. If you fucked up No second chances because he may loose a multi million dollar deal if the employees are not doing their job properly.

He makes his rounds on every floor every month to monitor each department and sometimes she conducts a surprise inspection to warn all the workers that he knows what is going on in each department and maybe at the same time warning them that he is watching.

If you are summoned to the 99th floor it is either you are getting fired or you are getting a raise as simple as that. There are 2 elevator that can lead to the 99th floor. One elevator requires a passcode that only the attendant knows. The other elevator is used only by the CEO himself. A private elevator in other words.

I did send some documents on the 99th floor but I ask the elevator attendant who I learned the name is Teddy to deliver it instead of me. He agreed. As I said before I have no intention to get the attention of the Boss and accidentally meet him in his hallway

Today I can hear some news that the CEO is making her inspection and the employees are scared as hell. I went out of the mail room and I can see the staffs on these floor are arranging their working station and their appearances especially the girls. Fluffing their hairs. Arranging their boobs. Spraying some perfumes on their neck as if their life depend on it.

I just shake my head and continue sorting out the documents that Olivia handed to me a few minutes ago. I can sense that everyone stops breathing when the elevator opens.

Still I continue my work. As if he will walk in here. There is nothing to see just documents I slumped on the floor sorting documents and writing on sticky notes.

I heard a cold voice that create goosebumps in my arms commanding someone and all I can understand is the word "Sir" "Certainly" "Sorry"

I finish labeling and sorting the remaining documents after 10 min. I stand up from my indian sitting postion and jump up to stand and lift my both arms above my head to stretch may muscles and to relieve some spasm on my legs and back. I did 5 jumping jack for a good measure and after that I shouted in glee.

"Yes!Finally I am finished!"

As I was doing my shenanigans I did not know that someone was standing on my door. I became aware that I am not alone when someone clear her throat. I froze on the spot. My arms still above my head and my shirt is riding a little bit higher showing some of my tummy and back.

I can only think One word as of the moment. OH SHIT. Sorry I mean two words.

I put down my arms and turn around immediately to see who witnessed my weird action. I bow down my head because I don't want to see the expression on the faces of the people who witnessed my weird activity. Definitely I am blushing because I can feel my face heats up.

There is someone who walks towards me and I can see on the line of my vision he stops in front of me.

"Can you please look at me" I can hear gasp from outside and I shiver a little bit because of her voice. My heart is pounding overtime. I close my eyes and takes a deep breath and raise my head slowly.

I raise my head and open my eyes slowly and I am not expecting what I am seeing. A broad chest that can be my pillow anytime clad in a grey inner and black coat

"Ooh nice to meet you broad chest" I suddenly blurt out. My mouth and brain filter are not in sync because of the nerves that I am feeling.

"Raise your head a little bit Higher please" I can hear another gasp. What is wrong with these people? Are they having an asthma attack?

I follow the command and lord Jeezus Christ almighty. I am in front of a fallen angel. This man is the epitome of all the things woman desire on a men. Pack in one gorgeous specimen.

"That's better. What is your name?"

I stared at him wide eyed. Come on doofus he asked you a question! My name? I forgot!


"Audrey your highness. no I am sorry I did not mean you are a royalty but maybe oh shut up Audrey. For fudge sake!"

Confirmed my brain is getting haywire and overloaded.. For the 3rd time I hear someone gasp. "For fudge sake!" I look at the girl and staff behind her

"Are you having an asthma or panic attack or something? Because there is a clinic on the 5th floor you clinic on the 5th floor you can have a check up or nebulizer or something"

I saw the side of the eyes of the Fallen angel crinkled in amusement I hope. He is so close. I might hyperventilate in this close proximity. Just one more step our noses might touch.

"Welcome Audrey to my company. I hope everything is in order?" While saying that her eyes is roaming the whole room.

In my head I am chanting "don't fire me. Don't fire me." Over and over again.

"Yes sir everything is fine."

"Very well. If there is a problem do not hesitate to inform me immediately."

"Yes sir!" I saluted as if i am in the army I saw his eyes shines with amusement again. He thinks I am really weird

"Good. Have a great day Audrey" Then she turned around and walked out of the room. All of the staffs walking behind her are either shaking their heads or looking at me disapprovingly.

I just ignore them. I know I messed up with the boss they don't need to show their disapproval. When he utters my name goosebumps appears on my arms. What is the meaning of this?

I have no clue but for sure I have no intention of seeing him again. He makes me feel unbalanced and giddy at the same and I am afraid what this means.

Lord save me.

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